
Mt. Kinposan and Oodarumi pass



The first day

We went to Nirasaki by JR ( Japanese rail train). We got off bus in front of Mizugaki mountain cottage at  12:20. There were two kind of bus rout: one is nonstop bus, the other is transit bus.  Companies are different, but departure time is the same. Because the nonstop bus runs in the countryside, it may be scenic. Too late. We failed to ride on the nonstop bus.

At first, the trail is gentle, and gradually becomes steeper. At 13:50, We reached Fujimidaira shelter hut. No one in the hut. The upper Dainichi shelter hut is uninhabited and the tent site charges should be payed here.

I ate bananas and a rice ball , and wait for a while. A considerable obese man and the woman were climbing slowly, carried large baggage on their backs. They were the manager of the huts. We finished a check-in procedure. We talk with them for a while and left at 14:20.

At about 16:00, We arrived at the Dainichi shelter hut. No one there. The whole tent site was for us. I selected the best place. Dinner menu is fried sausage and  vegetables and instant whole rice, mashed potatoes, a bean, and soup.








水はEta Packliteで5リッター作り、浄水器で濾す。夕食メニューは、サラミと乾燥野菜と焼き米のチャーハン。隠し味に少しだけオイスターソースを加える。男性2人が通りかかる。ヘッ電を点しても大弛まで行くという。この二人も疲労の色が濃い。まあ、我々は脱力、和みモードなので、頑張ってくださいと見送った。奥様は新製品のダウンマットULに1.4kgのマーモットの冬用スリーピング・バッグ。一人分のテントマットも持ってきたのでホカホカで眠れたようだ。気温はあまり下がらず、夜でも5度程度だった。

The second day

We woke up at 5:00 am. Our breakfast menu is JMT bread, cheese, mango, coffee. We started to hike   at 6:40. The trail frozen up when we went for a while,  and was suddenly became steep. No one cannot walk without crampons. We took a I take a short break at Dainichi rock at 8:00.

The snow was deep, but does not sink very much, when I walk on the ridge. On the map of Shobunsha Co., there are many mistakes: the place  of Sunabarai no Kashira was wrong.  It is a place of 2,415m,  more at the upper part.  In fact, there is  a steep firm snow just before that. The master of Fujimidaira shelter hut said two men fell in dozens of meters from Sunabarai no Kashira. but they survived.

I was trapped with soft snow in this place, and was not able to get up, because of 30 kg  backpack,  I slid down for a 1-2m upswing and stopped slipping down with a heel of the right foot.
I did well, but the epidermis nearly the right elbow was widely removed, and blood oozed out red-hot.

We took a break at the head of the head of Sunabarai. At some progress, 10:50, I treat the wound near the junction of Mt Kinpo shelter hut.  I set up a wound patch, but there is no large patch,  because I skimped. I used 3 middle sized patches. I did not feel the pain so much only by the epidermis of the skin having come off. Because a large area was bright red, it might be appeared to be a serious wound.

12: 05 , Gojoiwa rock,  the summit was near, but we found a good place for lunch at the rock shade. A lunch menu was bread, cheese and the cocoa. There was melting  snow in the slightly remote place. It was a puddle of approximately 3 centimeters depth. I pumped up by Sweet Water, and got secure drinking water of 3 liters.

We stated to hike at 12:55. We stood on the east side of the summit. The ridgeline is smooth, and the snow was firm. We felt it was very easy to hike to Oodarumi shelter hut. But it was completely wrong. When we lowered some altitude and enter the forest zone, I sank to a knee. When I sank to a thigh and fall down, I cannot stand up because a backpack was very heavy. I needed a help of my wife.

We proceeded to a winding trail at the north side of Mt. Tetsusan at 14:40.  The snow was very deep and soft. We sinks to a knee. We met a man, who caught up with us during a break. He was completely exhausted and looked like a sleepwalker. He had to go to shelter hut, because he carried only small day pack. When he fell into the snow, he was not able to get up, so I helped him. We became slightly afraid that he could not go to Oodarumi shelter hut. We are full-equipped, and had full of food, we did not need to go further. I thought it was better to go in the next morning, because snow may be firm.

