
NOBO JMT 2018 (6) --- VVR to Mammoth


The three days stay at VVR is the limit because of high-calorie food. Regrettably, I could not eat the full American breakfast. I had to head to Mammoth, the half of my resupplies was cast into the hiker's box. Of course, I picked up several foods and energy bars.

9:00 フェリー乗り場、Mono Creek Junction 10:40、ランチ 12:30。メドウ14:30。Silver Pass Lake 16:40。荷物が軽いので30分くらい早めに付いた。お気に入りの場所が空いていたので、一人きりでキャンプ。夕食はVVRで拾った物。二袋ミックス。

The ferry terminal at 9:00, Mono Creek Junction at 10:40. I took lunch at 12:30. Meadow at 14:30. Silver Pass Lake at 16:40. I arrived at the campsite 30 minutes earlier than usual because my backpack was light. I pitched my tent at my favorite place alone. The dinner was the two packs I picked up at VVR.

Lake Edison

VVR Ferry

near 0882

Silver Pass Creek

Silver Pass Lake

My favorie tent site 

American free food、似ているから混ぜた。大丈夫。

7:20出発、Silver Pass 8:00, Chief Lake 8:30、少し下るとMinaretが見えるが、ガスは煙。Lake Virginia 14:10。ハンモックでのんびりしているハイカー一人。Purple Lake 16:00、テントサイトは湖の北西によい場所が多かった。

I started to hike at 7:20. Silver Pass at 8:00, Chief Lake 8:30. I looked the smoke and Minaret at a little lowe place. Lake Virginia at 14:10. An American hiker was chilling on the hammock alone. Purple Lake at 16:00. I found good campsites along the north-west side of the lake. 

The lake near Silver Pass

The smoke and Minaret

Chief Lake

Squar Lake

Purple Lake

The northside of Purple Lake

Free VVR meal, mixed

7:30 出発、Duck Lake 10:00、意外にきれいな場所だった。Fat Americans 数名。マンモスの近くのキャンプ場は良いとは聞いたが、行かない方がよいと思った。Skelton Lakeにテント設営、13:00。のんびりする。みりん干しはダブルで焼く。

I started to hike at 7:30. Duck Lake at 10:00. Duck Lake was a very beautiful place. I found several fat Americans. I heard that there are good campgrounds along near Mammoth. But I did not think them good. I pitched my tent near Skelton Lake at 13:00. I ate dry fishes double. 

Duck Lake

north of Duck Pass

Skelton Lake

6:30出発、Campgroundは24$、車のキャンプが中心。バス停 8:20、Bishopまでのヒッチハイクを試みたが、車が通らない。無料のシャトルバスを乗り継いでマンモスのVONSの前まで。VONSのパンで昼食にして、ESTA BusでBishop へ。ハイキング終了。

I started to hike at 6:30. The fee of a campground was 24$. It was for car camping. The bus stop at 8:20.  I tried a hitchhiking to Bishop, but no car came. I rode on a free shuttle bus and changed to another. I arrived at the front of Vons in Mammoth. I ate bread for lunch and rode an ESTA bus heading to Bishop. Now, my hiking of this summer ended. 

The free shuttle bus in Mammoth

facebook group ---> Hiking in America


NOBO JMT 2018 (5) --- Upper Basin to VVR

6:40出発、Le Conte Ranger Station 9:00、Big Pete Meadow 9:40、昼頃から天気が悪くなり、雷雨となる。雷雨を避けて WA0837Bの近くで一時休憩、14:30。テントを張りたい所だが、予定よりやや遅れているのと、雷が遠ざかったので、ハイキングを継続。Muir Passは遅れて17:10着。Dougというハイカーと一緒になる。少し下り、植生の乏しい場所にテント設営。5:30。

I started to hike at 6:40. Le Conte Ranger station at 9:00, Big Pete Meadow at 9:40, Thunder and rain began around noon. I stopped to avoid thunderstorm near WA0837B. It was 14:30. I want to pitch my tent but I was a little behind the schedule and thunder faded away. I continued to hike further. I arrived at Muir Pass 17:10, met a hiker named Doug. I hiked down a little and pitched my tent where the vegetation was minimum. It was at 17:30.

