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伊豆半島横断 The crossing of Izu Peninsula |
We intended to hike Izu Peninsula several years ago, but did not readily go. We went out decisively this time, but we had to stay at hotel at the first day, because we were living remote place from Izu. However, the fees of hotel were too expensive for me. It costed around 15,000 yen and very bad to my heart. Therefore, I chose Ito city for the starting place, because there was an economical hotel with around 6,000 yen per night per person, and breakfast buffet. The facilities of hotel were old, but they were well maintained, the hot spring was comfortable, and the breakfast buffet was an ordinary level, too. You can realized when you watched the photos. I thought that we moved from Ito to Izuokawa by Isukyu train and began to hike. In addition, we bought sushi and salad at the supper market close to the station for the dinner. They were cheap but very delicious. Especially, the fish was very fresh.
10:10 伊豆大川駅出発、土砂降りのため、雨具は上下着る。町中は迷いやすいのでGPSと地図で慎重にナビゲートする。11:05 最初の大きなスイッチバックから林道に入る。雨が止んだ。しばらく行くと水場があった。ほんの入口だった。1時間ほど歩いて、わずかに水が流れている場所があり、パンとチーズで昼食とした。水は補充して3リッター持った。奥様は1リッター。道ばたによさそうなテント場はあるが、側溝の水を確認しながら、先に進む。テント予定地は水のない箒山近辺だが、完全に水がなければ万二郎岳に登り、テントを張り、水を汲みに1.5時間ばかり往復する必要があった。風力発電の施設近くでも良さそうなテント場があり、水があった。進める場所まで進む。箒山林道の入口は閉鎖されていたが、横から入る。分岐点に水たまりがあったので、山頂に水がなくても、ここまで汲みにくればよいと考えた。
The first day
We hesitated to depart, because the rain was pouring. But we went to Ito Station. There are bus service to Amagi Heights Golf Course. I was worried about my wife, but if we boarded on the bus, we had nothing to do, but pitch a tent and sleep. We decided to go decisively to Izuokawa by the train. However, my wife could not believe the fee of 880 yen. She felt too expensive and talked to a station employee whether it was wrong or not. Izu is difficult place to approach, because we are living in a economical place in Toyama.
We started to hike from Izuokawa Station. it was still pouring. We wear the rain suits. I navigated with GPS and a map carefully, because the town was the most difficult place to navigate. We were at the first big switchback in the forest road at 11:05. It stopped raining. There was a water spot when we went for a while. The location was just near entrance. We went for approximately one hour. There was the place that water slightly flowed in the gutter. We ate bread and cheese for lunch. I got 4 litters of water with a water filter. I carried 3 litters and my wife 1 litter. There were several sites on the roadside for tent, but we advanced further, while confirming the water in the gutter. The planed tent site was Mt. Hokiyama. But there may be no water, then, we must climb Mt.Manjiro, and pitch our tent, and I must make a round trip for around 1.5 hours to get water. There was a good site for camping near the wind-generated electricity plants, where there was water in the gutter. But, we advanced further. The entrance of Mt. Hokiyama forest road was closed, but we entered at the side. There was a puddle at the turning point. I thought that I should come here again to get water, when there was no water on the summit of Mt. Hokiyama.
I pitched our tent at the summit of Mt.Hokiyama. Fortunately, there was a tiny puddle. I got 7 liters of water with a water purifier. The dinner menu is fried rice with sausage, dry vegetables, potato and pumpkin salad with tuna and mayonnaise, a packed bean, a packed pickle, and seasonings for rice, because I left rice without frying. I ate also sweet bread, the leftover mandarin oranges.