We set up a tent by 3:40 at the lower place between Mt. Tetsusan and Mt. Asahidake. We rested  and idled down. Young man happened to pass. He looked very tired and sweat very much. He wore clothes as like the fashion model of the outdoor magazine. He wanted to go to Oodarumi pass, because he did not want to melt snow.

I melt snow with Primus Eta Packlite, which was very effective, and purified by the water filter. I obtained 5 litters water. Our dinner menu was was fried salami sausage and  vegetables and instant whole rice, mashed potatoes, and soup. I added oyster source as a secret ingredient a little.

Two men happened to pass. They said they would like to go to Oodarumi shelter hut, even in night, they would used head lamps. These two men also seemed to be very fatigued, too.  We were very relaxed and I said them to do the best.  My wife's sleeping bag was winter usage of Marmot ( around 1.4kg ) and a new product of Downmat UL. and I also added thin tent mat for warmth. We were very warm and comfortable. We seemed to be able to sleep easily. The  temperature did not fall very much and it was around 5 degrees at night.


4:00に起きる。パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒー。水は1リッターずつ持つ。大弛小屋まで行くので、これで十分。テントのペグを見てびっくり。5センチほど頭が出ている。一晩で5センチほど雪が溶けるようだ。気温が高め。6:40出発、少し進むと、テントを二つ張った跡があった。ヘッ電の人たちだろう。大弛まで行かなかったようだ。7:40、朝日岳。登りが急勾配の氷で、奥様はマイクロスパイクだったので、ぎりぎりだったようだ。8:50、朝日峠。10:00 大弛小屋。


キャンプ料金は600円と安いが、水場が凍っている。トイレは道路沿いに立派な公衆トイレがあった。せっかく来たからと山小屋のカレーライスでも食べようと注文。野菜カレーしかないし、晩飯は予約の宿泊客用で、余分はまったくないとのこと。水は一人一リッター貰えたが、客が少ないので、もう少しくれるという。でも、アスファルト舗装の上に流れている水が合ったので、浄水器で6リッターほど吸い上げた。カレーライスにはコーヒーが必要。SOYJOYをお菓子にJAVA Dripでコーヒーを入れ、のんびりと和む。



The third day

We got up at 4:00. Bread, cheese, a mango, coffee. We carried 1 litter for each. it was enough because we would go to Oodarumi shelter hut in the morning. I was surprised to watch the peg of the tent. Approximately 5 centimeters of heads appeared. That is,  approximately 5 centimeters of snow melted in a night. Temperature was too high. We started to hike at 6:40. When we proceeded a little, we found the traces of two tents at 6:40. It must be the trace of the two men, passed last evening. At 7:40, We reached Mt. Asahidake. There was a very steep icy climb before the summit. My wife was very exhausted, because she used micro spike. At 8:50, Asahi pass, At 10:00 Oodarumi shelter hut.

We met the young man, who wore the fashion model like clothes. He lay down and rested. He seemed to be very fatigued, and said he set up a tent before Mt. Asahidake, because he was not able to walk due to the soft snow. After all,  a duo pitched a tent.

The camping rate was cheap, it was 600 yen.  But, the water place was frozen. The restroom was an excellent public toilet along the road. We ordered vegetable curry and rice of the shelter  hut, because it was the only possible menu. The master of the hut said all the food must be kept for the guests of the reservation.  We got 2 litters water from this hut. The master said that he was able to  give a little more because there are few visitors. But,  I obtained approximately 6 liters with the water purifier because the small amount of water flowed on the asphalt pavement. Coffee is necessary for curry and rice. I made coffee by using JAVA Drip and ate energy bar ( SOYJOY ) and rested several hours.

In the evening,  3 men arrived. They were completely exhausted. They hiked from Fujimidaria desperately. They were seized with fear, and they gave up to hike through the ridge. They wanted to end up here, and to go to the direction of Enzan.

