
Wind River Range ( south )




11:10 Big Sandy Lake。湖の北側で昼食。馬で物資を運んできた人がいた。この人とは帰りにも会った。ロッジの従業員。12:50出発。この頃はShroomerと呼吸が合わず、地図の見方が飲み込めず、少しはぐれた。トレイルは少し急になる。人が急に少なくなった。

Big Sandy Passに来ると、Lonesome Lakeが見えた。15:30 Lonesome Lake. 湖岸はキャンプ禁止なので、少し離れた場所にテント設営。初めてベアハングを試みる。昔、やり投げをやっていたので、その要領でできるかと思ったら、失敗ばかり。ヒモの先端に石を括り付けて投げるのが一番簡単だった。夕食は何時ものように中華丼、納豆、ツナとジャガイモのサラダ、スープ。Shroomerはノン・クックで、水で膨らませた食事。

I waked at 5:00, but Shroomer wanted to sleep more. We wake up at 6:00 and ate the leftovers as a breakfast. The ice in the icebox was remained until today. We were hiking the grizzly country, Shroomer game me a bear spray. We started to hike at 8:30. It had been a terrible thunderstorm last night, but it was fine today. Shroomer discovered a big mushroom near the trail soon. He said it was Porcini, which might be 100 dollars in San Francisco. The trail was slightly uphill.

11:10 Big Sandy Lake. We had lunch at the north side of the lake. We met a man who carried many re-supplies on a horse. I met this person once more at the end of the hike. He was the employee of the lodge. At 12:50, we started to hike. I went wrong way a little, since I did not recognize his pace and not accustomed to the American map. The trails became steep a little. 

There were few hikers when we came to Big Sandy Pass. We saw Lonesome Lake, and reached the lake at 15:30. We pitched our tents at the slightly remote place, because the camping was prohibited near the lakeside. The bear hanging was the first time for me. I thought that I could do it by the way of javelin, because I was a javelin thrower in high school age. But, I could not as the old days. It was the easiest to throw a stone, tied the tip of the string. The dinner was as usual: a Chinese bowl, natto, tuna and potato salad, and soup.  Shroomer was a non cook menu: re-hydrated food with water.


5:30頃起きた。Shroomerも目は覚めていた。ゆっくりして、朝食は残り物のピザとコーヒー。7:45スタート。Lizard Head Meadowsを経て、登りに入る。登ると高原状だが、標高は3000メーターを越えている。草原を見てShroomerはタンドラというが、意味が分からず、日本語でツンドラだと分かる。日本語ではツンドラは高緯度地域のみを指すが、英語のツンドラは高層湿原もすべて含める。12:00 Cathedral Peakの傍で昼食。傍だからか、JMTのCathedral と異なり、そびえ立って見えない。13:45 Bears Ears Trail から下っていく。Valentine Lakeで水を補給。15:00 渡渉後、丘に登ってテント設営。Ranger Parkという名前だが、Rangerはどこにもいない。

We woke up at about 5:30, relaxed, and the breakfast was the leftover of pizza and coffee. We started to hike at 7:45.  We began to climb via Lizard Head Meadows. It was like a plain, but the altitude exceeds 3,000 meters above the sea level. Shroomer said tundra seeing a grassy plain, but I could not understand the meaning of tundra. In the Japanese language, the meaning of tundra was restricted to grass field in a high latitude area, but in the English language, all the high-rise damp plains seem to be included. We took lunch at the side of Cathedral Peak at 12:00. Unlike Cathedral Peak of JMT, it did not rise sharply. We hiked down from Bears Ears Trail at 13:45. We took water at Valentine Lake for resupply. After the fording, we pitched our tents on the hill at 15:00. It was Ranger Park, but there is no ranger anywhere.


