I intended to transfer the Thunderbird to the Shinkansen(the bullet train ) bound to Kagoshima at Shin-Osaka station, and to cross the sea by the high speed ship to Yakushima on the day. But, there was an announcement that there was the information that an umbrella flew in in a railroad before Shin-Osaka station. The Thunderbird stopped for approximately ten minutes and I was not able to transfer to the Shinkansen. I filed for the refund. I ride on the bullet train bound to Hakata and transfered another train to Kagoshima. It was about half past 4 p.m. when I arrived. But I could not go to Yakushima anymore. I checked in Kagoshima Plaza Hotel. The lodging charges are 4,800 yen, and the refund was 5,000 yen, half of the limited express fare of the Shinkansen. It was an accident, but is not bad. I ate dinner in the hotel's dining room. Not bad.
The first day
The breakfast buffet of the hotel is cheap with 400 yen. I ate a lot of salad. The breads were very tasteful. I ate one dozen. I walked to the ferry terminal, because there was a high speed ship called Rocket at 9:10. The sea was stormy, but reached Miyanoura without a problem. I wait for the bus and reached Onoaida-Onsen at 13:00. There was a trouble in Pentax DSLR camera. It was cured when I pulled a battery out, and pushed the switch several times. The Pentax is not for professionals, but it works well most of the time. It took approximately two hours to hike all Janokuci ( the mouth of snake fall ) hiking trail. The course time of the map of Shobunsha is not reliable. I arrived at the rest hut 15:20. There is the suitable campsite if I walk up Onoaida trail for approximately three hours, but I don't want to climb. The sightseeing of the waterfall looked preferable. I put my backpack and I change the RIBZ front pack. There was really little water this year. I come back to the rest hut, and set up a tent. It is an stand alone type, but the tail of tent must be extended width a trekking pole. At 17:20 I started to cook. The dinner was beef jerky and seasoned of dehydrated vegetables, a potato salad, boiled beans pack, soup.
5:00に起きる。良く夢を見た。コーヒー、パン、クリームチーズ、マンゴー。5:30二杯目のコーヒー。Primus Eta PackLiteの関係か、お湯がすぐに沸くので、朝が早くなる。6:30出発。950m地点で小休止。やっと前回テントを張った分水嶺。コースタイムは3時間でなく、4時間。10:40出発、11:25鯛の川出合。水は少ないが、岩が大きいので渡りにくい。川を渡って少し行った所で昼食とする。11:50出発、12:07最後の川ですべって膝を打った。少し油断したのが原因。怪我はなし、靴とショーツがずぶ濡れ。最後の川を渡ってからのルートが分かりにくい。少し間違えた。13:10乃木尾根へ向かう最後の平坦地、ソックス交換。13:10乃木尾根に出る。ここからは携帯が通じるのでTwitterとfacebookに写真のupload のテスト。15:30淀川登り口、下山の山女子二人。写真を撮って貰う。この人たちとは縄文杉の下で、もう一度会った。16:30 淀川小屋の傍にテント設営。フランス人男性とアメリカ人女性のペア。尾之間歩道を下りるというので、赤テープを外すなとか、テント適地を教える。ネイチャーストーブを使っていたが、燻っていた。普通なら濡れて使用不能だが、彼らは単にラッキーなだけ。夕食はご飯、ニンジン、キャベツ、サラミの炒め物。ジャガイモサラダ、金時豆、スープ。フリーズドライのキャベツと白菜は失敗。ブドウ糖が添加され、甘いので、料理に使えない。19:00に寝る。寝る時は寒かったが、ホカホカになる。
The second day
I get up at 5:00. I dreamed frequently. Coffee, bread, cream cheese, a mango. The second cup of coffee at 5:30. The morning start became early, because water was boiled immediately by the Primus Eta PackLite. I started to hike at 6:30. I took a short break at a 950meter elevation spot. I reached the place, where I set up a tent last year. It took four hours not three hours. I started to hike 10:40, reached the fording place of Tai no Kawa ( river of sea bream ) 11:25. There was little water, but was hard to pass because