The dinner menu was the  freeze dry cabbage with salami sausage by Chinese taste. Other menus are salad of mashed potatoes and the mayonnaise and soup.



下山開始、11:00、少し雪がなくなった林道脇でパンとチーズの昼食。1960m地点。2000m以下ではかなり雪が減る。林道は非常に長い。昭文社のコースタイムはかなり少なめ。歩いて書いてはいないのだろう。12:05、昭文社によると、森林管理小屋があるはずだが、現在は綺麗な更地。13:20 金峰山荘との分岐。駐車場に車が5,6台留まっている。14:10 川端下バス停着。バスは14:20。もう一度、登り直して縦走の続きをやろうと思ったので、慌てて米を5日分計量、乾燥野菜、スープも5日確保した。バスが来たので、奥様と慌ただしく別れる。

14:30 登り返し開始。広い道路に出てから歩く。15:30 廻り目平。少し入って水を1リッター取得。キャンプ禁止の看板が多いので、突き進む。17:20、テントサイト決定。1860m地点、森林監視小屋跡地からしばらく登った所。林道脇に流水あり。水4リッター取得。下着の洗濯もした。11時間行動したので、さすがに疲れた。玄米焼き米は調理が速い。サラミと乾燥野菜の煮物に少しだけオイスターソースで隠し味を付けて、フライパンで蒸らし、少し加熱すると旨くなる。18:30、夕食。

The fourth day

We got up at 4:30.  My wife was not able to sleep. A bad sign. Bread, cheese, a mango, coffee. I persuaded her and hiked to Mt. Kokushigatake. We started to hike at 6:05. Temperature was high, and snow was soft. I sunk to a knee. We reached the garden of the dream. It was very scenic, but my wife said that she had no confidence to go through.  I decided to send her to the bus stop at Kawabata Village.

We hike down along the snow covered forest road. We ate bread and cheese as lunch at 11:00 a.m. at the 1,960 meter spot, where the snow gradually disappeared. The snow decreased considerably under 2,000 meter above sea level.  The forest road was very long. The course time of Shobunsha Co. was wrong. The author did not make sure the require time by his own foot. I looked for the forest management hut according to the Shobunsha map, but I could not find out. I found a wide open place at 12:05, where the hut had been built. We reached the junction of Kinposan shelter hut at 13:20. Five or six cars were  in the parking lot. We arrived Kawabatashmo bus stop at 14:10. The bus was 14:20. I hurriedly measured the 5 days instant rice and dehydrated vegetables, soup, and etc., because I intended to go back to the pass and go through  the ridge trail  once again. The bus came, I parted from my wife busily.

I restarted to climb back at 14:30. I walked alongside the the wide road. I reached  Mawarime Daira ( the junction ) at 15:30. I proceeded a little and acquired  1 litter water. There were many signboards prohibiting camping,  I walked forward. At 17:20, I found a good tent site along the forest load. The place was 1,860m spot, located a little higher place than the forest management place. There was running water aside. I got 4 litters water, and washed the underwear and socks.  I walked for around 11 hours,  I was very tired.  The cooking of instant rice was very quick. The dinner menu is the same: the fried salami sausage and  vegetables and instant whole rice, mashed potatoes, and soup. At 18:30, the cooking was over.


夜、時々、小雨。4:30に起きて、パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食。6:00 出発、雨は上がった。6:35 昨日、昼食を食べた場所。昨日はここまで下りるのに、4時間ばかりかかった。雪のためだが、昭文社のコースタイムは短すぎる。7:22 下りてくる登山者一人。先は長いよと教える。また、二人、登山者が下りてきた。しっかりした装備なので、縦走断念組だろう。10:10 やっと大弛峠に到着。無人。風があって寒いので、公衆トイレの入口前で風を避けて、パン、チーズ、ココアの昼食。