5:45に起きて、パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食、7:30 出発。道はしばらくすると踏み跡程度になり、テープを目印に歩く。誰とも会わず、ほとんど人が歩かないようだ。道は急速に悪くなっていく。万二郎岳の登りはかなりの急角度。あまりスイッチバックを切っていない。まあ、片貝川からの登りほどではないが。10:05 万二郎岳。いきなり道がよくなり、人が増えた。11:55 万三郎岳で、パンとチーズで昼食。ジェットボイルでラーメンを作っていた家族もいたので、対抗してPackLiteでココアを追加。狭い山頂は人だらけ。霧氷もぱらぱらと落ちてくる。12:30 出発。霧氷で真っ白な樹木あり、地面も雪が降ったように白い。すべて落ちた物。この辺り、有数の多雨地帯のため。ずっとガスの中で視界は悪い。子岳から少し下りるとガスが晴れた。14:00 戸塚峠、奥様が疲れてきた。じっくりと引っ張り、15:50 八丁池。テント設営。風が吹いてかなり寒かった。水を7リッター作成。夕食はスモークチキンを使った何時もの炒めご飯のメニュー。
The second day
We woke up at 5:45. breakfast menu was JMT bread, cheese, mango, and coffee. We started to hike at 7:30. The trail became to be footprints in a few minutes, and marked by red tapes. We met nobody. Nobody seems to walk here. The trail condition worsened rapidly. The trail became very steep at the foot of Mt. Mnjiro. There were not much switchbacks. It was not so steep as our Katakai river trail. We were at the summit of Mt. Manjiro at 10:05. The trail became suddenly obvious, and we met many hikers. We ate bread and cheese, drunk cocoa at the summit of Mt.Mansaburo, because a family who made noodles with a jet boil. Competitively, I boiled by the Primus PackLite. Full of people were in the narrow summit. The hoarfrost came off lightly, too. We departed at 12:30. There were the trees, which were pure white by hoarfrost, and the ground was white as it snowed. This neighborhood mountains were a great quantity of rain zone. We were surrounded by fog all the time. We could not see the scenery. When we went down a little from the top of Mt. Koyama, the fog cleared. We reached Totsuka Pass at 14:00, my wife tired. We walked slowly, and reached Hacho Pond at 15:50. I pitched our tent hurriedly, because of strong cold wind. I got 7 liters water with water filter. The dinner menu were almost same except using smoked chicken.
6:15に起きて、パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食。池の表面が凍っていた。テント前室で-5度くらい。8:10 出発、トイレがあったが、閉鎖されていた。別に冬季用トイレというのがあった。道は良いが、崩れた所は復旧せず、回り道になっている。10:45 天城峠、気温が上がらず、寒い。少し休憩して出発。12:30 二本松峠、昼食とする。気温は4度で非常に寒い。コンスタントに風が吹いているので、風冷効果だろう。13:00 出発。13:40深沢峠、14:35三蓋山、小さな沢が三つばかりあった。その後は稜線で水がない。16:30 猫越岳(ねっこだけ)、水が見あたらない。この辺りに火口湖があるはずだが。暗くなるし、奥様も疲労しているので焦った。16:50 猫越岳から下りた所に小さな火口湖を発見。急いでテント設営。浄水器は凍結、水は濾すゆとりがないので、上澄みを汲んできて、煮炊きに使う。夕食夕食はスモークチキンを使った何時もの炒めご飯のメニュー。雪が降ってきた。積もらないことを祈る。夕食後、フィルターを温水に浸けて解凍。テントの中で水7リッターを作る。小さな泥が混じっているので、フィルター掃除を頻繁に行い、1時間ほどかかる。それでも飲み水をたっぷり確保した。凍結しないように2人の間に入れる。
The third day
We got up at 6:15. The breakfast menu was JMT bread, cheese, mango, and coffee. The surface of the pond froze. It was around -5 degrees centigrade in a vestibule. We departed at 8:10. The restroom near the pond was closed. The winter season rest room was open. The trail was well maintained, but there were several places that collapsed untouched. And we must took a roundabout way. We reached Amagi Pass at 10:45. The temperature did not rise, and very cold. We took a short rest. We ate lunch at Nihonmatsu Pass at 12:30. The temperature is around -4 degrees. We felt very cold because of the cold wind. It was a wind chill effect. We departed at 13:00. We reached Fukazawa Pass at 13:40, Mt. Mikasayama at 14:35. There was no water in a ridge afterwards. We reached Mt Nekkodake at 16:30, but there was no water. I know there should be a crater lake in this neighborhood. It became dark and got impatient because the wife got tired. At last, I found pond when we went down from Mt.Nekkodake at 16:50. I set up a tent hastily. The water purifier frozen up. I got 2 litters of surface water and used it for the cooking. The dinner menu were almost same except using smoked chicken. It snowed. I prayed for not being piled up. After dinner, I soaked the filter in warm water and defrosted it. I make 7 litters of water in a tent. Because small mud is mixed, I had to clean the filter frequently. It took approximately one hour to got clean water. To avoid freezing, we put it between our sleeping bags.