He was hiking with his tall brother

Middle Fork Kings River

near WACS 0835C, c.a. 3200meter 

good tent site, near WA0837B, thunder

Helen Lake 

Muir Hut


on the north of Muir Pass

My water filtering system using a tent pole and a trekking pole.

6:00出発、DougはWanda Lakeの傍でテント泊だった。彼は風向きから今日は雷なしという予想だったが、朝から雲が湧いていたので、私は昼頃から雷になると予想した。今日は遅れを一気に取り戻すため、Piute Trail Junctionを目指した。 Evolution Lake 9:00, Ranger Station 12:10、ランチとした。近くまで雷雨が迫ってきた。しばらくすると小雨となった。今回、せめてEvolution Creekの代替渡渉ルートを確認したかった。渡渉地点の川の流れは緩かった。渡渉地点前後はメドウだった。なぜ、JMTはここを通らないのか、不思議に思った。通常の渡渉箇所で、ちょうどPack Trainが川を渡った。途端に納得がいった。結局、JMTは馬の道で、馬が通行不能でない限り橋をかける必要も、ルート変更の必要もない。渡渉できないハイカーは来るなということだ。この頃から本格的に雷雨が始まり、Evolution Valleyに下りると、猛烈な雹と雷雨に襲われて、一時的に大きな木の陰に避難した。Junction手前でテントも考えたが、良い場所がなく、結局、junctionまで歩いた。テント設営、6:00。雷雨が終わった。

I started to hike at 6:00. I met Doug near Wanda Lake. He said it was expected no thunder today because of the direction of the wind. But, my expectation was there was a thunderstorm at noon because it was cloudy in the morning. I headed to Piute Trail junction because of my delay. Evolution Lake at 9:00, I took lunch at the Ranger Station. It was at 12:10. There was a thunderstorm close place. It began to rain after a short time. I want to see the alternative crossing point of Evolution Creek this time. The creek was shallow and fording was easy at the alternative crossing point. I arrived at the usual crossing point then the pack train began to cross. Instantly, I realized that JMT was a pack trail. Unless the horses are impassable, there was no necessity of a bridge and alternative trail. The hiker who cannot cross the creek should not come here. Hereafter, the thunderstorm began. When I hike down to Evolution Valley, the heavy hail and thunderstorm came. I  hid under the shadow of a large tree. I tried to pitch my tent, but there was no good tent site. Finally, I hike to the junction and pitched my tent at 18:00. The thunderstorm was away.

 It was a sign of a thunderstorm.

Sapphire Lake

Evolution Lake

Alternative crossing point

The usual crossing point

Heavy Hail and Thunderstorm

4:00起き、5:20出発。登りでDougと再会、8:30。彼はMTRに泊まったという。彼はガスカートリッジに不具合があり、VVRでも再会した。Senger Creek 10:00。Sally Key Lake 11:40。そろそろ雲行きが怪しい。Selden Pass 13:00。激しい稲妻が南の空を水平になんども走る。激しい雷雨が始まった。中年の女性ハイカーが恐怖に駆られたのか、猛烈なスピードで下って行った。マリーレイクの傍の木陰でランチ、13:30。雷が通り過ぎるのを待った。Rose Lake Trail junction 15:15。Bear Creekの渡渉点、16:20。昨年のログ・ブリッジがどうなったか、確認のため、少し下流の渡渉可能点を調べたが、流されていた。Bear Creekを渡り、ソックス交換している時に、激しい落雷。しばらくすると雷鳴が収まったので、Bear Creekを下る。前回よりも下流の0872地点近くにテント設営。18:30。夕食にはポルチーニのチーズ炒めが追加できた。

