
Mt. Hakuba to Keyakidaira St.---Test of new equipment

Mt. Hakuba to Keyakidaira St.

アメリカ疲れは残っていたが、白馬に行くとすれば、10月始めがリミット。寒冷前線が来ると吹雪く危険な山。天気予報を睨んで、二日目が晴れる週末とした。アプローチは立山より簡単で交通費もやすい。JRで平岩へ行き、バスで蓮華温泉は13:30着。便利で、人も比較的少ない。今回は新製品を三つ試したかった。Altra 75, RIBZ フロントパック、Asolo TPS 520。納得のいかない製品は本に紹介できないから。

If I go to Mt. Hakuba,  I should go before early October, because Mt. Hakuba is a dangerous aria when cold front comes, it means the snowstorm.  I was not completely recovered from the fatigue of JMT.  I watched weather forecast for several days, I thought the next weekend may be the best, because the second day of the hiking might be fine. The approach is simpler, more economical, and more few people than Mt. Tateyama. Firstly, I went to Hiraiwa by JR (Japan Railroad), and rode on a bus bound to Renge Onsen ( spa ) I wanted to test three new equipment this time. Altra 75, RIBZ front pack, Asolo TPS520.  I cannot introduce the new products to my new book without field test.





first day

I ate bread and a banana at Hiraiwa Station for lunch, because I had to wait around 1 hour for the bus. Nobody is. I might be an only passenger for the bus. I changed the the mounting location of the shoulder belts narrow, because I was nervous about new backpack. At this time, the backside of the RIBZ was slightly low, because I used the waist belt stabilizers to hang it, and I had made the inner case of camera with tent mat very crudely, because of lack of time. The driver and conductor of the bus came, and I rode on the bus. But they went somewhere leaving the door open. Approximately six passengers rode on the bus, because they transferred from JR train, came from Hakuba aria around 12:00. The driver and the conductor came back.

I started to hike at 13:30. Nobody followed me. I thought all the passengers would stay at Renge Onsen. The clouds began to emerge, because it was the afternoon. Approximately one hour later, there a coughing. guy followed me. I met him at Tengu no Niwa( the garden of the long-nosed goblin) at 15:00.  He came by car from Shiga prefecture. He carried heavy load with Osprey Variant 52. He wanted to yo-yo to Mt. Hakuba and to hike toward Mt.Asahi, and to return to Renge Onsen. The distance between Mt. Asahi and Hakuba Oike is large if added the distance of the summit of Mt.Hakuba. I recommended  him to stay at the Yukikura shelter hut. He was not strong, because he had a custom of smoking. He was apt to be late. We had rain at last near Hakuba Oike. I pitched the tent at 17:00. It became terrible weather, because the rain and wind were very strong. I became anxious about tomorrow. The tent site was crowded. It  was successive holidays in Japan.



second day

Wind and rain stopped at midnight. I saw starlit sky. I woke up around 3:30 a.m. I had breakfast and at 4:00 and spend slow because it was dark. I started to hike at 5:30, because the sky became bright. I took a short break at Mt. Shorenge at 7:20. It was a fine weather, but clouds emerged in the far place. At 9:00, the peak of Mt. Hakuba.  Nagano aria was covered with clouds, but the Toyama side was clear. I took several photos. There were many people on the peak, but it became few at the foot of Mt. Asahidake. There were dangerous places, where unexperienced hiker would be surprised. I wanted to have  a lunch at the small pond, but I could not find out. so I ate a lunch at the ridge at 10:40. I obtained 1 litter water at the small pond of Mt.Shouzudake at 12:30.  The clouds emerged, and I was afraid of the afternoon shower. I reminded at the more large ponds, where I  could pitch my tent at the beginning of  descent of the Mt. Shimizu. When I hiked down for around 1-2 hours,  I met a guy who was climbing with a large backpack, came from Babadani. I said that he should sleep in an upper ponds, but he said he would do his best. I thought he would go to the peak of Mt. Hakuba. It could rain at any time, because the cloud became thick. I also met another guy who also hiked up from Babadani. He said he wanted to stay at the shelter hut but it was too early to stay so he hiked up. I recommended to pitch a tent near a pond. I arrived at the shelter hut of Mt.Kaerazudake.  It rained intensively. I went to get the water, after I hanged my tent to dry and arranged my baggage. The water flowed very little, so I took 6 litters without a water purifier. The guy met last time was in the hut, but he started to hike once again, because the rain stopped. I thanked to him secretly,  because I could sleep alone. It begun to rain again after 30 minutes.  At first,  I arranged my bedside, and then I  boiled the water and drank hot cocoa and ate an energy bar. Then I purified the water. Dinner was the soup rice,  using the instant whole fried rice. But, as for the rice, cooking the normal rice was the best. After main dish, I ate salad ,  muesli  and milk. After all, I was alone in the hut, and was able to sleep well.