夜の間、あまり冷え込まなかった。湖は凍っていたが、積雪はなし。6時起き、何時もの朝食。7:40 出発。強風で非常に寒い。途中、展望台があり、ここからの富士山は最高に綺麗だった。下っていくと、牧場が見えた。山稜歩道を北上すると寒さにやられそうなので、土肥は止めて宇久須に行くことにした。8:45 仁科峠、強風、凍結。道路を歩いて宇久須に向かう。ほとんど車は通らない。標高差1000メーター、10km以上あるので、宇久須到着は昼頃の予想。すなわち、沼津行き特急バスには間に合わない。予想通り、12:00 宇久須バス停着。お昼はサンクスのパンやハンバーガーとミルク。修善寺行きのバスがあり、三島へ行き、新幹線で名古屋周りで帰ることにした。三島駅前には店がなく、名古屋新幹線ホームで夕食の弁当を買った。21時、自宅着。
The fourth day
During night, it was not cold very much. The lake froze, but there was no snow. We got up at 6:00, took usual breakfast. We departed at 7:30. It was very cold by a strong wind. There was an observatory on the way, and I took photos of Mt. Fuji from here, which was really splendid. I saw a ranch when we descended. The ridge trail seemed to be very cold by the strong wind when we walked to north. I decided hike down to Ugusu not to Tohi. We reached Nishina Pass at 8:45. It was a strong wind, and freezing temperature. We walked on the road and headed to Ugusu. The car hardly went. Because there are more than 1,000 meters of altitude differences and 10km distance, it is expected the arrival time of Ugusu was noon. In other words, We were not in time for a limited express bus for Numazu. We reached Ugusu bus stop as expected at 12:00. We ate lunch in a bus: several breads, hamburgers, and 1 litter of milk, bought at Thanks ( convenience store ) We went to Shuzenji by bus and went to Mishima by train, and decided to buy dinner pack at the Nagoya terminal of Shinkansen, because there were not good stores in front of Mishima Station. We return home at 21:00.
site updated : Marmot Kompressor Plus
10:10 伊豆大川駅出発、土砂降りのため、雨具は上下着る。町中は迷いやすいのでGPSと地図で慎重にナビゲートする。11:05 最初の大きなスイッチバックから林道に入る。雨が止んだ。しばらく行くと水場があった。ほんの入口だった。1時間ほど歩いて、わずかに水が流れている場所があり、パンとチーズで昼食とした。水は補充して3リッター持った。奥様は1リッター。道ばたによさそうなテント場はあるが、側溝の水を確認しながら、先に進む。テント予定地は水のない箒山近辺だが、完全に水がなければ万二郎岳に登り、テントを張り、水を汲みに1.5時間ばかり往復する必要があった。風力発電の施設近くでも良さそうなテント場があり、水があった。進める場所まで進む。箒山林道の入口は閉鎖されていたが、横から入る。分岐点に水たまりがあったので、山頂に水がなくても、ここまで汲みにくればよいと考えた。
The first day
We hesitated to depart, because the rain was pouring. But we went to Ito Station. There are bus service to Amagi Heights Golf Course. I was worried about my wife, but if we boarded on the bus, we had nothing to do, but pitch a tent and sleep. We decided to go decisively to Izuokawa by the train. However, my wife could not believe the fee of 880 yen. She felt too expensive and talked to a station employee whether it was wrong or not. Izu is difficult place to approach, because we are living in a economical place in Toyama.
We started to hike from Izuokawa Station. it was still pouring. We wear the rain suits. I navigated with GPS and a map carefully, because the town was the most difficult place to navigate. We were at the first big switchback in the forest road at 11:05. It stopped raining. There was a water spot when we went for a while. The location was just near entrance. We went for approximately one hour. There was the place that water slightly flowed in the gutter. We ate bread and cheese for lunch. I got 4 litters of water with a water filter. I carried 3 litters and my wife 1 litter. There were several sites on the roadside for tent, but we advanced further, while confirming the water in the gutter. The planed tent site was Mt. Hokiyama. But there may be no water, then, we must climb Mt.Manjiro, and pitch our tent, and I must make a round trip for around 1.5 hours to get water. There was a good site for camping near the wind-generated electricity plants, where there was water in the gutter. But, we advanced further. The entrance of Mt. Hokiyama forest road was closed, but we entered at the side. There was a puddle at the turning point. I thought that I should come here again to get water, when there was no water on the summit of Mt. Hokiyama.