5:30に起きて、パン、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食。7:00デイパックでサイドトリップに出発した。Washakie Lakeで昨日会ったパーティがキャンプをしていた。峠が近づくと、Shroomerは喜んでペースを上げた。マウンテンゴートになった気分だという。9:10 Washakie Pass. Shroomerは今度は"Adventure for non adventurous hiker"という本を書けという。お節介な人間だ。従兄弟と似ている。

11:40テントに戻り、昼食、休憩してから13:20出発。14:25小さな池、英語ではtarnというらしい。15:00 Grave Lakeの傍の丘にテント設営。この先は急勾配になるので、早めにテント場を決めた。まだ、ベア・ハンギングになれない。石を投げる時にShroomerがあちらから投げた方がよいと言ったので、その通りにすると、石がShroomerのテントを直撃。キューベンのテントが大きく裂けた。幸い、彼はリペア・テープを持っていて、ほぼ修理ができた。メーカーは無償修理してくれるという。夕食ではスープを作り、Shroomerにも味見をさせる。その後、やることがないので、湖岸を歩き、写真撮影。良い場所にテントを張ったと思う。

I woke up at 5:30, ate bread, mango, and coffee for breakfast. We started on a side trip with a day pack at 7:00. The party whom we had met yesterday camped in Washakie Lake. Shroomer increased his speed with pleasure, and said he felt like a mountain goat, when we approached the pass. At 9:10 Washakie Pass. Shroomer said to me I should write a book, entitled "Adventure for non adventurous hiker" next time. He was a meddlesome human being, and resembled my cousin in nature.

We returned to our tent site  at 11:40, took a lunch and rest,  left at 13:20. At 14:25, small pond. Shroomer said it was called tarn in English. We pitched our tents near Grave Lake at 15:00, because it would be a steep place beyond this aria. Therefore, we decided our tent site early. I was not yet used to bear hanging. When I threw a stone, Shroomer suggested another direction. Therefore, I moved my position and threw a stone. Then, the stone hit Shroomer's tent directly. The cuben fiber tent was tore greatly. Fortunately, he had repair tape, and repaired almost completely. He said that the tent maker would repair his tent for free. I cooked soup for dinner, and let Shroomer taste. We had nothing to do after dinner, we walked the lakefront and took many photos. I thought that we  pitched our tents in a good place.


6:00に起きて、パン、ミューズリ、コーヒー。スリーピング・パッドから空気が漏れるが場所が分からない。7:15出発。リトル・ヨセミテのような風景が広がる。Mount Hookerの岩山は垂直に近い勾配で、エルキャピタンのようだ。日本の高層湿原のような湿地帯があり、Shroomerに教えた。9:30 Halley Pass. Shroomerは急な坂をscree slopeというと説明。因子分析でのscree plotはこの意味。ミネソタから来た家族と立ち話。Shroomerによると、スカンジナビアからの移住者はミネソタの湖沼地帯が故郷に似ていたので定住したが、その後、サンフランシスコがもっと良いことに気づいたんだよという。彼はノルウェーの遺伝子が濃い。12:10 Pyramid Lakeで昼食。明日はクロスカントリーをするので、丘の上にテント設営。峠を越えるとハイカーが多くなった。水たまりでスリーピングパッドの空気漏れを発見したが、修理の時に見失った。しばらく放置。

I woke up at 6:00; the bread, mango, muesli, and coffee for breakfast. The small amount of air leaked out from the sleeping pad, but I could not find out a place. We started to hike at 7:15. The scenery looked like as little Yosemite. Mt. Hooker was like Mt. El Capitan, because the rock wall was vertical. There was the damp area such as the Japanese high altitude damp plain and taught it to Shroomer. At 9:30 Halley Pass. Shroomer explained that a rapid slope was called scree slope. I knew the word "scree" as "scree plot" of eigenvalue in the factor analysis. We met the family who came from Minnesota. Shroomer said to me that the immigrants from Scandinavia settled down in Minnesota, because the wet field resembled their home town, but later, they found that San Francisco was better. Much of Shroomer's gene came from Norway. We had lunch at Pyramid Lake at 12:10. We pitched our tents on a hill, because we would like to do a cross-country hiking.  Hikers increased when we came to the east side of the mountain pass. I found the location of the puncture of the sleeping pad in a puddle, but lost sight at the time of repair. I left untouched for a while.


