
The way to Wind River Range



車は戻ってきたが、部品がないので修理は出来なかったという。ドアに不調があるとのことだった。ただ、ツーリング中、ドアは正常動作した。昼食を食べて、食事の残りを保冷箱に入れて大量に積み込み、マルチネスを13:00頃出発した。Interstate 80をサクラメントに向かった。ShroomerはPCTAのオフィスがあるという。

サクラメントについたのは14:00頃で大きな川(Sacrament River)を2回ほど渡った。PCTAのオフィスは立派なビルにあり、中も綺麗だった。Shroomerは例のごとくおしゃべりして、部屋をすべて見学した。歴史的な写真も陳列されていた。14:30サクラメントを出発、interstate 80を時速110 km/h程度で突っ走った。15:10 Auburn, 16:30 Donner Lake。セージ(sage)のブッシュが時々丘を覆っていた。

Nevadaに入った。Shroomerによれば、Nevadaではギャンブルも売春もすべてが合法だという。カジノの看板も現れた。17:00 Reno着。先は長いので、突っ走る。Lovelockで給油。一日中走るのでガソリンの減りも早い。Shroomerは、モーテルはどこでも空いているというので、比較的大きな町Winnemuccaまで走ることにした。午後8時過ぎに着くが、どのモーテルも満員。仕方なく先に進む。Battle Mountainも小さな町でモーテルがない。

21:30 Beowawe Rest Placeに到着。もうさすがに暗い。Shroomerも疲れの色が目立つ。水とトイレのある公園。ここでビバークを決意。テントを張るのは違法だが、暗闇に転がって寝るのは合法。Shroomerは車の心配もしていて車中泊。私は外で寝るのが好きなので、公園の外れの暗闇に向かい、マットレスとスリーピングバックを使ったので、少し暑かったが、ぐっすりと寝た。

[ Today's English ]

interstate highway 州をつなぐ高速道路。国が整備している。
nugget ← gold nugget
mustang ← wild horses

カリフォルニアでは金が取れた。金の塊をgold nuggetという。nuggetは塊りという意味だが、チキンのフライの形や色が似ていることからchicken nuggetという言葉が使われるようになった。


The car was returned, but the repair was not done, because the special parts were needed. There seemed to be something wrong at the doors. But, during the touring, the doors worked perfect. We  ate lunch, loaded the large quantities of the leftover in a ice box,  and left Martinez at about 13:00.

We went to Sacramento using interstate 80. Shroomer said that there was an office of PCTA. We arrived at Sacramento at about 14:00, and crossed a big rivers (Sacrament River) two times. There was the office of PCTA in the excellent building. The office was very clean. Shroomer talked a lot as usual. We saw all the rooms. The historic photograph was exhibited, too. We left Sacramento at 14:30 and drove interstate 80 at around 110 km/h. At 15:10 Auburn, at 16:30 Donner Lake. The bush of sage sometimes covered the hill.

We entered Nevada. Shroomer said that everything was legal in Nevada: the gambling and the prostitution. The signboard of the casino appeared, too. At 17:00 Reno. We had to drive without rest, because of long way to Wyoming. We filled up gas at Lovelock.  We drove all day, then the consumption gasoline became large. Shroomer said that there are vacant motels anywhere, and decided to find motel at the relaively big town Winnemucca. We arrived at  8:00 p.m., but all the motels were full. We drove further unwillingly. Battle Mountain was a small town, and we could not find motel.

We came to Beowawe Rest Place at 21:30. It was already dark. Shroomer tired very much. There were good water and clean restroom at the rest place. We decided to stay here. It was illegal to pitch a tent, but it is legal to do a cowboy camping. I went to the remote place and slept in the darkness. Shroomer worries about the car, and slept in the car. It was slightly hot, because I used a mattress and a sleeping bag. I slept well

[ Today's English ]

interstate highway --- the highways linking major cites in US.
nugget ← gold nugget
mustang ← wild horses

There was a gold rush in California. The bullion is called gold nugget. The word chicken nugget came to be used because the form and a color of the fried chicken were similar.

I associated the name of a fighter and the car when I heard mustang, but Shroomer said that this word meant a small wild horse, inhabiting near here. There is a signboard near Reno, indicated "mustang".


5時過ぎに起きたが、Shroomerは寝ていた。少し待って6時に起こす。このあたりはアメリカインディアンの地名が多い。Battle Mountainでは、白人との激しい戦いがあったのだろう。7:00出発。8:45 Wells。丘には juniperpinion pine が生えていたShroomerによると、インディアンの食べ物だったという。

9:30車窓の両方の地面が真っ白になってきた。しばらくして、Salt Flatsに到着。トイレ休憩と記念撮影。このあたり、鉄道が走っている。昔、鉄道を西から敷設した際、中国人とアイリッシュの労働者を競争させたとのこと。中国人の方がよく働いたという。

Salt Lake Cityを通過、Temple Squareはモルモン教の中心だという。12:00 スーパーで昼食を購入、郊外のRest Placeで昼食とした。13:00出発。14:20 Bad Land を通過。起伏があり、水がなく、昔は幌馬車では通れなかったので迂回した場所。15:00 Green River、Rock Springから189号線で北上。Farsonまでは順調に来るが、その先が分からない。標識が見当たらない。

28号線を数マイル往復し、2番目の道を選ぶ。Sqaw Roadに入り、Lander Cut of Road, Big Sandy Opening Roadとたどるのが正解。キャンプ場に着いたのは18:00過ぎに到着。天気は崩れそうで、雷雨の予報。車はShroomerが寝ると狭いので、外にテントを張る。ベンチで残り物で夕食。夕食後、猛烈な雷雨となった。雷が2-3時間続いた。雹は降らなかった。キャンプ場の標高は2685メーターもあった。夜、23時頃に雨が収まった。

I got up at past 5:00, but Shroomer was sleeping. I waited for long time, and waked him at 6:00. There are many places named by  the American Indian in this neighborhood. There would be the intense fights among the white and the American Indian at Battle Mountain. We departed at 7:00, and arrived Wells at 8:45. According to Shroomer, juniper and pinion pine were the food of the Indian, which covered the hill.

At 9:30, the landscape of the both side of car became white. And we arrived Salt Flats in several minutes. We stopped for a restroom and took ceremonial photos. There was a railroad along the road. Shroomer said that Chinese and Irish were competed the construction of the railroad, when it  was constructed from the west. Chinese worked well.

We passed Salt Lake City. Temple Square was the center of the Mormonism. We bought lunch at the supermarket at 12:00, and ate at the suburban rest place in a suburban supermarket. We departed at 13:00. We passed Bad Land at 14:20. Bad Land was the place that there were ups and downs, and there was not water. Peoples forced to detour around, because they  was not able to go through the hills by the covered wagon in old days. We passed Green River, and turned north at Rock Spring at 15:00. We drove along Route 189.

We arrived smoothly at Farson,  but we could not find a sign We did several miles round trip along  Route 28,  and choose the second blanch. We drove  Sqaw Road, and Lander Cut of Road, then Big Sandy Opening Road. It was the correct answer. We reached the campground at past 18:00. The thunder and hail were forecasted. I pitched my tent, because our car was narrow when Shroomer lies down. We had lots of stuff. We ate the leftovers at the bench. After the dinner, an intense thunderstorm came. It lasted 2-3 hours. The hail did not fall. The altitude of the campground was 2,685 meters. It stopped raining  at about 23:00.

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