
Primus Eta Oven System

3 litterのEta system の蓋をアルミにして、Outback Oven用のMSR パンハンドラー、温度計、ポットパーカを追加した。これでパンやホットケーキが焼けるし、熱効率が上がる。

I have changed the lid of 3 litters Eta system to the aluminum, and added the MSR pan handler, thermometer, and pot parka. Then, I can bake pancake and bread. It became more fuel efficient.

The system with pot parka

The handler of Primus and the lid are weak for heat. Therefore, I removed them.

All the parts are packed into one. The total weight is 1.2 kg including lighter, igniter and a pan handler.

3 litters Eta system with MSR pan handler, thermometer, and pot parka

The system without pot parka