12時間くらい寝た。Shroomerはいびきをかいていたのだが、あまり眠れなかったという。パン、マンゴー、コーヒー。7:00 サイドトリップ開始。自分はRibzをウエストバッグにし、ShroomerにデイパックMarmot Kompressor Plusを貸した。彼はこれがたいそう気に入ったようだ。クロスカントリーは簡単で踏み跡もあった。Raid Peakがすぐ前に見える所まで行き、引き返した。Ambush Peakと形がそっくり。Ambush Peakの側面には褶曲の大きな模様が見える。10:00テントに戻り、11:00出発、11:20 Skull Lake. 分岐の傍は低湿地(marsh)、Shroomerはビーバーが住んでいるという。地面がでこぼこしている。氷河地形の一種だろう。13:30 Shadow Lake、ミネソタの親子と再会。娘は音楽の才能のある人。長話となる。トレイルを見失い、クロスカントリーで14:30 Billys Lake。湖岸から離れた丘にテント設営。

I slept for around 12 hours. Shroomer said he did not sleep very much, but he did not noticed his  snoring. The bread, mango, and coffee. We started to do a side trip at 7:00. I carried my gear in Ribz, and Shroomer carried my Marmot Kompressor Plus. He liked this pack very much. The cross-country hike was very easy, and there was the trace, too. We went to the place where Raid Peak was seen, and returned. Raid Peak looked similar as Ambush Peak. There was a striped pattern in the side of Ambush Peak. We returned our tents and started to hike at 11:00.
At 11:20, Skull Lake. Near the junction to Shadow Lake, we rested in meadow (marsh) for a while. Shroomer said that there might be beaver dam. The ground was uneven. It would be a kind of the glacier topography. At 13:30, Shadow Lake. We met the Minnesota family again. The daughter had a talent of the music. Shroomer talked for a long time. Then we hike again. We lost right trail, and did a cross-country. At 14:30, Billys Lake. We pitched our tents in the remote hill from the lakefront.


5:30 に起きた。湯を沸かそうとしたらライターが壊れた。他に着火装置がなく困ったが、Shroomerは緊急用にマッチを二つ持っていた。一つ貰う。今後、オリジナルのイグナイターとライターの二つを持つことにする。何時もの朝食にプロバーを一つ追加。6:20出発。元の分岐に戻り、少し歩くと、氷河で岩が削られた場所がある。Shroomer はGlacier Polishだと英語教育に乗り出す。11:30 Big Sandy Campground に戻る。ハイキング終了。終了間際に巨大マッシュルームを3-4つ採る。成長しすぎの物はShroomerがスライスして天日干しにする。車の中はマッシュルームの強い香。ロッジに出かけるが誰もいない。レストランは宿泊客だけにしか営業しない。身体を拭き、水を補給してJacksonに向けて出発した。


I woke up at 5:30. When I was going to boil hot water, the lighter was broken. I had no other firing device, but Shroomer had two matches for emergency. Great guy. He gave me one. I had to  decide to add an original igniter in future. I added PROBAR to the usual breakfast. We started to hike at 6:20. We returned to the junction and walked a little, there was the rock, which was  sharpened by a glacier. Shroomer said that was Glacier Polish. He started to educate me in English. We came back to Big Sandy Campground at 11:30. Our hiking was over. We picked 3-4 huge mushrooms just before the end. Shroomer sliced the mushroom which grown too much up and made dehydrate mushroom by the sun. The mushroom flavor became full in the car. We went to the lodge, but there is nobody. The restaurant was only for hotel guests. We wiped our body, got some water,  and left for Jackson.

I failed around 20 photographs hereafter, because the mode switch of the camera turned at a wrong location. Thus, there was no photograph for half day.


