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伊豆半島、あちらこちら Walk about Izu Peninsula |
I had crossed Izu Peninsula last year. And I decided to hike Izu Peninsula well this time. I have not walked the north end of the Izu ridge trail, and the south shoreline seemed to be attractive, too. I modified the earlier plan, because one co-worker wanted to participate by all means.
I decided the starting point at α -1 hotel of Mishima, because the breakfast was buffet style and it costed around 5,000 yen for one night. The co-worker joined at midnight. I hiked from the ridge trail from the north end to the south while guiding the co-worker, then we will go down to Ito. Then he could go home safely, and I would stay at a cheap hotel and got a resupply, and went to Mt. Amagi again. Therefore, I would hike to the south, moved to Rendaiji by by train, and Matsuzaki by bus. The reason of Z-shaped movement was that I set the national recreation village in Yumigahama as a final destination. The reason was that the buffet was expected to be delicious.
伊豆急に8:10に乗車、自動改札機から切符を取り忘れたが、修善寺では問題無く出してくれた。バスでだるま山高原レストハウスに行った。10:00からハイキング開始。10:50 金冠山。富士山がきれいに見えた。12:20 達磨山、昼食とした。14:30 船原峠、ちょっとペースが遅く、猫越岳山頂の池まで行けるか、疑問になってきた。到着予定時刻は6時から7時。16:00 南無妙峠。水はない。土肥峠から林道から離れるので水を探しながら歩く。魂の山手前で同僚が水らしい物を発見。谷に下りると確かに水があった。少し傾斜地だったが、キャンプを決定。水汲み奴隷をさせると、やはり疲れたという話だった。晩飯は俺が全部持っているんだから、これくらいはしないとね。メインディッシュはスモークチキンとホタテの貝柱を入れた野菜炒め、フリーズドライの納豆、パック入り煮豆、ツナ入りポテトサラダ、スープと豪華。生野菜はもやし、ほうれん草、キャベツ1つを担いだ。不味い飯を山で食って何が楽しいのかというのが、その理由。メニューには満足して頂けたようだった。
Phase 1
The 1st day
We rode on the train at 8:10, but I forgot to take a ticket out of the automatic ticket gate. I explained my mistake at the staff of Shuzenji station, then I could go out without additional charge. We I went to the Mt. Darmayama Rest House by bus. We started to hike at 10:00. 10:50 Mt.Kinkanyama. W saw Mt. Fuji beautifully. We took lunch at Mt. Darumayama at 12:20. I doubted whether we could reach Mt.Nekkodake peaks pond, because our pace was a little slow. 14:30 Funabara Pass. I estimated the arrival time at Peaks Pond might be between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m.
16:00 Nanmyo Pass. There is no water. We walked looking for water because the trail from the Doi Pass became far from the forest road. The co-worker discovered something like the water before approaching Mt.Konnoyama. There was surely water when I went in the valley. We decided to get water and to camp. There was some slanted place. The co-worker said it was a tiring work when I let him work as a slave. But he should do this, because I carried all the foods for dinner. The main dish was fried vegetables with smoked chicken and the dry scallop. Additional dishes were freeze dry natto, packed boiled beans, tuna potato salad, and soup. I had carried the fresh vegetables: bean sprout, spinach, one cabbage. I think bad taste food is always bad even in the mountains. My co-worker satisfied very much for my dinner.