14:00 雨がひどくなってきたので、林道脇にテント設営。側溝に水が流れていたし、小さな川もあった。Hiker's Depot に土曜日に行く予定もあり、山の中で数泊したいところだった。17:00 飯を作る。サラミが嫌になり、高菜を煮て、玄米焼き米に注いで蒸らし、おかかを加えて炒めご飯にした。旨い。マッシュドポテトとマヨネーズのサラダとスープ。enelopからスマートフォンへの充電ができない。非常に困った。電気システムを見直さないといけない。

The fifth day

It rained gently at night. I woke up at 4:30; bread, cheese, mango, and coffee. I started to hike at 6:00,  the rain stopped. I reached the place at 6:35, where I ate lunch with my wife yesterday. It took approximately four hours yesterday to go down to here. I met a mountaineer who went down at 7:22. I told him the road was very long.  In addition, I met two mountaineers went down.
Because of their good equipment, they must be gave up to hike through the ridge. At last, I reached Ooyurumi pass at 10:10. No one there. There was cold wind and cloudy. I went to the entrance of the public restroom, and sat down at the stair,  because it was very cold. I ate bread, cheese, cocoa for lunch.

There was not water after lunch. I searched the water. I kicked the snow of the gutter of the road and dug it up. Now, I found running water. I obtained 2 litters with a water purifier. A mountaineer with the excellent equipment came down. He said that he climbed Mt. Kokushigatake and he gave up the through hike  because snow state was very severe. He said  it began to rain and no perspective was expected. He would like to walk to Yanagidaira, where there was a campground and lodgings in the midst of Enzan.

I was thinking about whether I should continue to hike for a while. It was like to plunge into the necessary world of snow shoes with barefoot. It was a game of physical strength, a simple muscle game. I thought it was a stupid attempt even when I succeeded the through hike. It is not enjoyable at least. The weather changed for the worse, too. I had 5 days food, but I decided not to continue to hike at 11:00. I went down the forest road slowly. There was much snow left. It was a gentle rain. The weather surely changes for the worse.

Two young men were climbing up and did their best silently. They seemed to be tired from snow. I was worried about them. I found the pole of the tent on the snow in a few minutes. It might be the pole for 3 or 4 person of Big Agnes tent. I thought it might be the expensive tent. There was a possibility of  belonging to the group of three exhausted men, we met yesterday. I did not know their names. And the pole was heavy. I left it there. It would be the damage of around 50,000 yen for the person who lost the pole.  I have a experience of losing tent pole in the cycling tour long time ago. Thereafter,  I put the pole and the tent body in one pack by all means.

It rained intensely at 14:00. I set up a tent beside the forest road, because water flowed through the gutter, and there was the small river, too. I had the plan to go to Hiker's Depot on Saturday, and I should stay several days in a mountain. I had need not to hurry. I started to cook 17:00.
I got tired of salami sausage and boiled dried Takana, and poured into the instant whole rice. In addition, I fried it and add the dried tasted tips of fish. It was delicious. I also made salad of mashed potatoes and mayonnaise, and the soup. I failed to charge the smartphone from the power charger of enelop. I was troubled very much. I should reconsider the electric system.


五時前に起きる。パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食。雨が止んだ。テントがさすがに重くなった。6:00 出発、6:20 広場。道が落ちて工事現場になっていた。道は延々と続き、高度はあまり下がらない。景色は良いので、のんびり歩く。7:30 ようやくゲート。

8:15 柳平到着。人家が数軒しかない。金峰山荘を見るが、無人。所有者の家を訪れる。キャンプして夕食だけは可能かと聞くと、予約の宿泊客用のみという。バッテリーが切れかけているので電話を借りて、奥様に安否を連絡。何通もメールを出したそうだが、受信できる環境になかった。ここに留まる理由もないし、塩山まで下りてビジネスホテルに泊まって、これからどうするか、考えた方がよさそうだ。そこで奥様にホテル予約を頼み、のんびりと歩いて塩山まで行くことにした。地図を見ると、子楢山があり、数時間のトレールがある。

