
John Muir Trail 2019 (1) Narita to Tuolumne

ヨセミテからの南行きpermitの抽選に当たる確率は非常に低く、一カ月以上外れ続き、Tahoe Rim Trailに行く準備を整えた。明日、飛行機の予約をするという日に千恵子が変なメールが来ているという。当選のメールだった。そこで急遽、行く準備を整えた。permitは8月15日と遅いが、雪が非常に多い年だったので、雪溶けが進んだ良い時期になる。

The probability of get a southbound permit from Yosemite were very small. We continue to lose more than a month. We are ready for the Tahoe Rim Trail. Chieko said that she got a weird email, when I was ready to book the airplane tickets tomorrow. It was a permit reservation email. Then,  in a hurry, we prepared to hike JMT. The permit date was August 15. It was late as a normal year, but it was a very snowy year, so it was a good time for snow to melt.

フライトは何時ものシンガポール航空。8/11成田発。成田からの機内食は良くなかった。昼にビュッフェで正解か。割によく寝たのでロスに着いた時にダメージが少なかった。ただし、イミグレーションのチェックが厳重になって、二時間あまりかかってしまった。ロス在住の大滝さんが来てくれたが、かなり待たせたようだ。フレズノ行きの飛行機は20時に変更になったため、夕食が必要なので、近くのIn & Out burgerに行った。きちんと作ったバーガーで美味しかった。

We usually fly to USA by Singapore Airlines. Departs from Narita on 8/11. In-flight meals from Narita were not good. Therefore, it might be good to take a buffet in the afternoon. We slept relatively well, so when we arrived at Los Angeles, we were not tired. However, the immigration check was strict and took about two hours. We met Mr. Otaki, who lives in Los Angeles, but we seemed to have kept him waiting for a long time. The flight to Fresno was changed at 20:00 and we needed dinner, so we went to nearby In & Out burger shop. It was a good burger and delicious.

FresnoのPicadilly Innは空港から徒歩5分、あらかじめストリートビューで予習ずみ。

Picadilly Inn in Fresno is a 5-minute walk from the airport, I had learned in Street View beforehand.

朝食はもちろんパンケーキ(Picadilly Inn)。十分カロリーオーバーなので昼食抜き。ビッグ5方面に向かって歩くが、遠い。1時間ほどかかった。ガスキャニスター、REPEL、エナジーバーを購入。帰りはバスを利用。明日のYARTSバスの乗り場を確認した。

Ofcourse, we selected pancakes for the breakfast (Picadilly Inn). We took enough calories, then no lunch needed. We walked towards Big 5, but it was very far. It took about an hour. We purchase gas canisters, REPEL, and energy bar. We returned by bus. I checked the YARTS bus platform for tomorrow.


We went to a nearby Chinese buffet after 5 o'clock, but it was closed. Once again, we walked to the Chinese buffet near Big 5. $ 16.7 for seniors. It tasted good, not salty and sweet. Mango was delicious in fruits. We wanted to return by a bus and waited, but it did not come. I thought it had finished. We walked in the darkness to the inn.


We rode the YART bus bound to Yosemite. A few passenger. The bus was comfortable. We arrived Yosemite in the afternoon. The store was very crowded. We bought burritos,  but they were not delicious. Failure. We bought steaks, bagels, etc. for the night. We rode the bus bound to Tuolumne at 4 o'clock. Dinner was a steak set meal.

夜はよく寝た。時差調整はOK。立山で行った高度順応も良かったようだ。Wilderness OfficeへPermitを取りに行く。7回目というと、説明を簡単にしてすぐに出してくれた。暇だからSoda Springの方向へ向かい、ぐるりと回る。昼食はTuolumne Storeのハンバーガー。Storeに野菜や果物がなく、途方にくれたが、夕方もう一度行くと、たくさんあった。夕方に仕入れるようだ。

We slept well. Time adjustment was OK. The altitude adaptation camp at Tateyama worked also good. We went to the Wilderness Office for the permit. When I said to  the ranger this was the 7th time of JMT, The explanation became very short, and he gave me the permit immediately. We walked to Soda Spring because we had time. Lunch was burgers at the Tuolumne Store. There were no vegetables or fruits in the Store at that time. We were very disappointed. But when we checked the store again in the evening, there were many. They seems to buy in the evening.

There is no steak, so the main dish of the dinner is sausage.

Now, we will start JMT tomorrow.

写真はここ。The photos is here.

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