6:30頃起きる。パンとクッキー(昨日Two Sistersでの残り物)、チーズ、コーヒー、プルーン、ヨーグルトの朝食。車でボート乗り場の近くに行く。トレイルはボート乗り場の辺りから始まるはずだが、分からない。Shroomerはレインジャーにトレイルを聞き、改めて8:45出発。皆さん、フルスピードで走るように歩く。登りになると、スピードは落ちるし、どうせ峠で待ってくれるので、やや速めのペースを維持して歩く。小さい滝Rockwell Fallで少し休憩。気持ちの良いトレイルが続く。Cobalt Lakeを過ぎると少し登りがきつくなるが、景色がよく見えるようになった。赤茶けたRockwell山が近づいた。三人は視界から消えたが、峠は近い。数分後、峠らしい所で全員でランチ。11:30。グレイシャーのハイキングで、ここが最後の峠になる。我々は長い間景色を眺めて休憩した。10分程度歩くと、Two Medicine Pass。手早くパノラマを撮影した。トレイルは急角度で下る。三人に引き離されてしまったので、少しばかりクロスカントリーをする。
I woke up at 6:30. My breakfast menu is bread, the cookie (leftovers of Two Sisters in yesterday ), cheese, prune, yogurt, and coffee. We went to the place near the boat harbor by car. But we could not find out the entrance of the trail, therefore, Shroomer asked a ranger about the trailhead. Then, we started to hike at 8:45. They walked very fast as if they were running. Since their walking speed would decrease at the uphill, and they would wait for me at the pass, therefore I maintained a slightly quicker pace. We rested at a small fall, named Rockwell fall. A pleasant trail continued. When I passed over Cobalt Lake, the uphill became a little tight for a while, and the great scenery appeared. I approached the reddish-brownish Rockwell mountain, and three-person became out of my sight near the pass. At the pass like a place, we rested for a long time and ate lunch. It was 11:30. This was the last high place in Glacier hiking, Therefore, we rested and looked at the scene for a long time. The Two Medicine Pass was located in 10 minutes walking. I took several photos quickly to make a panorama. I hike down an acute downhill. They were out of sight, so I carried out a cross-country for a short distance.
15:20 Upper Park Creek Campground着。テント設営。近くの川で洗濯して水を浄化する。Shroomerは疲れてしばらく寝ていた。夕食は何時もの食事。今度はスープの材料を持ってきたので、フリーズドライの野菜スープに乾燥野菜とホタテと鶏ガラスープを加えて片栗でとろみを付けた旨いスープができた。食事の場所でたき火が出来たので、ハイカーが何人も集まってきて会話が盛り上がった。Shroomerは私にフィルターのデモンストレーションを要求した。もう、4-5回はデモをした。私はSawyerのフィルターとプラティパスのチューブを組み合わせて落下式フィルターとして使っていた。性能の良いウルトラライト・フィルター・システムになった。Shroomerは自分のフィルターは使わず、私のフィルターに頼り切りだった。食事の後も話が盛り上がったが、私は飽きてきたので、小雨が降ったのを契機にテントに戻って先に寝た。パーティは夜10時頃まで続いた。
We arrived at Upper Park Creek Campground at 15:20. We pitched our tents. Shroomer was very tired and sleeping for a while. I washed my T-shirts on a nearby river and purified water. I cooked usual dinner and nice soup, which was made adding chicken-bones soup and scallop to the freeze-dry vegetable soup, thickened by starch since the material of soup was brought this time. At this time, there was a good fire ring, so we made a fire during dinner. Many hikers also gathered and we talked a lot. Shroomer ordered me to demonstrate my filter system. I had already demonstrated 4 to 5 times before. I made a gravity filter system, combining the Sawyer filter and the tubes of Platypus. The result was a wonderful ultralight filter system. Shroomer could not use his filter and depended entirely on my filter system. Although the merry conversation continued after dinner, I got bored. I returned to the tent when slight rain fell and slept. The party continued till around 10:00 at night.