しばらく歩くと、乙女湖岸に立派な温泉付きの宿があった。ただし、休業中。ほとんど人影のない道路を歩く。柳峠から山道に入る。関東のハイキング・コースという雰囲気の道。小雨になる。小楢山は意外に遠く、10:40 頂上に到着。雨はひどくなり、風も強い。幸い、頂上に屋根付きの休憩所があったので、エナジーバーとパンとチーズで昼食。携帯電話でメールを40通ほど受信。今晩のお宿は、山梨市駅徒歩15分のルートイン山梨と決定されていた。6500円で朝食バイキングと晩飯付き。安い。

11:00 本降りの雨の中を出発、母恋い道を下る。ジグザグの急勾配の下り、雨が多いのか、苔むしている。12:15 登山道終了、林道に出た。綺麗な広い林道を10分くらい下る。車で休憩中の工事の人がどこに行くのか、この道はこの先でなくなるという。ビックリ仰天。塩山の方向ではないという。新しい林道だった。GPSで確認すると、山の中にいる。元の場所まで戻り、古い、狭い、急勾配の道を見つけた。

13:30 閉鎖中のオーチャード・ビレッジに到着。疲れた。工事中らしく、人が何人もいる。 ペプシの自販機あり、CCレモンを購入、休憩。塩山が見渡せる素晴らしい場所だった。


14:00 出発、塩山方面に歩く。バス停はあるが、17:00までバスはない。道に沿って歩くが、どちらを向いているのか分からない。塩山とは逆さまの向きにもなった。頭に来てGPSを取り出し、窪平の方向を目指す。畑の間の狭い農道を行き、旧道に合流。15:00 窪平のバス停着。15:55 山梨市駅行きのバスがあった。16:30 頃山梨市駅到着。ビックリするほど、小さな駅。駅前も建物が少ない。ルートイン山梨はすぐに見つかった。早速風呂に入り、さっぱりした。夕食は豚カツ定食に一品サーモンサラダを追加した。580円なのに、サーモンの量が半端でなかった。ご飯はお代わりしたので、まあ、定食を二セット食った。

土曜日の夕方にHiker's Depot でJMTの講師を勤める予定だったが、参加者が極端に少なかったし、そのために、どこかで三泊するのは気が進まなかった。天気はどんどん下り坂で、レーダー画像で見ると、ハイキング+野宿でふらふらできる状況ではない。申し訳ないが、JMT講座の中止をお願いした。朝食バイキングは大したことなかったが、オムレツ一ダース、野菜サラダ大盛り一杯、ジャガイモとベーコンの煮物少々、フルーツ一皿(まあ一ダース)、パン半ダース程度は片付けたから。

The sixth day

I got up before 5:00. Bread, cheese, a mango, and the coffee. It stopped to rain. My tent became heavy. I started to hike at 6:00.  I reached Hiroba at 6:20.  The road before Hiroba fell down, and the small hut for construction was built at Hiroba. I was lucky to set up a tent before Hiroba. The road was long and winding, and the altitude does not fall very much. I walked leisurely, because the scenery was excellent. Finally, I reached the gate of the forest road at 7:30.

I arrived Yanagidaira at 8:15. There were only several houses. I look at the Kinpo mountain cottage, but was unmanned. I visited the house nearby. It must be the house of the owner of the cottage. She said all the food was for the booked guest. Then I had no reason to camp at this village, because I could not obtain any food. I borrowed a telephone and said to my wife I was OK, because my smartphone began to run out of battery. My wife sent me several emails, but I could not received them, because the environment was bad. I requested her to book a cheap hotel tonight at Enzan. I would like to walk down to Enzan and, thought about what should I do for a several days. When I watched a map, I found a trail of several hours near Mt.Konarayam. I left Yanagidaira.

