
John Muir Trail 2019 (4) near MTR to Le Conte.

8:00出発、Piute Trail Junction 10:10。休憩してコーヒー、水の補給。MTRから出発したハイカーが何人か追いついた。10:30スタート、しばらく歩くと、向こうから来たハイカーに「村上さん?」と声をかけられた。日本人で、私の本を読んで北向きパーミットを取って、ここまで来たという。Ribz Frontも使っていた。トレイル名はタコス。子供が好きな人のようで、JMTは苦手のようだった。後に聞いた所では、彼はLake Edison辺りでずぶ濡れになったが、Jimが暖かく配慮してくれたようだ。

We started to hike at 8:00, Piute Trail Junction at 10:10.  We took a coffee break and refill with water. Hikers departing from the MTR caught up. We began to walk at 10:30, after walking for a while, We meet a hiker, and he said, "Mr. Murakami?" He looks like a Japanese, "I've read your book, got a northward permit, and I've come this far." He also used Ribz Front. His trail name was Tacos. He said he like children and JMT seemed too lonesome for him. Later I heard that he got soaked around Lake Edison.  Jim welcomed him and let his stuff take care of him.


13:30 Evolution Creekの最初の橋を渡った所でランチ(WACS0853E)。スイッチバックをやっと片付け、渡渉点に行く。ところが、看板が見当たらない。上流の渡渉点に向かうと、トレイルに木の枝が敷き詰めてあった。このトレイルは公式には廃止されたようだ。驚いた。アメリカの国立公園は人間の命よりも環境保全を優先させるようだ。躊躇せず、上流の渡渉点に行く。蚊が多くてこまった。上流側のもう一つの看板も撤去されていた。キャンプサイトを見つけようと支流を探すが、すべて枯れていた。渡渉点を1kmほど過ぎて、見晴らしの良い場所にテント設営。水はEvolution Creekから。夕食にPortiniを炒めて美味しく食べたが、千恵子が吐いてお腹を下した。若干、毒はあるようだ。

We took lunch after crossing the first bridge of Evolution Creek (WACS0853E) at 13:30. We did the switchback for a long stretch of time, and reached the crossing point. However, the signboard was missing. We headed to the alternative upstream crossing point.  The trail was covered with tree branches. The trail seems to have been officially abolished. I was very surprised. American national parks seem to prioritize environmental protection over human life. We did not hesitate to go to the alternative crossing point. Lots of mosquitoes.  Another signboard on the other side had also been removed. I looked for good campsite near small brooks,  but all dried up.  I pitch our tent in a location with a good view. It was about 1 km upward the alternative crossing point. I took water from Evolution Creek. I added the fried portini for dinner and ate deliciously, but Chieko had vomiting and diarrhea. There seems to be some poison.

The alternative crossing of Evolution Creek

The campsite near cs0850

dinner, the porcini was slightly poisonous 

8:00出発。歩くスピードが遅い。昔、一度寝たキャンプサイトも確認した。ランチはEvolution Lakeの登り口手前、川を渡った場所(0846近く)とした。日本の女性3名が通り過ぎたが、こちらに気づかなかった。日本人独自のウルトラライトスタイルなので、すぐに分かった。ただ、歩く速度は遅かった。Evolution Lakeでほぼ追いついた。しばらく休憩した。そのうちに雲行きが悪くなった。15:30 空き地を見つけてテント設営。直後に雷と雹が激しく襲いかかった。


We started to hike at 8:00. Our walking speed was slow. I found a campsite where we slept once before. We took lunch after crossing the river (near 0846). It was  just before the switchback to Evolution Lake. Three Japanese women passed by but they didn't notice us. They were the unique Japanese ultralight style, therefore I could easily identified them as Japanese, but then walked slowly. We almost caught up them at Evolution Lake. We took a short break. Eventually,  the cloud became thick.  I found a vacant place of vegetation at 15:30, pitch our tent very quickly. Immediately after that, thunder and hail struck us violently.

Three Japanese women had pitched their tarps at a little upstream. After the weather recovered, I went for greeting for a while. They were outside for a long time, because their tarps were small.

Evolution Lake

Upper place of Evolution Lake (Thunder & Hail )

7:30出発、Saphia Lake 下流で飛び石伝いに渡渉する部分で千恵子が転倒。脚とお尻が痛いと言っていたので、かなり疲れがたまっていたようだった。渡渉後に傷テープ休憩。8:30 Saphia Lake。ウェインが追いついてきた。Evolution Lakeで、ずぶ濡れになったという。しばらく、前後して進んだ。ウェインはWanda Lakeの辺りから先行し、再び、会うことはなかった。良い奴のようなので、メールアドレスを聞いておけばよかった。

We started to hike at 7:30.  Chieko fell down when she walked on the boulders, which were the crossing aids at the downstream of Saphia Lake. She always complained the pain of hip and legs, seemed to be quite tired. I adhered the tape on the wound after crossing the creek.  Sahia Lake at 8:30. Wayne caught up us. He said he got soaked at Evolution Lake. We went back and forth for a while. Wayne went ahead around Wanda Lake. I never met him again. I should have asked for his email address, because he looked like a good guy.

Toward Muir Pass

Muir Pass

12:20 Muir Pass、ランチ。休憩してアメリカ人ハイカーに写真を撮って貰った。下りには所々、雪がかなり残っていた。千恵子も疲れてきたので、スピードが上がらない。かなり下り、C0835付近で休憩。coyote(カヨリ、アメリカ人はコヨーテとは発音しない)を初めて目撃、写真をとった。Le Conteまでたどり着けないので、最初のキャンプサイト(WACS0834)にテント設営。18:00。有名なサイトで、二人なので、おふざけ映像は必須。夕食は人参ご飯とツナとポテトサラダ。相変わらず、3時間ほど予定が遅れている。

We arrived Muir Pass at 12:20. We took a lunch and a short break. An American hiker took our photo. There was a lot of snowpack left along the descent slope.   Chieko was getting tired too, so her walking speed was slow. We walked down considerably and take a break around C0835. We witnessed a coyote for the first time and took several photos. I thought we could not reach Le Conte with this walking speed. I pitched our tent at the first camp site (WACS0834) at 18:00. It's a famous campsite and we are two. Then we should take a ridicurous picture. As usual, we are three hours behind the schedule.

Toward Middle Fork Kings River 
campsite (08335)

Carrot rice, tuna, potato salad 


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