朝食は各自、勝手にすることにして、7:00出発、7:40魂の山、「たましい」ではなく、「こんのやま」だった。昨日はテント場が傾斜していたので、水を担いで少し進んだ方が良かったかもしれない。天気は悪く、ガスで何も見えない。9:20 仁科峠、10:15猫越岳展望台、10:30 猫越岳山頂の池、12:40 三蓋山、天気が悪くなり、雨から雹に変わる。止むをえず、上下レインスーツ、気温はずっと0度。13:40 二本松峠、休憩所で遅めの昼食とした。15:10 天城峠、八丁池は遠く、時間との闘いになった。18:20 八丁池到着、少し暗くなり、ヘッドランプが必要になる直前だった。テントを設営し、浄水器で水を確保する。大きなキャベツが残っていたので、夕食のメインディッシュはキャベツを細切れにしてウィンナと貝柱を入れたポトフ風の煮物。それとご飯、納豆、パック入り煮豆、ツナポテトサラダ、スープ。
The 2nd day
We took breakfast independently. We started to hike at 7:00. 7:40 Mt.Konnoyama ( not Mt.Tamashiinoyama ). It might be better to advance farther and pitch tents yesterday, because tent ground was slanted. The weather was bad. We were able to see nothing because of white out. 9:20 Nishina Pass, 10:15 the view place of Mt.Nekkodake, 10:30 Mt.Nekkodake Peaks Pond. The weather became worse. 12:40 Mt.Mifutayama. The temperature was 0 degree of centigrade,
the rain changed to hail. We wore rain suit, could not rest for lunch. I decided to go to Nihonmatsu Pass for lunch. We reached a small rest house of Ninonmatsu Pass at 13:40. 15:10 Amagi Pass. It became a competition with time, because Hattcho Pond located far from here. When we arrived the vicinity of Hattcho Pond, It became dark. We arrived at 18:20. It was just before the head lamps was needed. I pitched tent immediately and made secure water with a water filter. The main dish of our dinner was pot‐au‐feu with sausage, dried scallop and cabbage, because a big cabbage was left. Other menu was Rice, frieze dry Natto, boiled packed beans, tuna potato salad, and soup.
ぐっすり寝て、パン、チーズ、マンゴーの朝食。相棒は少し寒かったようだ。テントのフライは凍り付いていた。7:00出発、9:20 子岳、小休止。10:10 万三郎岳、13:00 ゴルフ場のレストハウス。バスは15:00までないので、レストランに入り、ビザとコーヒー、これが一口で食えるほど小さかった。パスタも極小。あまり印象の良いレストランではなかった。ともかく、コーヒーはお代わり自由なので、何杯か飲んで粘った。バスはたったの500円で、順調に伊東駅に到着。相棒とは別れて、一泊3900円のホテルシールートにチェックイン。対応は親切。送っておいた補給物資も届いていた。部屋は古いだけで、大きな問題はない。弁当などを食べる客のために醤油や電子レンジを置いたコーナーもある。夕食は近くに安い飯屋さんがあったし、駅近くの繁華街にも地魚を扱う飯屋さんがあったが、通り過ぎて駅前のスーパーへ。今回、タイツを忘れたので寝る時に寒かった。タイツを買うと重複するので、裏にメッシュが付いたナイロンのトレーニング・ズボンを980円で買った。夕食は迷ったが、刺身の大盛り、サラダの大盛り、ご飯のパックを組み合わせることにした。夕食は十分美味しかった。風呂は温泉だが、水10分ばかり出さないと温かい湯にならなかった。それと、風呂の配水管がドブの臭いがして、これには参った。使わない時に戸を閉めれば良いだけだが。補充物資4日分を確認し、パッキングした。
The 3rd day
I slept well. My breakfast was bread, cheese, rehydrate mango, and coffee. My co-worker seemed to be cold. The outer tent was frozen. We started to hike at 7:00. 9:20 Mt. Kodake. We took a short break. 10:10 Mt.Manzaburodake. We end up at the rest hous of Amagikogen golf course at 13:00. We had to kill around two hours, because the bus service was not available until 15:00. We entered the restaurant. I ordered Piza and coffee, he ordered pasta. The both were very tiny and expensive. Our impression of this restaurant became worse. Anyway, we drank several cups of coffee. The bus arrived at Ito Station at 5:00, its charge was only 500 yen. I parted from the fellow and checked in at the cheapest hotel "Sea Route" with 3,900 yen per night. The stuff was kind. I received the resupply I had sent. The room was a little old but clean. There is no big problem. There was the corner, where soy sauce and a microwave oven were put for customers.
