7:45出発、Woods Creekの下りが長かった。滝近くの急勾配で千恵子が転倒。右のすねを強打。手当でしばらく休憩。そろそろ体力の限界が近づき、脚が棒のようになったという。Independenceで止めたいという。
We started to hike at 7:45. It took long time to hike down along Woods Creek. Chieko suddenly fell over the steep ragged slope near the waterfall. She hit the right shin on the rock. I put the bandage on her shin. We rested for a while. She said that her limit of physical strength was approaching and felt the legs have become as like sticks. She wanted to stop at Independence.
We reached the suspension bridge at 11:50. All suspension bridge treads had been replaced with metal. We took lunch in the shade. There was honey bottle left in the food box. The elder couple came and had some interest with the bottle. They seemed not have enough food. Several hikers passed. We started again at 12:45.
歩くのが遅かったが、16:30 Dollar Lake。何時もの渡渉点は深く、靴を濡らした。手前で渡渉すべきだった。雷の関係があり、明日、午前中にGlen Passを越えたかったので、Arrowhead Lake を通過した。John Muirに似たひげを生やしているRangerに追いつかれた。なかなか強い人で上り坂を速いピッチで進んでいた。Ranger Stationに戻るという。その辺りまで行くとは行ったが、行けなかった。千恵子を待たせて、Lower Rae Lakesの岸を調べると、昔、テントを張ったサイトを見つけた。18:30テント設営。夕食は野菜入りご飯、みりん干し、ポテトサラダなど。
It took time, but we reached Dollar Lake at 16:30. The usual crossing point was deep. We wet the boots. We should crossed at the lower stream. Due to the fear of lightning, I wanted to hike beyond Glen Pass in the tomorrow morning. Therefore, we passed Arrowhead Lake. A bearded Ranger who looked alike John Muir catched up us. He was very strong, walked vigorously uphill trail with a fast pitch. He said that he was returning the Ranger Station. We were heading to the nearby campsite, but we could not. Let Chieko wait for a while, I looked for a campsite along the shores of Lower Rae Lakes and found a good site. We pitched our tent at 18:30. Dinner includes rice with vegetables, mirinboshi, potato salad, etc.

Woods Creek
The suspension bridge
Dollar Lake
Lower Rae Lakes
Dinner : vegetable rice and mirinboshi, etc.
8時出発、朝にしては少し雲が多い。Rae Lakesの湖岸で昨日のRangerと会う。元気そうだった。見回りとのこと。9時、Rae Lakesを越えて登り口。ここから、3ステップの登りとなる。アメリカのハイカーに次々に追い越される。最後のスイッチバックでトレイルビルダーの人たちに追い越された。11:00 Glen Pass到着。10人ほどPassにハイカーがいた。こんなに混雑しているのは初めて。
We started to hike at 8 am. It was a little cloudy in the morning. We met the ranger at the shores of Rae Lakes. He looked fine. He said he walked around for watching. We started to climb over Rae Lakes at 9 a.m. From here, there are three three steep slopes. We were passed by one after another by American hikers. And we were catched up by the trailbuilders. We arrived Glen Pass at 11:00. Around 10 hikers were on the Pass. This is the first time that I experienced so crowded.
二つ目の湖の下まで下りてランチ。12:00。空にどんどん雲が湧いてきた。12:30出発。Sharlotte Lakeの傍まで来ると、雷鳴が激しくなってきた。距離はあるが、あまり安全ではなかった。
We hiked down to the lower place of the second lake and took lunch at 12:00. Clouds steadily sprung up in the sky. We departed at 12:30. As we approached Sharlotte Lake, the thunder became intense. We were somewhat distant from the thunder, but it was not very safe.
Onion Valley Trailに入り、しばらくすると雨が降り始め、休憩して上下雨具を着た。雷を避けながらHalfmileのキャンプサイト(CS0789B)を目指す。残念ながら、水場が見当たらない。断念して、水場のCS0789Cを目指した。
After entering the Onion Valley Trail, it began to rain after a while. We took a short break and put on the rain suits. We were headed for Halfmile's campsite (CS0789B) while avoiding lightning. Unfortunately, there is no water. I gave up and aimed for the water (CS0789C).
On the way, we met an American hiker. He said that there were a few brooks a little ahead. He liked rain and lightning, did not wear rain gear. We found a small creek, but no flat place. I walked about 200 meter and found a flat place between the trees. I pitched our tent at 15:30. Then, the thunderstorm stopped. The dinner was vegetable rice, mirinboshi, and potato salad again.
Painted Lady
The crossing point at Rae Lakes
Toward Glen Pass (lower place)
Glen Pass
Kearsarge Trail ( near CS0789B )
Tent among the trees(near WA0789C)

7時出発。1時間半ほどでKearsarge Lake Trailと合流。たしかにいくつか水場はあった。Kearsarge Pass 10:30。狭い場所なので、2時間ほど下りて、Flower Lakeの傍で休憩。大きな湖Gilbert Lakeを過ぎると、単調なスイッチバックでOnion Valleyに着いた。狭い場所だった。12:30。
We started to hike at 7:00. The trail joined with Kearsarge Lake Trail in about an hour and a half. Certainly there were several water sources. We arrived Kearsarge Pass at 10:30. Because it was a narrow place, we hike down for about 2 hours and took a break near Flower Lake. After a large lake, Gilbert Lake, we did long monotonous switchbacks and reached Onion Valley at 12:30. It was a narrow place.
There were some free foods on the food box, so I got several. Then we went to the campground and have lunch. The shuttle pick-up time was at 15:00, so we waited a long time. There were many cars, but a few cars moved. The hitchhiking was likely to be difficult. The shuttle came when the weather became bad and a little rain began to fall. We rode with two elderly British men and a woman.
Mt.Williamson Motelの宿泊者はイギリス人と我々のみ。一人だけJMTを続けてもつまらないので、明日のシャトルを断った。払い戻しをしてくれなかった。部屋は老朽化し、エアコンの音がうるさくて眠れなかった。町で新鮮な夕食を食べようとしたが、スーパーはすべて閉鎖、果物も野菜も入手不能だった。レストランとしてはタコスの屋台とサンドイッチ店しかなかった。選択肢がなかったので、サンドイッチとサラダを購入した。
Mt.Williamson Motel guests were English people and us only. I said to the owner about tomorrow's shuttle was unnecessary, but no refund. I could continue the journey, but I thought it was not enjoyable. The room was very old and the sound of the air conditioner was too loud to sleep.
We tried to have a fresh food in town, but all supermarkets were closed and no fruits or vegetables were available. There were only taco and sandwich restaurants. We had no other choice, so we bought sandwiches and salad.

Kearsarge Pass
Onion Valley
Dinner, これしかなかった
Mt.Williamsonの朝食はまずまずだったが、アメリカ人ハイカーはゼロだった。よく知っているハイカーはここには泊まらないのだろう。我々はIndependenceに見切りを付けて、バスでBishopに移動し、Motel 6にしばらく滞在することにした。Vonsという巨大スーパーもあるし、レストランも、スポーツショップもあり、何かと便利な町だった。我々のJMTは終わったが、非常に楽しかった。
Mt.Williamson's breakfast was decent, but there were no American hikers. Hikers who knew well this place would not stay here. We gave up on Independence, took a bus to Bishop and stayed at Motel 6 for a while. There is a huge supermarket called Vons, restaurants and sports shops, so it was a very convenient city. Our JMT was over, but we enjoyed very much.
Breakfast at Mt.Williamson Motel