I pitched our tent at the summit of Mt.Hokiyama. Fortunately, there was a tiny puddle. I got 7 liters of water with a water purifier. The dinner menu is fried rice with sausage, dry vegetables, potato and pumpkin salad with tuna and mayonnaise, a packed bean, a packed pickle, and seasonings for rice, because I left rice without frying. I ate also sweet bread, the leftover mandarin oranges.
5:45に起きて、パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食、7:30 出発。道はしばらくすると踏み跡程度になり、テープを目印に歩く。誰とも会わず、ほとんど人が歩かないようだ。道は急速に悪くなっていく。万二郎岳の登りはかなりの急角度。あまりスイッチバックを切っていない。まあ、片貝川からの登りほどではないが。10:05 万二郎岳。いきなり道がよくなり、人が増えた。11:55 万三郎岳で、パンとチーズで昼食。ジェットボイルでラーメンを作っていた家族もいたので、対抗してPackLiteでココアを追加。狭い山頂は人だらけ。霧氷もぱらぱらと落ちてくる。12:30 出発。霧氷で真っ白な樹木あり、地面も雪が降ったように白い。すべて落ちた物。この辺り、有数の多雨地帯のため。ずっとガスの中で視界は悪い。子岳から少し下りるとガスが晴れた。14:00 戸塚峠、奥様が疲れてきた。じっくりと引っ張り、15:50 八丁池。テント設営。風が吹いてかなり寒かった。水を7リッター作成。夕食はスモークチキンを使った何時もの炒めご飯のメニュー。
The second day
We woke up at 5:45. breakfast menu was JMT bread, cheese, mango, and coffee. We started to hike at 7:30. The trail became to be footprints in a few minutes, and marked by red tapes. We met nobody. Nobody seems to walk here. The trail condition worsened rapidly. The trail became very steep at the foot of Mt. Mnjiro. There were not much switchbacks. It was not so steep as our Katakai river trail. We were at the summit of Mt. Manjiro at 10:05. The trail became suddenly obvious, and we met many hikers. We ate bread and cheese, drunk cocoa at the summit of Mt.Mansaburo, because a family who made noodles with a jet boil. Competitively, I boiled by the Primus PackLite. Full of people were in the narrow summit. The hoarfrost came off lightly, too. We departed at 12:30. There were the trees, which were pure white by hoarfrost, and the ground was white as it snowed. This neighborhood mountains were a great quantity of rain zone. We were surrounded by fog all the time. We could not see the scenery. When we went down a little from the top of Mt. Koyama, the fog cleared. We reached Totsuka Pass at 14:00, my wife tired. We walked slowly, and reached Hacho Pond at 15:50. I pitched our tent hurriedly, because of strong cold wind. I got 7 liters water with water filter. The dinner menu were almost same except using smoked chicken.
6:15に起きて、パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食。池の表面が凍っていた。テント前室で-5度くらい。8:10 出発、トイレがあったが、閉鎖されていた。別に冬季用トイレというのがあった。道は良いが、崩れた所は復旧せず、回り道になっている。10:45 天城峠、気温が上がらず、寒い。少し休憩して出発。12:30 二本松峠、昼食とする。気温は4度で非常に寒い。コンスタントに風が吹いているので、風冷効果だろう。13:00 出発。13:40深沢峠、14:35三蓋山、小さな沢が三つばかりあった。その後は稜線で水がない。16:30 猫越岳(ねっこだけ)、水が見あたらない。この辺りに火口湖があるはずだが。暗くなるし、奥様も疲労しているので焦った。16:50 猫越岳から下りた所に小さな火口湖を発見。急いでテント設営。浄水器は凍結、水は濾すゆとりがないので、上澄みを汲んできて、煮炊きに使う。夕食夕食はスモークチキンを使った何時もの炒めご飯のメニュー。雪が降ってきた。積もらないことを祈る。夕食後、フィルターを温水に浸けて解凍。テントの中で水7リッターを作る。小さな泥が混じっているので、フィルター掃除を頻繁に行い、1時間ほどかかる。それでも飲み水をたっぷり確保した。凍結しないように2人の間に入れる。
The third day
We got up at 6:15. The breakfast menu was JMT bread, cheese, mango, and coffee. The surface of the pond froze. It was around -5 degrees centigrade in a vestibule. We departed at 8:10. The restroom near the pond was closed. The winter season rest room was open. The trail was well maintained, but there were several places that collapsed untouched. And we must took a roundabout way. We reached Amagi Pass at 10:45. The temperature did not rise, and very cold. We took a short rest. We ate lunch at Nihonmatsu Pass at 12:30. The temperature is around -4 degrees. We felt very cold because of the cold wind. It was a wind chill effect. We departed at 13:00. We reached Fukazawa Pass at 13:40, Mt. Mikasayama at 14:35. There was no water in a ridge afterwards. We reached Mt Nekkodake at 16:30, but there was no water. I know there should be a crater lake in this neighborhood. It became dark and got impatient because the wife got tired. At last, I found pond when we went down from Mt.Nekkodake at 16:50. I set up a tent hastily. The water purifier frozen up. I got 2 litters of surface water and used it for the cooking. The dinner menu were almost same except using smoked chicken. It snowed. I prayed for not being piled up. After dinner, I soaked the filter in warm water and defrosted it. I make 7 litters of water in a tent. Because small mud is mixed, I had to clean the filter frequently. It took approximately one hour to got clean water. To avoid freezing, we put it between our sleeping bags.