5:30出発、崖っぷちのガレ場が続く。8:30 百貫の下り終了。老夫婦が二人登ってきた。ベテランらしい。しばらくすると、汗びっしょりの若者が登ってきた。「よく登りますね。ここきついですよ。」というと「きついんですか」と聞かれる。祖母谷から白馬山頂までは標高差2200m、道も荒れているので、きついに決まっているんだが、何も知らないようなので、何も言わなかった。まあ死ぬことはないし。10:30 林道に合流。なんと携帯が通じる場所だった。ただ、谷の関係かGPSがうまく収束せず、inReachからの発信ができなかった。これは祖母谷近くで発信した。12:00 欅平駅、人の山。顔を洗ってひげを剃り、トロッコ電車に乗り込む。宇奈月までで2100円と高いし、窮屈な場所に1時間も閉じ込められた。非常に疲れた。

third day

I started to hike at 5:30. There were may dangerous places, footing of the edge of a precipice. The end of decent of Mt.Hiyakan at 8:30. I met the old couple was hiked up. They seemed to be  experts. Next I met young guy soaked with sweat  in several minutes. I said to him "Tough climb, It is a hard place." He said "Is it hard?". I said "Yes" but nothing added because he seemed to be unexperienced hiker, but never die.  It was clear how hard this trail was, because the altitude difference of Babadani and the peak of Mt.Hakuba was 2,200 meters,  and the trail was rugged. I ended up my hike at the forest road at 10:30. It was the place where a mobile phone was able to use. But the GPS did not converge well. I sent my location and message near Babadani Spa with the inReach and the smart phone. I reached Keyakidaira Station at 12:00, met the crowd of people. I washed a face and shaved a mustache and get in a truck train (very narrow gauged train). The fee was very expensive. It costed 2,100 yen from here to Unazuki. I was very tired because I was confined at the narrow seat for 1 hour.

  • Altra 75 ... よくできたバックパックだった。ほとんどの荷重を腰で支えられるし、ウエストベルトが動きすぎる欠点は、バックパック・スタビライザーを短くすれば解決できる。ワンコンパートメントなので、隙間なく物を詰められる。数日のハイキングには大きすぎるので、Altra 65の方がよいのだろう。それで Altra 75が安売りされた訳だ。しかし、スリーピング・バッグを圧縮せずに20Lの防水パックに入れれば、バランスがよくなって問題無い。ハイキングの後で気づいた。
  • RIBZ Frontpack ( 2012 Version ) .. 出発の前日に入手したばかりだった。身体に付けると窮屈な感じがして嫌だったので、ばっさりと切断し、バックパックに取り付けるように改造した。縦のジッパーのポケットが廃止されていたので、その分、容量が大きくなり、カメラの出し入れがスムースだった。よく改良されていると思う。
  • Asolo TPS 520 ... 履き心地は良かったが、この靴は駄目だった。底が柔かいし、足首のサポートも弱い。ガレ場の連続で、傷だらけになった。日常用に転用し、Asolo Titan サイズ12を注文した。