The writing of blogs is delayed, due to the book I am writing. Therefore, I will upload the part 1.
The Winds へのアプローチは、成田からロサンゼルス、ロサンゼルスからジャクソンへ飛行機を利用した。サンタバーバラにTrailhackerとPiperがいるので、会うことにしたが、ロスの近くのサンタモニカと勘違いしていた。かれらは1-2時間、車を飛ばして会いにきてくれた。
We used the the airplane to Jackson from Los Angeles and to Los Angeles from Narita. Since Trailhacker and Piper live in Santa Barbara, I decided to meet them, but I confused Santa Barbara with Santa Monica near the Los Angeles. But, they came to us by a car driving for 1 to 2 hours.
時差調整のためロスに一泊し、次の日にジャクソンに飛んだ。ジャクソンでも一泊、その後、Great Outdoor Shopのシャトルでパインデールに移動し、やはり、3泊した。注文していたHileberg Anjan 3はホテルに到着していた。パインデールも高度が高く、高山病の症状が出て、風邪をひいてしまった。体調は最悪だった。シャトルの担当者ペギーはフレモント湖やハーフムーン湖の見学に連れて行ってくれた。その後、熱が出た。
We stayed overnight in Los Angeles to adjust the time zone, and flew to Jackson next day. We stayed one night stay and after that, we moved to Pinedale by the shuttle of Great Outdoor Shop. We spent three nights to adjust to the high elevation. I received Hileberg Anjan 3 at the hotel. Since the altitude of Pinedale was high, I felt slight symptom of altitude sickness. I also caught a cold. My physical condition was the worst. The driver of the shuttle, Peggy gave us a ride to Fremont Lake and Half-Moon Lake. We enjoyed very much, but, I felt fever of a cold.
Phase 1
朝には熱は下がった。9:00 ペギーがホテルに来た。車でGreen Riverのトレイルヘッド、10:30到着。食料を持ちすぎて35kgはあったと思う。Clear Lakeへの寄り道はすぐにあきらめた。13:30 Upper Green Lakesの橋、休憩、15:00テント設営。食事は17:30。雷と雨、HillebergのAnjan 3 は素晴らしいテントで、風に強く、メッシュパネルなのに意外に暖かい。風邪をひいているので頭痛がひどい。
The fever went down at the morning. Peggy came to our hotel at 9:00. We arrived at the trail head of Green River Lake by the shuttle at 10:30. I thought I carried too much food. My total backpack weight might be around 35 kg. I gave up immediately the round trip to Clear Lake. We arrived the footbridge of Upper Green Lake at 13:30. We rested for a while. We pitched our tent at 15:00. We ate dinner at 17:30. Thunder and rain. Hilleberg Anjan 3 was a wonderful tent, which was strong to a wind, and although unexpectedly warm although its panels were mesh. It was cold, my headache became severe.
朝はぐずぐずして6:30に起きる。やっと頭痛が消えた。パン、クリームチーズ、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食。8:10出発、ガスが少しずつ晴れてきたた。ハイライン・トレイルをたどる。徒渉あり、簡単だった。その場所で、Aspen Boleteを見つける。食用の巨大マッシュルーム。15:00 疲れたのでテント設営。荷物が重すぎた。
I wake up slowly at 6:30. My headache disappeared at last. We ate usual breakfast: bread, cream cheese, rehydrated mango, coffee. We started to hike at 8:10, and the mist disappeared little by little. We followed Highline Trail. The river fording was easy. We found Aspen Bolete ( An edible huge mushroom) at the river. I pitched the tent at 15:00, since I got tired. The backpack was too heavy.
何時もの朝食。8:00 出発。10:30、Trail Park手前に徒渉あり、岩がつるつるだった。綺麗な花が多い。Green Passは非常に広い高原状だった。Summit Lakeの向こう岸に馬で来たハイカーたちがいた。標高の高い場所で寝るのは避けたいので、先に進む。Elbow Creekを越え、先に進んだ場所に名のない小さな池があった。蚊と景色の関係で、その手前にテント設営。16:00。左目が充血、結膜炎になったらしい。やむなく抗生物質を一錠飲んだ。今回は身体のトラブルが多い。
The usual breakfast. We started to hike at 8:00. We arrive a fording place before Trail Park at 10:30. The rocks were smooth. There are many beautiful flowers. Green Pass was a very wide plateau. Several hikers were at the opposite side of Summit Lake. They came with horses. We hiked further, since the sleeping in the high altitude should be avoided. We forded Elbow Creek and found a small unnamed pond. I considered both the mosquitoes and the scenery, then I decided to pitch our tent before the pond at 16:00. My left eye got congestion. I drank an antibiotic tablet. My body had many troubles this time.
何時もの朝食、8:50出発。ただ、左目は一錠でかなり回復した。9:15 Pass Lake. 抗生物質のため、異常に疲れる。12:00 Elbow Lakeで昼食。少しずつ登る。傾斜は緩いのだが、力が出ない。15:00 Upper Jean Lake でテント設営。今日が一番つらかった。夜は熱が出た。
The usual breakfast. We started to hike at 8:50. . However, my left eye recovered considerably by 1 dose. Pass Lake at 9:15. I got tired unusually because of the antibiotic tablet. We are at Elbow Lake at 12:00. We took lunch. I walked further little by little. Although the slop was gentle, my power does not come out. I pitched our tent at Upper Jean Lake at 15:00. It was a toughest day for me. The fever broke at night.