There were cheap restaurants near here. and also a cheap restaurant which served fishes in the downtown close to the station. But I passed it and went to the supermarket. To tell the truth, I forgot to bring my tights this time. I bought training pants of nylon with the mesh for 980 yen, because did not want to buy similar tights. I was at a loss for a while, but decided to buy a large serving of the sashimi, the salad, and a pack of the rice. The supermarket dinner was delicious.
The bath was a hot spring, but did not become warm soon. I waited approximately for ten minutes. I felt discomfort, because the water pipe of the bath smelled of the ditch. I closed the door firmly, after using the bath. I confirmed the four days resupply and packed it into my backpack.
7:55のバスで天城高原ゴルフ場へ。乗車客は5名ばかり。8:50ゴルフ場に到着。9:15 四辻。ガスだが、幸い、雨は降らない。万二郎岳には向かわず、万三郎岳への巻道をたどる。道が良いのはしばらくで、時々、ガレている。万二郎岳への縦走路の方が道がよい。涸沢分岐点近くでは急勾配となり、崖を登る雰囲気となった。11:00 やっと涸沢分岐。雨が少し前に降ったのに、流水はまったくなかった。11:55万三郎岳への分岐に出る。コンビニで買ったランチを食べる。13:20 戸塚峠、14:46八丁池。15:30 テント設営、水を4L確保し、コーヒーとお菓子。進化論の本を読む。夕食のメインは合鴨ロースとキャベツの炒め物。
Phase 2
4th day
I rode on the bus bound to Amagikogen golf course at 7:55. Approximately five passengers. We arrived the terminal at 8:50. 9:15 Yotsutsuji. It was fog, but, fortunately, it did not rain. I did not hike toward Mt.Manjirodake, but toward Mt.Mansaburodake. The tail was good for a while, but sometimes rocky and rugged. The trail toward Mt. Manjirodake might be better. It became very steep at neighborhood of Karasawa. I felt climbing of the cliff. 11: 00 Krarasawa junction. I could not find a running water at all, though it had rained before. I arrived the junction of Mt.Mansaburodake, and took lunch which I bought at a convenience store. 13:20 Totsuka Pass, 14:46 Hachoo Pond. I pitched a tent, made 4 litters of water at 15:30, and enjoyed coffee and a cake. I read a paperback about the theory of human evolution. The main dish of dinner was boiled duck sirloin and the cabbage.
5:30に起きて、パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食。水2L持ち、7:00出発。天気は崩れないので、尾根道を南下することに決定。8:00 三筋山への分岐、なんとセメント舗装の林道だった。その後はしっかりした遊歩道となる。9:35 林道に合流。工事中で、木がかなり切り倒されている。工事の人が遊歩道をしばらく案内してくれた。21基の風力発電を尾根伝いに建設中という。尾根の木が大規模に伐採されていた。11:20 三筋山。昼食。大池高原への遊歩道は風力発電所の建築のため、全面通行止めになっていた。12:00 稲取方面に下りる。どこを歩いているか、しばらく分からなくなったが、予定通り、14:30 伊豆稲取駅に到着。蓮台寺まで簡単に移動できたが、松崎行きのバスは16:10。今日はどこで寝るか分からないので、待っている間にヒゲを剃り、身体を拭いて、水も4L確保した。WiFiもWiMaxも使えない。17:00 松崎町、少し手前で下りた方がよかったが、ファミリーマートがあり、野菜セットとパンを購入。牛原山への道が分からず、林道でアプローチ。遠回りになった。水はないが、舗装していない駐車場を寝場所と決定。暗くなる少し前にテント設営。野菜を使った中華の炒め煮。車も人も、まったく来ない。
The 5th day
