
At the Shroomer's house

今年は日程にゆとりを保たせるため、サンフランシスコ直行便(United Air Line )を利用した。到着は昼頃となった。UAの食事は良くないし、飲み物も十分ではなかった。時差惚けの解消のため、メラトニンを数錠用意した。また、耳栓に加え、音楽を聴くため、ノイズリダクション・ヘッドフォン(イヤフォン型)を持参した。メラトニンは効果があるようだし、ノイズリダクション・ヘッドフォンは快適であった。

I used a direct flight (United Air Line) to San Francisco this year to let the schedule keep loose. The arrival was around noon. The meal of UA was not good, and the drink was not enough, too. I prepared several tablets of melatonin for adaptation of time shift. In addition, I brought noise reduction headphones (earphone type) to listen to music in addition to earplugs. The melatonin seemed to be effective, and the noise reduction headphones were comfortable.



SFOに着いて、コーヒーショップに入り、Shroomerに電話しようとするが、上手くいかない。今回は、SIMフリーのSONY XPERIA tipo dual ST21i2というスマートフォンで、SIMはbmobileのデータ通信用SIM,とAT&TのSIMの二枚差しである。試行錯誤し、bmobileのSIMを無効化すると、AT&Tが有効になることがわかった。通信コストはかかるが、データ通信をonにすると、Gmailは送れた。BARTのLafayette駅から電話する約束だったが、上手くいかない。国番号からダイヤルしたのが原因らしい。国番号の1を抜いて電話すると成功した。Shroomerがタイミング良く迎えに来てくれた。

After arriving at SFO, I entered the cafe, tried to make a telephone call to Shroomer, but I could not do well. I used a smartphone called Sony XPERIA Tipo dual ST21i2 of the SIM-free, which could use two SIM cards, the mobile SIM card for data communication, and the AT&T SIM for voice call this time.  I did trial and error and found that when the mobile SIM card was disabled, the AT&T SIM card became effective. I sent Gmail to Shroomer, when I enabled data communication, although the communication cost might increase. I had promised that I made a telephone call from Lafayette Station of the BART, but I could not do well. I found that the cause was the country code I had dialed. When I skipped the country code, I succeeded to make a telephone call.  Shroomer came to pick me up timely.


ShroomerがBBQ for Yoshihiroというパーティを開くので、Shroomerは朝からBBQの準備、私はピザの準備をした。大部分の人はハイキング中で、参加者は13名程度。その中には有名人もいるようだ。もちろん、本当に私に会いたいのか、Shroomerに会いたいのかは分からない。でも、一応、パーティではみんな楽しそうだったので、成功だろう。ShroomerのBBQはRibsで、下味を付けた肉を225F(107℃)で5時間かけて燻す。彼のBBQは最高の味だった。幸い、私のピザの評判も良かった。

Shroomer prepared for the BBQ, I for the pizza from the morning, because he held a party called BBQ for Yoshihiro. Many hikers were absent because of hiking, but 13 attended. Two people are very famous in hiking society. Of course, it was not clear whether they really wanted to see me or wanted to attend Shroomer's party. But it would be a success because everybody looked happy at the party. Shroomer smoked the ribs to which was added preliminary seasoning,  in 225F(107 ℃) for five hours. His BBQ was the best taste. Fortunately, the reputation of my pizza was good, too.


朝食後、Shroomerのトレーニングコースを軽くハイキング。有名なゲイの結婚式があるので、Shroomerは出席するために出かけた。Martinez付近の地図をAndroidのスマートフォンにダウンロードして、Mt.Helenへ出かけることにした。AlpineQuestという無料アプリである。ダウンロードした地図にトレイルは表示されないが、山の位置だけは分かった。そこで、山の方向にまっすぐに向かった。草のみなので、クロスカントリーは簡単である。急勾配の谷を登り切るとトレイルに合流。ただ、トレイルは頂上に向かわないので、GPS通りにクロスカントリーして、Mt.Wandaへ。それからMt.Hellenの頂上に行き、Shroomerの家に遠回りして帰った。Shroomerの車は修理中で、明日の午後、Wind River Rangeへ向けて出発することになった。

After breakfast, I hiked with Shroomer on his training course lightly. There was a famous gay marriage, Shroomer should attend because he was his friend. I downloaded a map of the neighborhood of Martinez to a smartphone of Android and decided to go to Mt.Helen. I used a free application called AlpineQuest. The trail was not displayed on the map, but the location of the mountain was clear. Therefore I went straight to the direction to the mountain, because the hill was covered by grass. The cross-country was easy. I joined a trail when I finished climbing the steep valley. But, the trail did not go to the peak, so I did a cross-country once more, according to the GPS.  I went to Mt.Wanda. Next, I went to the top of Mt.Hellen.  I made a long detour, came back at the Shroomer's house. We would start to drive to the Wind River Range because his car was under repair.

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