6:00 に起きる。何時もの朝食。左目は目やにが出るが、ほぼ回復した。8:20 出発。11:30 Fremont Crossing ちゃんと橋があった。アメリカのハイカーと話す。昼食。体調が最悪のため、14:00 湖の傍にテント設営。Indian Pass への寄り道は無理なのであきらめた。夕方から咳と熱が出てしまった。Elkhart Parkに下りた方がよいかもしれない。inReachでGreat Outdoor Shopに予定より遅れていることを連絡した。
We woke up at 6:00, the usual breakfast. Although the discharge from the left eye came out, the eye recovered mostly. We started to hike at 8:20. Fremont Crossing at 12:00. There was a perfect bridge. I talked with an American hiker for a while. We ate lunch. Since my condition was the worst, I pitched our tent near a lake at 14:00. I gave up to to to Indian Pass. A cough and fever broke at the evening. I think it may be better to bale out to Elkhart Park. I sent an email to Great Outdoor Shop by inReach that we were behind a schedule.
ゆっくりと寝て、何時もの朝食。熱は下がったが、予定のBoulder Campgroundに下りるより、Elkhart Parkに下りて、Pinedaleで休養日を多くとることにした。10:00 出発。Pole Creek Trailをたどる。11:50 Seneca Lakeで昼食。チーズは旨いが、パンが不味く感じる。痰と咳は止まる。15:00 Hobbs Lakeによいサイトを見つけたのでテント設営。遠くにFremont Peakなどが見える。玄米焼き米は、最初にスモークチキンや野菜と炒めて、後に水を少なめに加えて煮た。最後にチーズを細かく刻んで振りかける。これが一番旨かった。
I slept very long time, and ate usual breakfast. Although my fever disappeared, I decided to bale out Elkhart Park, because I could take many zero days in Pinedale, in place of Boulder Campground. We started to hike at 10:00. I followed Pole Creek Trail. We are Seneca Lake at 11:50, and took lunch. I felt my bread was bad taste, but cheese was nice. Phlegm and cough stopped . Since I found the good tent site at Hobbs Lake 15:00, I pitched our tent. We could see Fremont Peak etc. in the distance. I fried instant whole rice with smoked chicken and dry vegetables first, next , added small amount of water, boiled it, waited for a while. Finally, I put minced cheese on the cooked rice. This was the best.
6:00 起きる。ガス、8:00出発。Barbara Lakeに大きなBoleteがあった。キャンプしている人もいたが、Hobbs Lakeで正解だった。森の中で景色が悪い。Photographers Pointを期待して歩いたが、森の間からFremont Peakなどが小さく見えるだけだった。Elkhart からヒッチハイクも考えたが、inReachでGreat Outdoor Shopに連絡し、シャトルに来て貰うことにした。13時過ぎには到着すると考えたので、14:30にピックアップしてくれとメール連絡した。13:30 少し遅れてElkhart Parkに着いた。待ち合わせのRanger Stationを探そうとしたら、「Great Outdoor Shop」という大きな声がした。レックさんは少し前に来たという。Ranger Stationは何処かと聞くと、そこだ。閉鎖されているという。車は多く駐車していたが、ハイカーの姿はなかった。夕方でないとヒッチハイクは難しいだろう。我々はまたたくまにPindaleに到着し、ホテルを探す手伝いもしてくれた。14:30 無事にBest Western Pinedale Innに3日の予約を入れ、チェックインした。夜には熱と咳が出た。
I woke up at 6:00, mist. We started to hike at 8:00. I found a large Bolete at Barbara Lake. Several people were camping. I thought Hobbs Lake was better than Barbara Lake, because it had no good scenery. I expected the Photographers Point, and hiked forward. But we could seen only Fremont Peaks between the woods. I thought the possibility of hitchhiking from Elkhart, but I send email to Great Outdoor Shop by inReach, and requested the shuttle. Since I thought we would arrive at past 13:00, I wrote in an email to pick up at 14:30. We arrived at Elkhart Park at 13:30. When I tried to look for Ranger Station of waiting place, I heard the loud voice "Great Outdoor Shop". Mr. Leck says that he had came beforehand. I asked him where the Ranger Station was, he said it was there and closed. Many cars, but no hiker. The hitchhiking might be difficult except in the evening. We reached at Pindale soon, and Mr. Leck helped us to look for a hotel. We made the reservation successfully to Best Western Pinedale Inn for 3 nights. Fever and coughs came out at night.
Zero Days
三泊、パインデールでのんびりした。Great Outdoor Shopはどこかに行く時は声をかければどこでも無料だというが、小さな町で車の必要は感じなかった。スーパーマーケットまで1kmくらいしかなかった。Mountain Man Museumのチケットもくれたので歩いて見学に行った。いわゆるtrapperの生活がよくわかる展示だった。phase1 で食料をかなり残したので、メモを元に調整し、数キロ減らした。二人、九日分の食料。ホテルには秤がなく、軽量の秤を持参する必要性を感じた。
I felt very easy in Pinedale for 3 days. The stuff of Great Outdoor Shop spoke we could go anywhere by the shuttle with no charge. But we did not feel the necessity for a car in such a small town. We enjoyed around 1 km walking to the supermarket. The stuff gave us the tickets of Mountain Man Museum, we walked to look at. The so-called life of trapper was exhibited very well. Since I left food considerably by phase1, I adjusted and reduced food several kilograms on the memo. It was the food for two persons and nine days. There is no scale in the hotel and I felt the necessity of bringing a lightweight scale.