I got up at 5:30, ate usual breakfast: bread, cheese, re-hydrate mango, and coffee. I started to hike at 7:00 carrying 2 litters of water. It was cloudy, then I decided to hike on the ridge trail toward south. The junction of Mt.Mitsusuji and a forest road at 8:00. The road was paved by cement. Afterward, clear trail continued. It joined the forest road at 9:35. Something was under construction, and many tree were cut down. The stuff of the construction site guided me to the trail for a while. He said that 21 wind-generated electricity plants along a ridge trail were under construction. Therefore, many trees were cut. 11:20 Mt. Mitsusuji. I took a lunch. The trail toward Oikekogen was entirely, because of the construction of the wind-power plants. I began to hike down to Inatori area at 12:00. I lose way for a while, but arrived at Izu-Inatori Station on schedule at 14:30. I went to Reidaiji by train, and Rendaiji to Matsuzaki by bus at 16:10. While I was waiting for bus, I shaved mustach, and wiped my body, and got 4 litters of water, because I did not know where I could sleep. At Rendaiji, I could not use WiFi nor WiMax. I got off a bus at Matsuzaki-cho. I noticed I should ride off more earlier. But, I found FamilyMart and purchased vegetables set and breads. I walked up along the forest road, without knowing a right way to Mt. Ushiharayama. I made a large detour. I could not find water, but decided to stay at the unpaved parking lot. I pitched my tent before dark. Main dish was boiled vegetables with smoked chicken with Chinese taste. Neither a car nor a person came.
5:30に起きる。少し頭痛がした。パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食。6:40 出発。せっかく来たので牛原山の頂上を目指す。頂上近くに休憩所と水があり、キャンプ適地に思えたが、キャンプ禁止だった。頂上は私有地なのか、金網が巡らしてあり、入れなかった。山頂近くから引き返し、林道を行き止まりまで行くと、トイレと素晴らしい芝生があったが、やはりキャンプ禁止だった。再び引き返し、急勾配の山道を下るが、荒れていて分かりにくい。舗装道路に出て、重文岩科学校に出る。ここから山道があるはずだが、分からない。昭文社の地図と少し位置が違っていた。遊歩道の入り口は舗装されていたが、すぐに荒れた道になった。しばらくは小川があった。9:20指川峠、この先から道はさらに荒れてきた。だれも通っていない。地図にない道があり、しばらく進むが、GPSでチェックすると、少しおかしい。正しい道に戻る。10:30 大峠、暗沢山は少しだが、鉄塔が建っているだけなのでパス、10:40長者原で少し休憩。遠くに富士山も見えた。強風なので、昼食はできず。11:30 小峠でゆっくり昼食。地図にない林道があり、気持ちよく下ってしまった。しばらくすると、どこに向かうか、分からなくなった。出た所に天神原植物公園があり、真南に出てしまったと気付いた。バイクの二人連れがいて、現在位置を聞かれた。彼らは間違って数十キロ北に来ていた。天神原の集落を見ながら、13:00国道に合流、13:50高通山山頂。標高519メーターなので非常によい景色だった。遊歩道はよく整備され、急角度で下っていった。波勝崎苑の駐車場を目指す。最後はかなりガレた道となった。波勝崎苑は私有地で、お金を払わないと海に出られない。幸い、予想通り、立派なトイレがあったので、水を4L確保、15:20出発、野宿臨戦態勢に入る。細い遊歩道は舗装されていたが、人も車もまったく通らない。伊浜の集落が見えるようになると、放棄された耕作地が目立った。急傾斜なので、他にはテントが張れない。集落まで行くと、テント場に困る。そこで、16:00テントを設営。景色の素晴らしい場所だった。夕食はご飯を炊いて、スモークササミと乾燥野菜の煮物、納豆、ポテトサラダ、スープ。
The 6th day
I got up at 5:30. I had some headaches. I ate usual breakfast: bread, cheese, re-hydrated mango, and coffee. I started to hike at 6:40. I wanted to go to the peak of Mt.Ushiharayama, because I came with much effort here. There was a rest house and water near the peak, but camping was prohibited. I could not go to the peak, where was surrounded by wire netting. The peak may be a private land. I returned from the neighborhood of the peak, and went the forest road until the dead end. There was a restroom and a splendid lawn, but camping was prohibited. I returned to the PA site again, and went down the trail with steep decent. The trail was rugged and difficult to trace. I walked on the the paved road and found Iwashina school, an Important cultural property.
