
NOBO JMT 2018 (3) --- Crabtree Meadow to Painted Lady

5:30起き、ゆっくりして7:30出発、Sandy Meadowの北の峠10:00、テントを広げて乾かす。
I woke up at 5:30. relaxed, started to hike at 7:30.  I dried the tent at the pass on the north of Sandy Meadow.


Wallace Creekで昼食。少し進んだ場所で、2時過ぎか、三人のハイカーと会って立ち話、水場を聞かれたのが切っ掛け。Shroomerの話をすると、近所に住んでいるという。中央がMichael Hofmayer, trail nameはPan Tiltということだった。左の人がセクションハイカーで、今回でJMTのスルーが完成するという。

Lunch at Wallace Creek. I met 3 hikers on the north of the creek at 14:00. A hiker asked me the water.  I talked about Shroomer, then he said he was living near Shroomer. His name was Michael Hofmayer, his trail name was Pan Tilt(center). The left guy was a section hiker of JMT, and this was his last section.

The weather was not good. I don't want to encounter thunder in the flat place. Fortunately, it did not come.

Bighorn Plateau

Tyndall Creekは水量が少なく簡単に渡れた。林の中にテント設営16:00。水を確保してテントに入ると、16:30から激しい雷雨。
The crossing of Tyndall Creek was easy because the water level was low. I pitched my tent in the forest at 16:00. I get enough water, then the heavy thunderstorm began at 16:30.

my test site near Tyndall Creek

To tell the truth, I had only an igniter. Contrary to my expectation, it did not work well due to the altitude. But I realized that if enough gas was collected, the fire began. Then I made a small funnel which was attached to the igniter. Now it worked well.

I made this after this JMT hiking. It works efficiently. Then, I stop to have a lighter. 

4:30起き、6:00出発。昨年、Forester越えで雷雨になったので、午前中には越えたい。Pass 11:30、lunch。幸い、天気は良かった。Junction Peak直下の池でカメラを持っている重装備の人と会う。テント場はいつものBubbs Creekの場所。曇っていたが、カンカン照りになり、夕食後、木陰に引っ越した。

I woke at 4:30, starting at 6:00. I wanted to go beyond Forester Pass because I had encountered a heavy thunderstorm last summer. I reached the Pass at 11:30. Fortunately, the weather was fine. I met a guy who had a heavy DSLR camera at the small lake under Junction Peak. I pitched my tent at the usual place along Bubbs Creek. It was cloudy, but it became fine. I moved my tent under the shadow of a tree.

Upper Tyndall Creek


Forester Passをバックに

Forester Pass直下

Forester Pass

Junction Peak

The photo was taken by Cam Anderson

near Bubbs Creek 0784-5

6:15出発。天気は比較的落ち着いていた。Bullfrog Trail junction 10:30、lunch. 普通の人はここで補給に下りるが、スイッチバックを登り、Charlotte Lake Trail junctionへ。 Glen Passは13:40、雷は離れた場所で、大丈夫だった。Rae Lake、15:30。 激しい雷雨が始まり、急遽、Painted Lady の正面にテント設営。もう一時間ほど歩く予定だったが、とんでもない状況。

I started to hike at 6:15. The weather was stable. I took lunch at Bullfrog Trail junction at 10:30. Many hikers went to Kearsarge Pass for resupplies. I climbed the switchbacks and arrived at Charlotte Lake Trail junction. I was at Glen Pass at 13:40. I heard the thunder at a little remote place. I arrived at Rae Lake 15:30. The heavy thunderstorm began. I immediately pitched my tent in front of the Painted Lady. I wanted to walk one more hour. but it was impossible.

Bubbs Creek in the morning

East and West Vidette

Charllotte Trail junction、昨年はここが湖になっていた。

south of Glen Pass

North of Glen Pass, Thunderstorm was approaching

The ridge of Glen Pass

in front of the Painted Lady

dinner, rehydrate beef jerky

After the heavy thunderstorm

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