The way to Wind River Range



車は戻ってきたが、部品がないので修理は出来なかったという。ドアに不調があるとのことだった。ただ、ツーリング中、ドアは正常動作した。昼食を食べて、食事の残りを保冷箱に入れて大量に積み込み、マルチネスを13:00頃出発した。Interstate 80をサクラメントに向かった。ShroomerはPCTAのオフィスがあるという。

サクラメントについたのは14:00頃で大きな川(Sacrament River)を2回ほど渡った。PCTAのオフィスは立派なビルにあり、中も綺麗だった。Shroomerは例のごとくおしゃべりして、部屋をすべて見学した。歴史的な写真も陳列されていた。14:30サクラメントを出発、interstate 80を時速110 km/h程度で突っ走った。15:10 Auburn, 16:30 Donner Lake。セージ(sage)のブッシュが時々丘を覆っていた。

Nevadaに入った。Shroomerによれば、Nevadaではギャンブルも売春もすべてが合法だという。カジノの看板も現れた。17:00 Reno着。先は長いので、突っ走る。Lovelockで給油。一日中走るのでガソリンの減りも早い。Shroomerは、モーテルはどこでも空いているというので、比較的大きな町Winnemuccaまで走ることにした。午後8時過ぎに着くが、どのモーテルも満員。仕方なく先に進む。Battle Mountainも小さな町でモーテルがない。

21:30 Beowawe Rest Placeに到着。もうさすがに暗い。Shroomerも疲れの色が目立つ。水とトイレのある公園。ここでビバークを決意。テントを張るのは違法だが、暗闇に転がって寝るのは合法。Shroomerは車の心配もしていて車中泊。私は外で寝るのが好きなので、公園の外れの暗闇に向かい、マットレスとスリーピングバックを使ったので、少し暑かったが、ぐっすりと寝た。

[ Today's English ]

interstate highway 州をつなぐ高速道路。国が整備している。
nugget ← gold nugget
mustang ← wild horses

カリフォルニアでは金が取れた。金の塊をgold nuggetという。nuggetは塊りという意味だが、チキンのフライの形や色が似ていることからchicken nuggetという言葉が使われるようになった。


The car was returned, but the repair was not done, because the special parts were needed. There seemed to be something wrong at the doors. But, during the touring, the doors worked perfect. We  ate lunch, loaded the large quantities of the leftover in a ice box,  and left Martinez at about 13:00.

We went to Sacramento using interstate 80. Shroomer said that there was an office of PCTA. We arrived at Sacramento at about 14:00, and crossed a big rivers (Sacrament River) two times. There was the office of PCTA in the excellent building. The office was very clean. Shroomer talked a lot as usual. We saw all the rooms. The historic photograph was exhibited, too. We left Sacramento at 14:30 and drove interstate 80 at around 110 km/h. At 15:10 Auburn, at 16:30 Donner Lake. The bush of sage sometimes covered the hill.

We entered Nevada. Shroomer said that everything was legal in Nevada: the gambling and the prostitution. The signboard of the casino appeared, too. At 17:00 Reno. We had to drive without rest, because of long way to Wyoming. We filled up gas at Lovelock.  We drove all day, then the consumption gasoline became large. Shroomer said that there are vacant motels anywhere, and decided to find motel at the relaively big town Winnemucca. We arrived at  8:00 p.m., but all the motels were full. We drove further unwillingly. Battle Mountain was a small town, and we could not find motel.

We came to Beowawe Rest Place at 21:30. It was already dark. Shroomer tired very much. There were good water and clean restroom at the rest place. We decided to stay here. It was illegal to pitch a tent, but it is legal to do a cowboy camping. I went to the remote place and slept in the darkness. Shroomer worries about the car, and slept in the car. It was slightly hot, because I used a mattress and a sleeping bag. I slept well

[ Today's English ]

interstate highway --- the highways linking major cites in US.
nugget ← gold nugget
mustang ← wild horses

There was a gold rush in California. The bullion is called gold nugget. The word chicken nugget came to be used because the form and a color of the fried chicken were similar.

I associated the name of a fighter and the car when I heard mustang, but Shroomer said that this word meant a small wild horse, inhabiting near here. There is a signboard near Reno, indicated "mustang".