I found a hotel with an excellent hot spring near the lake Otome. But it was closed. I walked along the road, but I saw no person and no car. I entered the trail atthe Yanagi Pass. It was a good trail, the atmosphere of the trail reminded me the hiking trail of Kanto aria. It rained mildly. I reached the summit of Mt.Konarayama at 10:40. It took unexpectedly long time. The rain becomes strong, and the wind blew terribly. Fortunately, I found a rest place which had a roof. I ate bread and energy bar for lunch. I received approximately 40 emails with a smart phone. The tonight hotel was decided. It was Rout in Yamanashi, which located within 15-minute walk from Yamanashishi JR Station. The rate was 6,500 yen, which included a breakfast buffet and supper. It was very economical.

I started to hike at 11:00 in the strong rain. I climbed down Hahakoi ( mother loving ) trail. It was a mossed trail. There are many descent of the steep grade of the zigzag. I ended up the trail at 12:15, the forest road appeared. I went down the clean wide forest road for around ten minutes. The man who was taking a break in a car suddenly talked to me "Where are you heading? There is no road over here." I was astonished. I said to him "I am heading to Enzan." He said "It is not a direction to Enzan. This road is under construction. " I confirmed my location was wrong with my GPS. I was in the mountain. I came back to the original place and found the way of an old narrow steep road.

I arrived at the orchard village which was closed at 13:30. I was tired. It was under construction. Several people were working. There was a vending machine of Pepsi and I purchased CC lemon and takes a break. It was a splendid place, where that Shioyama city was able to look around. I got pamphlet of Yamanashi from the manager of the village. He said he had an experience of almost die at Ooyurumi pass, because he was a camera enthusiast, and bring a huge camera to take photographs of Mt. Minposan in December. It snows terribly. He was buried to a waist and could not move, and he had slept a little. Suddenly, the ice fell to his head, and he woke up. He left all the equipment and got out there. He also helped to maintain Ooyurumi shelter hut, which was about to be destroyed under the snow of 3 meters this spring. This orchard village was under construction, because this would be modified to the resort institution. The photographer of TV also came. It would be a great event for Yamanashi city.

I started to walk at 14:00, heading to Enzan. There was a bus stop, but there was no service  until 17:00. I walked along a road, but I could not find out which direction I was heading. At some time, I was walking to the opposite direction. I took out my GPS and aimed at the direction of Kubodaira. I went through a narrow road between the field and joined to the old road. I arrived at the bus stop of Kubodaira at 15:00. There was a bus bound for Yamanashishi JR Station at 15:55. Walking was over. I arrived Yamanashishi JR station around 16:30, a surprisingly small station. There were a few tall buildings at the station square. Route in Yamanashi Hotel was found immediately. I took a bath immediately and was very refreshed. I added salmon salad to a pork cutlet set meal for the dinner. The salad costed only 580 yen,  the quantity was enough. Because I had another serving of the rice. I took nearly two set of meals for the dinner.

I was planed to lecture of introduction of JMT at Hiker's Depot on the evening of Saturday, but there were extremely few participants and therefore did not feel like staying for three days somewhere. When I consulted with radar image, the weather changed for the worse more. It was unlikely continue hiking and camping at another area.  I felt guilty, but I wanted to canceled the JMT lecture.  The breakfast buffet was not splendid, but I ate one dozen omelettes, one  large dish of vegetable salad, a lots of potatoes and bacon, and one dish of fruit, and half dozen of bread. It might be enough for the hotel.


  • DownMat UL S 奥様用。R値=5.9、 500g 膨らますのが非常に簡単で速い。自分の物もM (565g)に変更する。
  • Primus Eta PackLite 熱効率の良さにビックリ。一泊は雪を溶かし、5リッターほど水を作った。夏用カートリッジ一つで、まだ、ガスが残っていた。ちなみに、これは液出し燃焼可能なので、真冬でも夏用カートリッジが使える。
  • 玄米焼き米。お湯を注いで3分蒸らすと出来上がり。少しぬか臭いが玄米だから栄養豊富。野菜の煮物を作り、フライパンに入れた玄米焼き米に注いで3分蒸らし、少しフライパンで温めると美味しくなる。この作り方が今の所ベスト。