6:30頃起きる。パン、チーズ、ヨーグルト、プルーン、コーヒーの朝食。今日は単調な下りをこなすだけである。7:50 出発。川沿いのよく整備されたトレイル。昼頃、Rangerの小屋があった。休憩。GPSで確認するとキャンプ地は300メーターほど南。みんなは先に行くが、一人残って、コーヒーをわかし、エナジーバーを食べ、途中でとったベリーを食べて昼食とした。少し歩いて、12:30テント設営。川の水から飲み水を4リッター作った。Shroomerも水を作り、その後、うたた寝したが、疲れ切ったらしく、何時間も起きてこなかった。我々はShroomerのうたた寝の邪魔をしないように、食事の場所にいた。 若い女性ハイカーが二人来て、傍にテントを設営した。それでもShroomerは起きてこない。「若い女の人が来てもShroomerの声がしない。彼が生きていればしゃべるはずだし、Shroomerは死んだかもしれない」とTrail Hackerに言った。
I woke up at 6:30, ate bread, cheese, yogurt, prune, and coffee. We had to walk a monotonous mild downhill, today. We started at 7:50. The trail was well-maintained and going along a river. We found a hut of ranger at noon. We rested for a while. When I checked our campground by my GPS, it was located in the south about 300 meters. Although everybody went forward, I remained alone, boiled coffee, ate an energy bar and the berry taken on the way as lunch. Then I walked a little and pitched my tent at 12:30. I purified 4 litters of water at the riverside. Shroomer also made his drinking water with my system, returned this tent, and took a nap for a long time. He seemed to be very tired. We were in the food preparation area. Two young female hikers came and pitched their tents near our site. But, Shroomer still did not awake. I talked with Trail Hacker, "I can't hear Shroomer's voice, even if the young woman came. If he is alive, he must talk a lot, possibly Shroomer died."
16時過ぎ、やっとShroomerが現れた。また、女性ハイカー二人も加わり、団らんに加わった。昨夜はLake Isabel(我々の昨夜のキャンプ地から少し登った場所)でキャンプしたが、テントの周りを熊がうろついて眠れなかったという。二人とも恐怖の関係で消耗していた。彼女らはヒッチハイクでTwo Medicineに戻る予定という。Shroomerはすかさず、我々は明日Two Medicineに戻るべく車を置いているので同乗すればよいという。「俺たちはもう一泊の予定だろう」というと、Shroomerはその件は議論したという。「冗談じゃない。俺は議論してないよ。おまえは若い女性が現れると、すぐ気がかわるんだから」という。明日は3時間くらい歩いて、低い峠越えをするだけなので、景色は望めない。辻褄合わせのキャンプなので、結論には同意するんだが。ちなみに車の後部席に乗る人をスラングでmonkey girl (boy )というらしい。夕食は何時ものようにしっかりと作ったが、女性たちは疲れているらしく、テントに引き返した。17:30頃から少しの間激しい雨になった。数日前からGlacierは秋になって、夜に冷え込むようになった。
Shroomer appeared at last past 16:00. Moreover, two female hikers also joined us. They camped last night at Lake Isabel ( located around one hour uphill walking from our last night's camp ), and the bear had loitered surroundings of their tents. They were not able to sleep. They had exhausted very much due to the fear. They wanted to return to Two Medicine by hitchhiking. Shroomer instantly said that they should ride our car together since we have placed the car so that we may return to Two Medicine tomorrow. I said to him "We are planning one more stay!" Shroomer said, "We had already discussed." I said "Discussed? I don't know. You easily change your mind when a young girl appears." The remaining hike was only around 3 hours walking, and the pass was not high enough, so we could not expect great scenery. I agreed with that conclusion.
According to Shroomer, those who incidentally ride on the rear seat of a car will be called monkey girl (boy) in slang. I cooked with enough stuff for dinner. The two girls seemed to be tired, and they went to their tents. It began to rain heavily from 17:30 for a while. It became autumn in Glacier from several days before, and it became cold at night.
6:00頃起きて、パン、チーズ、プルーン、コーヒー、ヨーグルトの朝食。昨日の夜遅く、女性たちはたき火をしたようだ。昨晩は時々雨だった。8:00出発。単調な下りなので、速いペースで歩く。途中からブッシュが茂り、脚がかなり濡れた。スパッツを脱いだのは失敗。しかし、最終日なので、気にしないで歩いた。しばらくして珍しくトップで歩く。AmtrakのEssexの駅が見えた所で少し休憩。今度はShroomerが先行し、後に続く。Walton到着10:30。女性たちの後部席を用意し、6名が乗車してTwo Medicineに行った。そこで、記念撮影。Trail HackerとPiperともここで分かれた。これからWashington州のDinsmore家に向かうので、Shroomerも先を急いだ。
I wake up at 6:00. I ate bread, cheese, prune, yogurt, and coffee for breakfast. The two young girls seemed to make a fire on yesterday night since I noticed the slight trace of a fire. It was an occasional rain last evening. We started to hike at 8:00. Since it was a monotonous mild downhill, we walked at a quick pace. The bush grew thick from the middle and the leg got wet considerably. It was my fault to remove gaiters. However, it was the final short day, I walked without wearing. I walked first for a while. I rested for a short period at the place where the station of Essex of Amtrak was seen. Shortly, Shroomer went ahead and I followed. We arrived at Walton at 10:30. He prepared women's dickey seat, then six persons rode on, and we drove to Two Medicine Lake. Then, we took commemoration photos. We parted from Trail Hacker and Piper here. Since we wanted to go to the Dinsmores in Washington states from now on, Shroomer should go in a hurry.