5時過ぎに起きたが、Shroomerは寝ていた。少し待って6時に起こす。このあたりはアメリカインディアンの地名が多い。Battle Mountainでは、白人との激しい戦いがあったのだろう。7:00出発。8:45 Wells。丘には juniperpinion pine が生えていたShroomerによると、インディアンの食べ物だったという。

9:30車窓の両方の地面が真っ白になってきた。しばらくして、Salt Flatsに到着。トイレ休憩と記念撮影。このあたり、鉄道が走っている。昔、鉄道を西から敷設した際、中国人とアイリッシュの労働者を競争させたとのこと。中国人の方がよく働いたという。

Salt Lake Cityを通過、Temple Squareはモルモン教の中心だという。12:00 スーパーで昼食を購入、郊外のRest Placeで昼食とした。13:00出発。14:20 Bad Land を通過。起伏があり、水がなく、昔は幌馬車では通れなかったので迂回した場所。15:00 Green River、Rock Springから189号線で北上。Farsonまでは順調に来るが、その先が分からない。標識が見当たらない。

28号線を数マイル往復し、2番目の道を選ぶ。Sqaw Roadに入り、Lander Cut of Road, Big Sandy Opening Roadとたどるのが正解。キャンプ場に着いたのは18:00過ぎに到着。天気は崩れそうで、雷雨の予報。車はShroomerが寝ると狭いので、外にテントを張る。ベンチで残り物で夕食。夕食後、猛烈な雷雨となった。雷が2-3時間続いた。雹は降らなかった。キャンプ場の標高は2685メーターもあった。夜、23時頃に雨が収まった。

I got up at past 5:00, but Shroomer was sleeping. I waited for long time, and waked him at 6:00. There are many places named by  the American Indian in this neighborhood. There would be the intense fights among the white and the American Indian at Battle Mountain. We departed at 7:00, and arrived Wells at 8:45. According to Shroomer, juniper and pinion pine were the food of the Indian, which covered the hill.

At 9:30, the landscape of the both side of car became white. And we arrived Salt Flats in several minutes. We stopped for a restroom and took ceremonial photos. There was a railroad along the road. Shroomer said that Chinese and Irish were competed the construction of the railroad, when it  was constructed from the west. Chinese worked well.

We passed Salt Lake City. Temple Square was the center of the Mormonism. We bought lunch at the supermarket at 12:00, and ate at the suburban rest place in a suburban supermarket. We departed at 13:00. We passed Bad Land at 14:20. Bad Land was the place that there were ups and downs, and there was not water. Peoples forced to detour around, because they  was not able to go through the hills by the covered wagon in old days. We passed Green River, and turned north at Rock Spring at 15:00. We drove along Route 189.

We arrived smoothly at Farson,  but we could not find a sign We did several miles round trip along  Route 28,  and choose the second blanch. We drove  Sqaw Road, and Lander Cut of Road, then Big Sandy Opening Road. It was the correct answer. We reached the campground at past 18:00. The thunder and hail were forecasted. I pitched my tent, because our car was narrow when Shroomer lies down. We had lots of stuff. We ate the leftovers at the bench. After the dinner, an intense thunderstorm came. It lasted 2-3 hours. The hail did not fall. The altitude of the campground was 2,685 meters. It stopped raining  at about 23:00.


At the Shroomer's house

今年は日程にゆとりを保たせるため、サンフランシスコ直行便(United Air Line )を利用した。到着は昼頃となった。UAの食事は良くないし、飲み物も十分ではなかった。時差惚けの解消のため、メラトニンを数錠用意した。また、耳栓に加え、音楽を聴くため、ノイズリダクション・ヘッドフォン(イヤフォン型)を持参した。メラトニンは効果があるようだし、ノイズリダクション・ヘッドフォンは快適であった。

I used a direct flight (United Air Line) to San Francisco this year to let the schedule keep loose. The arrival was around noon. The meal of UA was not good, and the drink was not enough, too. I prepared several tablets of melatonin for adaptation of time shift. In addition, I brought noise reduction headphones (earphone type) to listen to music in addition to earplugs. The melatonin seemed to be effective, and the noise reduction headphones were comfortable.