There should be a trail from here, but I could not found it. The position was slightly different from the map of Shobunsha. At first, the trail was paved, but it became rough immediately. There was a small creek for a while. 9:20 Ubikawa Pass. The trail was desolate from here. Nobody walked.
There was several trail in the map. I advanced a trail for a while, but it became apart from the right direction, when I checked it with GPS. I cross the bush, and backed to the right trail. 10:00 OO(large) Pass. The peak of Mt.Kurasawaya was very near, but there was only a steel tower. I advanced a little, rested at Chojahara at 10:40. I saw Mt. Fuji in the distance, but I could not take lunch, because of strong wind. I walked to Ko(small) Pass, then I ate lunch. There was a forest road which was not drew in the map. But I walked down comfortably. I lost the right direction in a few minutes, but I wend down. I came to Tenjinbara Plant Park, and noticed that I had gone for south. Two men of motorcycles asked me about the exact location. I taught that they came to dozens of kilos north by mistake. I joined the national road at 13:00, while looking at the village of Tenjinbara. I climbed the peak of Mt.Takatoriyama at 13:50. It was very scenery, because its height was 519 meters above sea level. The trail was maintained well and I descended in an acute angle. I aim at the parking lot of Hagachizakien. The trail became a considerably rocky course finally. Hagachizakien was a private land. I could not go to sea without paying money. Fortunately, there was an excellent restroom, I got 4 litter of water, and got ready for stealth camping at 15:20. The trail became be paved, but neither a person nor the car goes at all. There were many abandoned cultivated lands, when I was be able to see Ihama village. The topography was near to a cliff, so I could not found elsewhere except the abandoned lands. There was no place when I went near the village. I pitched the tent on the abandoned land at 16:00. It was a splendid place of the scenery. The dinner was rice, smoked chicken, dehydrated vegetables, natto, a potato salad, and soup.
5:30に起きて、パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食。6:45 出発。少しペースを落とせば、最終日に休暇村南伊豆に泊まれそうなので、奥様に予約をお願いした。9:40日和山遊歩道、短いがきれいな所だった。10:30 遊歩道終了、立派なトイレがあったので、顔を洗い、身体を拭く。小浦に立派な店があったので、入る。11:00から営業だった。焼き魚定食は1600円くらいと高値、しかも魚は一切れしかなかった。伊豆の観光客相手の店はぶったくり価格。11:20 出発、すぐに妻良に到着。ここには中華料理店が一件のみ、夕食のおかずを追加できる店はなく、伊東から4日分の食糧を担いできたのが正解と分かった。南伊豆歩道に入る。始めはゆるゆるの林道、そのうちに道が細くなり、アップダウンの激しい遊歩道となった。14:00頃、女性が一人、おにぎりを食べて休憩していた。こちらは怪しい雰囲気なので、口を利いてくれなかった。しばらく進むと、倒木が何本もあり、遊歩道が塞がっていた。大きく尾根へ迂回した。女性は倒木を越えるのに疲れたのだろう。途中に寝る所はなく、15:00吉田海岸、立派な水洗トイレがあり、キャンプ禁止は6/1からと書いてあった。すなわち、今ならキャンプは合法。 先を急ぐ必要はないので、15:30テント設営。トイレの水は飲めないと表示があったが、地下水のようだ。念のため浄水器で漉して4L確保。夕方、釣り人が数名、通っただけだった。夕食のメニューは昨日と同じ。
The 7th day
I wake up at 5:30, took usual breakfast: bread, cheese, re-hydrated mango, and coffee. I started to hike at 6:45. I wanted to stay National Park Resort Minamiizu at the last day of hiking, I asked to my wife to reserve it. 9:40 Himiyama trail. it was short but clean. At the end of the trail, there was an excellent restroom. I wash a face and wipe a body at 10:30. I found an excellent restaurant in Koura, I entered. I waited for a while, because the service began from 11:00. I ordered the set meal of the grilled fish and rice. The slice of fish was small, and it costed around 1,600 yen. I felt it was very expensive. It might be the special price for the tourist of Izu.
