
We are ready to fly

私の現在位置とメッセージは Viewing Yoshihiro Murakami by Delorme inReach  参照(7月末から有効化する)。

My present location in JMT and messages will be indicated in Viewing Yoshihiro Murakami by Delorme inReach  (It will be effective from the end of July.)

パッキングは済ませて、ヴァーミリオンとビショップへの補給物資を送る用意ができた。今年のJMTは、大修理版のMountain HardwareのSolitudeにした。2気室であるが、1気室として使用する。この方が、隙間なく物が詰め込める。8日間ほどの食料を詰め込み、現在26kg。アメリカでビーフジャーキーなどを少し追加するので、水抜きでトータル・パックウエイトは27kgくらいになる。トゥアルメで少し買い物はするが、原則としてヨセミテからVVRまで無補給で行くため。全然、軽量化できていないが、たっぷり食べて、楽しくキャンプしながら歩く。


I have finished the packing. The resupplies were ready to send to VVR and Bishop. I have decided to use the greatly repaired Solitude of Mountain Hardware for JMT of this summer, which has two compartments, but I use this as one compartment backpack, because the stuff can be packed without a gap.

I have packed eight days food. At present, it weighted around 26kg, but a small amount of beef jerky will be added in U.S.A. Then the total pack weight becomes around 27 kg without water. I will buy some food at Tuolumne Meadows, but in principle, I will walk from Yosemite to VVR with no supply. The pack is too heavy for most of the people, but it is not applicable for me. I will eat sufficient food and walk and camp happily.

The resupplies for VVR is 5+ days food.(6kg)
The resupplies for Bishop is 20 days food. (20kg?)

奥様のバックパックは改造Variant 37にした。バックパネルが柔すぎたので、ステンレスパイプに交換。ウエストベルトは左右の付け根をアルミプレートで補強し、上下方向の剛性を高めた。荷物は最少限にして、トータル・パック・ウエイトは8.2kg。昨年、高山病にかかったので、今年はこれ以上持たせない。また、キャンプからキャンプへの標高差は500m以下に留める。

My wife decided to use the remodeled Variant 37. I changed aluminum stay for a stainless steel pipe, because the back panel was too soft, and reinforced the waist belt with aluminum plates. Then the waist belt became rigid for vertical direction. Her total pack weight is 8.2 kg without water. I never let her carry more stuff this summer, because she suffered acute mountain sickness last summer. And I also be cautious about the rate of climb. The altitude differences from camping to camping should be keep within 500meters.

Handbook of Hiking



I have completed the manuscript of handbook of hiking.  It may be published as an around 350 page book in the next spring. contents


DeLorme inReach