SFOに着いて、コーヒーショップに入り、Shroomerに電話しようとするが、上手くいかない。今回は、SIMフリーのSONY XPERIA tipo dual ST21i2というスマートフォンで、SIMはbmobileのデータ通信用SIM,とAT&TのSIMの二枚差しである。試行錯誤し、bmobileのSIMを無効化すると、AT&Tが有効になることがわかった。通信コストはかかるが、データ通信をonにすると、Gmailは送れた。BARTのLafayette駅から電話する約束だったが、上手くいかない。国番号からダイヤルしたのが原因らしい。国番号の1を抜いて電話すると成功した。Shroomerがタイミング良く迎えに来てくれた。

After arriving at SFO, I entered the cafe, tried to make a telephone call to Shroomer, but I could not do well. I used a smartphone called Sony XPERIA Tipo dual ST21i2 of the SIM-free, which could use two SIM cards, the mobile SIM card for data communication, and the AT&T SIM for voice call this time.  I did trial and error and found that when the mobile SIM card was disabled, the AT&T SIM card became effective. I sent Gmail to Shroomer, when I enabled data communication, although the communication cost might increase. I had promised that I made a telephone call from Lafayette Station of the BART, but I could not do well. I found that the cause was the country code I had dialed. When I skipped the country code, I succeeded to make a telephone call.  Shroomer came to pick me up timely.


ShroomerがBBQ for Yoshihiroというパーティを開くので、Shroomerは朝からBBQの準備、私はピザの準備をした。大部分の人はハイキング中で、参加者は13名程度。その中には有名人もいるようだ。もちろん、本当に私に会いたいのか、Shroomerに会いたいのかは分からない。でも、一応、パーティではみんな楽しそうだったので、成功だろう。ShroomerのBBQはRibsで、下味を付けた肉を225F(107℃)で5時間かけて燻す。彼のBBQは最高の味だった。幸い、私のピザの評判も良かった。

Shroomer prepared for the BBQ, I for the pizza from the morning, because he held a party called BBQ for Yoshihiro. Many hikers were absent because of hiking, but 13 attended. Two people are very famous in hiking society. Of course, it was not clear whether they really wanted to see me or wanted to attend Shroomer's party. But it would be a success because everybody looked happy at the party. Shroomer smoked the ribs to which was added preliminary seasoning,  in 225F(107 ℃) for five hours. His BBQ was the best taste. Fortunately, the reputation of my pizza was good, too.


朝食後、Shroomerのトレーニングコースを軽くハイキング。有名なゲイの結婚式があるので、Shroomerは出席するために出かけた。Martinez付近の地図をAndroidのスマートフォンにダウンロードして、Mt.Helenへ出かけることにした。AlpineQuestという無料アプリである。ダウンロードした地図にトレイルは表示されないが、山の位置だけは分かった。そこで、山の方向にまっすぐに向かった。草のみなので、クロスカントリーは簡単である。急勾配の谷を登り切るとトレイルに合流。ただ、トレイルは頂上に向かわないので、GPS通りにクロスカントリーして、Mt.Wandaへ。それからMt.Hellenの頂上に行き、Shroomerの家に遠回りして帰った。Shroomerの車は修理中で、明日の午後、Wind River Rangeへ向けて出発することになった。

After breakfast, I hiked with Shroomer on his training course lightly. There was a famous gay marriage, Shroomer should attend because he was his friend. I downloaded a map of the neighborhood of Martinez to a smartphone of Android and decided to go to Mt.Helen. I used a free application called AlpineQuest. The trail was not displayed on the map, but the location of the mountain was clear. Therefore I went straight to the direction to the mountain, because the hill was covered by grass. The cross-country was easy. I joined a trail when I finished climbing the steep valley. But, the trail did not go to the peak, so I did a cross-country once more, according to the GPS.  I went to Mt.Wanda. Next, I went to the top of Mt.Hellen.  I made a long detour, came back at the Shroomer's house. We would start to drive to the Wind River Range because his car was under repair.