I left Koura at 11:20, and arrived at Mera immediately. There was no store, but only one Chinese restaurant. I thought it was right that I had carried 4 days food from Ito to here. I could not buy any food. I entered the Minamiizu trail. The trail began as a paved forest road, then it became narrow, and it became tough with many ups and downs. At about 14:00, I met a woman, who was eating a rice ball and took a break. I could not speak to her, probably because I was a strange huge person for her. There were several fallen trees when I advanced for a while and the trail was occupied by them. I detoured greatly to the ridge. The woman might be tired to walk against the fallen trees. There was no place to pitch a tent on the way, and I reached Yoshida Beach at 15:00. There was an excellent flush lavatory room, and the camping was prohibited from May 1 to
September 30. In other words, the camping is legal now. I pitched the tent at 15:30, because I need not to hurry. There was an indication that the water of the restroom could not drink, because it might be the groundwater. I used water filter and got 4 litters of water. In the evening, several anglers only walked by my tent. The dinner menu was the same as yesterday.
5:00に起きる。夜中に少し雨が降ったが、天気は曇り。パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食。6:50出発、相変わらずアップダウンの激しい遊歩道が続く。7:50 富戸の浜、休憩。道は結構荒れている。人は通らない。9:20恐怖を感じるほどの急勾配を下って千畳敷。釣りをしている人に写真を写してもらった。10:15入間。飲食店、食料品店なし。自販機があったので、座りこんで飲んでいたら、近くの家の人がバナナを一本くれた。パンはあるからと断った。パンを売っている店はあるらしい。93歳の老人と話す。こちらが63歳というと、若いと言われた。まあ、93歳よりは若いが。遊歩道に入り、12:20 仲木、弓ヶ浜が終了点なので、あまり進むとまずい。昼食としてパンを食べ、トイレで水を4L確保して、遊歩道に入る。航空写真を見ると、山の中に休憩所がある。また、ジオパークにはトイレもある。ただ、ジオパークは車道に面しているので、山の中を目指す。1:30予想した通り、休憩所があった。天気も下り坂なので、休憩所の中にテント設営。14:00から小雨となった。夕食は同じで、スモークササミと乾燥野菜の煮物、納豆、ポテトサラダ、スープ。これが最後のキャンプ。
The 8th day
I wake up at 5:00. It rained a little, but the weather is cloudy. Usual breakfast was bread, cheese, re-hydrated mango, and coffee. I started hike at 6:50, the tough trail with ups and downs continued. I took a break Futonahama at 7:50. The trail was desolate. No one walked. The trail toward Senjojiki was a very steep descent as I felt fear at 9:20. I met an angler, and asked to take my photos. At 10:15 Iruma. There was no restaurant, no grocery store. When I sat down and drank juice from a vending machine, the woman of neighborhood house nearby gave me a banana. She wanted to give me a bread, but I have plenty of bread, so I rejected. There seems to be the small store selling bread. I talked with a 93-year-old old man for a while. When I said my age was 63 years old, he said that I was young. Yes, I was younger than 93 years old man.
I entered the trail and reached Nakagi at 12:20. The end point of this hiking was National Park Resort Minamiizu in Umigahama, therefore, I had to slow down. I ate bread as lunch and got 4 litters ow water form a restroom and climb the trail. There was a rest house near peak, because I know by watching an aerial photograph. In addition, there was a restroom in the Geopark, too. But I did not go to Geopark, because it was located near the road. I found a rest house at 13:30. I pitched the tent in a rest house, because it was expected that the weather became worse.