夜の間、あまり冷え込まなかった。湖は凍っていたが、積雪はなし。6時起き、何時もの朝食。7:40 出発。強風で非常に寒い。途中、展望台があり、ここからの富士山は最高に綺麗だった。下っていくと、牧場が見えた。山稜歩道を北上すると寒さにやられそうなので、土肥は止めて宇久須に行くことにした。8:45 仁科峠、強風、凍結。道路を歩いて宇久須に向かう。ほとんど車は通らない。標高差1000メーター、10km以上あるので、宇久須到着は昼頃の予想。すなわち、沼津行き特急バスには間に合わない。予想通り、12:00 宇久須バス停着。お昼はサンクスのパンやハンバーガーとミルク。修善寺行きのバスがあり、三島へ行き、新幹線で名古屋周りで帰ることにした。三島駅前には店がなく、名古屋新幹線ホームで夕食の弁当を買った。21時、自宅着。
The fourth day
During night, it was not cold very much. The lake froze, but there was no snow. We got up at 6:00, took usual breakfast. We departed at 7:30. It was very cold by a strong wind. There was an observatory on the way, and I took photos of Mt. Fuji from here, which was really splendid. I saw a ranch when we descended. The ridge trail seemed to be very cold by the strong wind when we walked to north. I decided hike down to Ugusu not to Tohi. We reached Nishina Pass at 8:45. It was a strong wind, and freezing temperature. We walked on the road and headed to Ugusu. The car hardly went. Because there are more than 1,000 meters of altitude differences and 10km distance, it is expected the arrival time of Ugusu was noon. In other words, We were not in time for a limited express bus for Numazu. We reached Ugusu bus stop as expected at 12:00. We ate lunch in a bus: several breads, hamburgers, and 1 litter of milk, bought at Thanks ( convenience store ) We went to Shuzenji by bus and went to Mishima by train, and decided to buy dinner pack at the Nagoya terminal of Shinkansen, because there were not good stores in front of Mishima Station. We return home at 21:00.
- 冬は風冷効果の関係で予想以上に寒い。多雨地帯でもある。
- 稜線には、ほとんど水がない。水場は八丁池と猫越岳山頂の池だが、後者は濁っているので、浄水器が必要。
- 海岸線に出ると、バスは30分に1本ほど走っていて、三島や修善寺に行ける。
- 宿泊費は比較的高値だが、安いところもある。予めネットで調べておくとよい。
- トレイルは一見良さそうに見えるが、最低限のメインテナンスしかされていない。標識はよく整備されている。
- It is unexpectedly cold by the wind chill effect in winter. This area is also a great quantity of rain zone.
- There is almost no water on the Izu ridge trail. The water spot are Hacho pond and Mt.Nekkodake Peak's pond. A water purifier is necessary for the latter, because it is muddy.
- When you come to the shoreline, the bus runs one for 30 minutes, bound to Mishima and Shuzenji.
- The hotel charges are relatively expensive, but there are cheap hotels. You should find out in Web beforehand.
- The trail looks good at a first glance, but it is maintained minimum. Landmarks are maintained well.
site updated : Marmot Kompressor Plus