I woke 4:00 and started to hike at 5:20. I met Doug again at the ascending trail. He camped at MTR. I met him at VVR again, because of the trouble of a gas canister. Senger Creek at 10:00, Saly Key Lakes at 11:40. There came thunderstorm. I arrived at Seldon Pass at 13:00. There were frequent lightning on the south of the pass. The middle-aged female hiker walked rapidly down the pass. I took lunch under the shadow of a large tree, avoiding the rain. Rose Lake Trail junction at 15:15. Bear Creek Crossing at 16:20. I checked the crossing point a little lower place where a log bridge was usable last summer. But the log bridge was gone.  I crossed the usual point and changed the socks. There was a furious thunder at that moment.  After a short time, thunder was away. I hiked along Bear Creek. I picked up a porcini, pitched my tent along Bear Creek near 0872, near the junction of Bear Creek Trail. It was at 18:30. I added the steer-fried porcini with cheese to my dinner.

Sallie Key Lakes

Heart Lake

Lightning on the south side of Selden Pass

Marie Lake in a thunderstorm

Lunch, avoiding the thunderstorm

Marie Lake

The usual crossing point of Bear Creek

My tent site along Bear Creek, near 0872

I got mushroom.

tasted very good. 

寝過ごして5:40起き、7:10スタート。久しぶりにBear Creek Trailを下る。所々は記憶にあるが、充分ではない。12:00過ぎにランチをして、Bear Creek Cut-Off Trail へ。トレイルヘッドは13:40。車がいないので、ヒッチハイク不能。長い歩きを覚悟して、エディソンダムを歩いていたら、車が来て、乗れという。以前から前後していたアメリカ人ハイカーが6人ほど乗っていた。VVRのシャトルだった。14:30 VVR 着。無料だと思ったが、シャトル代を22ドル請求され、ちょっとがっくり。お気に入りの場所にテント設営し、夕食はステーキとサラダ。一日か二日滞在予定。

I slept too long. I woke at 5:40 and started to hike at 7:10. I hiked down along Bear Creek Trail after a long absence. I took lunch at noon and turned to Bear Creek Cut-Off Trail. I arrived at the trailhead at 13:40. No car, then no chance of hitchhiking. When I walked along Edison Dam, a car came, the American hikers called me. Then I got a ride. But it was a shuttle of VVR. VVR at 14:30. I was charged 22$ for a ride.  I was disappointed a little, then I pitched my tent at my usual place. I ate steak and salad for a dinner. I planed for one or two-day stay.

The beginning of Bear Trail

The ridge


Lake Edison

tent at VVR

Americans I met on the way


There is no WiFi and no cell-phone service at VVR. Jim appeared and let me use his WiFi secretly. Then I could get the latest information by Facebook and Web. Yosemite continued to be closed due to Fergason Fire. Then my reservation of Half Dome Village became ineffective. In this case, no YART bus service. Therefore, I could not go to Fresno by bus.

何度もヨセミテまでは歩いたし、こんな時に無理に歩いてもつまらないと思った。Jimの案はDuck Lake 経由でMammoth に抜けるということだった。Duck Lakeは見ていないので、良い機会と思った。そこでVVRの滞在を延ばした。千恵子とはネット電話で話しをしてBishopのMotel 6に5日間、予約を入れてもらった。

I knew enough from VVR to Yosemite. It was not enjoyable to hike against such a situation. The Jim's idea was to hike to Mammoth via Duck Lake avoiding the smoke. I had not yet hiked Duck Lake. I thought it was a good idea. Then, I prolonged the stay at VVR, talked with Chieko by internet phone, and booked 5 days stay at Motel 6 in Bishop.


A hiker came with a sakosshu in his front and Osprey's backpack. I had not seen American with a sakosshu. Therefore, he was a Japanese at 99% level confidence. But he seemed to be tired, I read my kindle for an hour, then talked to him. He just ate a hamburger. He was Mr. Morita. He entered from Bishop Pass, greeted by the thunderstorm. I thought he would stay tonight, but he decided to head to Tuolumne. I talked about the delicious VVR steak, but he definitely headed to Tuolumne. The cookers of this summer were excellent, I will show you the samples a little.

A sample of the dinner menu

New York Steak

Grilled Pork

 BBQ Rib

Half Chicken



Typical American Breakfast

The owner of VVR --- Jim

facebook group ---> Hiking in America