It was a gentle rain at 14:00. The dinner menu was same as before. This was the last stealth camp.
よく寝て5:30に起きた。雨はあまり降らなかった。休憩所の周りに新しい穴ができていた。イノシシが来たらしい。パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食。6:40 出発。石廊崎バス停からの遊歩道は通行止めになっていた。通り過ぎてしばらく歩くが、石廊崎港から同じ道を往復するのは嫌なので、バス停まで引き返す。進入する人も多いらしく、生け垣に道ができていたので、そこから入る。ジャングルパークは倒産で、廃墟となっていた。7:50石廊崎灯台。入り口には立派な水洗トイレがあった。石廊崎の先端まで行く。たしかに絶景。ただし強風で、あまり長くは居られない。断崖の神社で休憩。8:00引き返す。石廊崎港から車道歩き。交通量は比較的少ない。11:00休暇村に着いてしまった。入らずに青木サザエ店でさざえのどんぶりを食う。これは失敗、ご飯ばかり多い。12時頃、休暇村にチェックイン、15:00まで部屋には入れないというので、荷物を預けて盥岬まで散歩に出かける。近すぎたので、海岸で1時間ほど居眠り。15:00に休暇村の部屋に入る。家族向きの大きな部屋。インターネットはカウンターの所のみ。風呂は温泉で気持ちが良かった。夕食のバイキングはなかなか素晴らしかった。昼食にどんぶりを食べたのが大きな失敗、朝のバイキングは並だった。一応、春のハイキングは無事に終了。身体が締まって調子がよくなった。
The 9th day
I slept well and got up at 5:30. It did not rain very much. A new hole was done a around the rest house. A wild boar seemed to come. I age usual breakfast: bread, cheese, re-hydrated mango, and coffee. I started to hike at 6:40. The trail from Cape Iro-zaki bus stop was closed. I passed and walk away for a while. But it is an unpleasant road walking. I had to make a round trip from the Cape Iro-zaki Port to Cape Iro-zaki. I returned to the bus stop. There was a trace on a hedge, where many people invaded the prohibited area. I entered at there. The jungle park became the ruins by bankruptcy. 7:50 Cape Iro-zaki Lighthouse. There was an excellent flush rest room at the entrance. I went to the tip of Cape Iro-zaki. It was surely a superb view.
But, I could not stay for a long time there, due to a strong wind. I took a short break in the Shinto shrine of the cliff. I began to walk at 8:00. From the port of Cape Iro-zaki, I had to walk on the paved road. The traffic density was small. I arrived at the National Park Resort Minamiizu in Umigahama at 11:00. Before the check-in, I ate the turban shell rice in large bowl at Aokisazae restaurant. This was a failure, because I ate too much rice. I checked in at the Park Resort at about 12:00, but I could not enter the room until 15:00. Therefore, I left baggage and went out for a short hike toward Tarai cape. The cape was too near, I doze off at the shore for approximately one hour to kill a time. Then, I entered the room at 15:00. The room was very wide , designed for family usage. I could not use the internet, except only in the place of the counter.
The bath was a hot spring, I felt very comfortable. The dinner buffet was very splendid.
I regretted that I had ate too much rice for lunch. The breakfast buffet was ordinary level.
My spring hiking was finished safely. My body became firm and well-conditioned.
- Primus PackLiteは非常に燃料の効率が良く、ガスカートリッジは一つで足りた。
- カメラはPentax K-30、レンズはDA18-270mmを使った。この交換レンズは、合焦速度が遅く、画質にキレがない。失敗だった。これからはDA18-135mmを使うことにする。
- Primus PackLite was very fuel efficient stove. I used only one canister.
- I used Pentax K-30 and DA18-270mm zoom lens. This lens was slow in focusing speed and inferior in image quality. This was a failure. I will use DA18-135mm zoom lens here after.
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