
The equipment for this summer

Basic Plan

少し早いが、一週間分の食料を含めてパッキングしてみた。28 kgと重かった(10日分以上の食料がある計算になる)。慣れれば歩けるので、まあ良いだろう。

It is a bit early, but I put all the stuff into my backpack. One week food is included. The total pack weight is 28 kg ( I may have 10 days or more food on its weight ). It is heavy, but it is a manageable weight.

my basic pack weight is around 16 kg ( not lb )

今年はトゥオルミから北へと考えていたが、Shroomer( Scott Willams) に誘われて予定を変更。ウインド・リバー・レンジで5-7日間、遊んでから、テトンとイエローストーン国立公園を少し見学、その後、グレイシャー国立公園を2週間、ハイキングする予定。面倒なお膳立てはすべてShroomerがやってくれた。アメリカの国立公園にはまったく詳しくない。

I was planning to hike from Tuolumne to north this summer, but Shroomer( Scott Willams) invited me to hike with him. We will hike the Wind River Range for  5 to 7 days, then Tetons NP and Yellowstone NP, and backpack Glacier NP for 2 weeks with 2 PCT hikers. Shroomer did much troublesome negotiations with NP. I know nothing about the American National Parks.

グレイシャーはテント規制が厳しくて、テントサイトの予約が必要で、二人で一つのテントで寝ろという指令があった。男二人、2週間も一つのテントで過ごすのは、非常に厳しい。ShroomerはLunar Duoを持っているのだが、二人用なので、直ちに却下。手持ちのテントで候補はStratos (4人用、スタッフザック込み、ペグなしの実測値1.38kg), Nallo 3 (3人用、2.18 kg )。Nallo 3の耐候性は要らないが、快適性はいるだろう。重さの差は0.8 kg。許容範囲と考え、居住性重視でNallo3を持って行くことにした。

The regulation of camping at Glacier NP is strict, therefore the reservations of the tent site are necessary. And we are ordered to sleep in a tent two people together. It is not good for two men sleeping in a tent together for two weeks. Shroomer has Lunar Duo ( two person tent ), but I rejected it instantly, because two persons tent for two men is too narrow. I have two large tents. Stratos (four persons tent, weighted 1.38 kg with staff sack, without stakes), Nallo 3 (three persons tent, weighted  2.18 kg ).  Nallo 3 is four season tent. It is too strong to camp in Glacier NP. But, Nallo 3 is very roomy and comfortable. The weight difference between Stratos and Nallo 3 is 0.8 kg. Then, I decided to bring Nallo 3 for the comfort, weight is within the tolerance level.


It may snow in Glacier NP even in the summer. I usually wear a long sleeves shirts and long under pants as night clothes. I wear down vest when I feel cold. But in this time, I added the  micro-fleece suites for very chilly days. I also added aluminum crampons for snow pack.
As for the mattress, I bring down mattress UL 7, and the Marmot 1 kg down sleeping bag.
When I sleep with this equipment, I am all right down to -10 degrees in centigrade. When I am walking, the shorts and T-shirt are enough, but I am sensitive to the cold when I am sleeping. I am the so-called cold sleeper.

装備が少し多くなったこと、玄米焼き米という嵩張る保存食のため、Variant 52では窮屈。そこで、Altra 75にした。Ribzフロントの右側はカメラ、左側は手袋、行動食、GPSを入れている。

The Variant 52 is not enough for the bulky equipment, and also for the dry food. The instant whole rice is especially bulky. Therefore,  I chose Altra 75 for this summer. I usually put the DSLR camera in the right side of the Ribz front, and the gloves, GPS, and the energy bars in the left side pack.


これが持っていく食料。コーヒーの粉を写し忘れた。ビーフジャーキーは現地で一袋追加する。米は1.7kg程度あるが、これは余っている物を入れたから。消費量は一日180-200g程度。1kgで5日は十分足りる。全体の量は一週間分+ α。二週間分の食料はすでに送った。ツナのパックは10、そちらに入れた。ごま油も送った。

These are the food which I will bring into the airplane.  The coffee powder, and beef jerky was not included. The instant whole rice may weighted 1.7 kg, simple because I put all the leftover. The  consumption of rice is around 180-200 g / day. 1 kg of rice is enough for 5 days. The overall  quantity is for one week or more. I had already sent the resupply for two weeks, in which I put the 10 tuna packs and the sesame oil. .


The menu is usual. The different point is I do not cook rice. I will use instant whole rice. Much of the food is dehydrated or half-dehydrated. The breakfast is home baked JMT bread,  re-hydrated dry mango, and coffee. The lunch menu is bread or energy bar and cocoa.

I add scallop muscle and chicken soup a little to beef jerky, smoked chicken, and dehydrated vegetables as a seasoning and cook them.  Finally, I add starch and sesame oil. When this soup was poured onto the instant whole rice,  the bowl with Chinese taste will be made. The side menu is salad of a tuna pack and mashed potatoes and the mayonnaise, instant soup, and the freeze dry natto(fermented soy beans) .  When I felt difficulty to sleep at night, I will took milk and Muesli.

New communication system

DeLorme inReach + SONY XPERIA tipo dual 

中国ブランドのスマートフォン(MIZ Z2)が二ヶ月で壊れた。Android OSを採用していてもGoogle関連のソフトと相性が悪いので、中国ブランドは止めた方がよい。私は懲りたので、 SIMフリーのSONY XPERIA tipo dual ST21i2を入手した。中国製ではあるが、グーグルのソフトが使いやすく、ほぼ一日で設定を終えた。国内ではbmobileのデータ通信用SIMが使えたので、Gmail等ができる。液晶面にカメラがないのでSkypeはできないが、Skypeの音声通話を試してみると、意外に使えることが分かった。ただし、bmobileのSIMではロックされるようで、WiFi環境専用である。ベストはOCNの月980円のSIMカードを買い、050plusというIP電話を契約することだろう。これは月315円。なお、アメリカ用SIMとしてはモベルからATTのSIMを購入済みである。

My smartphone of Chinese brand(MIZ Z2) was broken in 2 months. I cannot recommend to purchase Chinese brand smartphone, because they set the Google software difficult to use, even they adopted the Android OS. Because I learned a lot, I purchased Sony XPERIA tipo dual ST21i2, Sim free version. This was made in China, but it was very easy to use Google software. I set all the software in half day. In Japan, data SIM card of bmobile works well, then I can use Gmail. I tested Skype ( voice call only ), because it has no camera on the LCD screen side. It worked very well.  But Skype can be used in WiFi environment, not by bmobile SIM card. The best SIM card is OCN 980 Yen /month SIM card and to contract 050plus IP phone, which costs only 315 Yen / month. In U.S.A. I will use ATT SIM card of Mobell.