rock were big. I ate lunch at the other side of the river. I started to hike at 11:50. I carelessly slipped at the last river, and falled into the river at 12:07. My left knee was beaten by the rock. There was no injury, but my boots and shorts were wet. The trail after I crossed the last river was vague. I reached the last flatland facing the Nonki ridge at 13:10. I changed the socks. Nonki ridge trail at 13:10. I tested to upload the photos to Twitter and facebook, because mobile phone became usable. I reached Yogo entrance at 15:30 I met two girls, who descended. I asked to take my photos. I met these girls two days later at the great ancient cedar place once again. I set up a tent near Yodogo hut at 16:30. The pair of a Frenchman and the American woman. They wanted to climb down Onoaida trail, so I taught them to follow red tape, and suitable place for camping. They used the nature stove, but it smoked. Usually, woods were wet, because of rain. They were simply lucky. The dinner was a fried rice with carrot, cabbage, and salami sausage, potato salad, boiled and a packed sweetened beans, and soup. The frieze dry cabbage was added with sugar, cooking is difficult. I slept at 19:00. When I slipped into a sleeping bag, I felt cold, but I felt very warm in the midnight.
朝4:00でテント内1度となった。外は氷点下だろう。5:00に起きて、パン、クリームチーズ、マンゴー、コーヒー。膝を打った所がまだ痛い。太ももが痙攣しがち。消炎剤を1錠だけ飲む。6:50出発、ガイドさんが女性大勢を引き連れてきた。見覚えがある。確認すると、吉原さん。2004年に会ってしばらく同行した。吉原さんは、こちらのことはあまり覚えていなかった。8:15小花之江河、8:30 花之江河、天気が良いので黒味岳に寄り道、9:15 山頂直下。頂上の岩には登れそうにない。10:00黒味岳分岐に戻る。手前に良いテント場あり。10:45 投石岳、12:50 宮之浦岳。男女が一組、写真を取ってもらう。14:15永田岳の登り口、鹿の沢まで行くつもりだったが、疲れるので、ここで寝ることにした。15:00 永田岳、15:45テント設営、17:00 飯炊き開始。DEGENのラジオのFM, AMスライドスイッチが壊れた。FMだけは入る。携帯の充電をするが、エネロープがダウンするので満充電にはならない。予備にアルカリ電池を2つ持ってくるべき。夕食はサケのつまみを塩抜きして煮る、それと野菜炒め。お豆さんとスープ。
The third day
The temperature dropped to 1 degree centigrade in the tent at 4:00 a.m. The outside may be below the freezing point. I got up at 5:00; ate bread, cream cheese, a mango, and coffee. I still have a pain at the knee and my thigh was apt to have convulsions. I took one tablet of antiphlogistic. I started to hike at 6:50. I met a guide with a lot of women. I remembered him. His name was Yoshihara. I had met him in 2004, and hiked with him for several hours. But, he did not remember well. 8:15 Ko-Hananoego, 8:30 Hananoego, I decided to do a side trip to Mt. Kuromidake. I reached the rock just under the peak of Mt.Kuromidake at 9:15. I did not think it was possible to climb the rock of the peak. I returned to the junction at 10:00. There was a good campsite near this junction. 12:50 Mt.Nageishidake. I reached the Mt. Miyanouradake at 12:50. The couple rested at the peak, so I asked them to take several photos of me. 14:15 at the foot of Mt. Nagatadake. I had intended to go to Shikanosawa shelter hut, but I decided to sleep here, because no one there and I was tired. I reached the peak of Mt.Nagatadake at 15:00, returned the foot, and set up a tent. I started to cook at 17:00. The slide switch of FM, AM of the radio of DEGEN was broken, but I could hear FM radio. I charged the cell phone, but the power of Eneloop was not enough. I should bring two alkaline batteries. The dinner menu is cooked salmon over the rice, fried vegetables, packed bean, and soup.
地面が水平でなく、風が強かったので、少し寒く感じた。テント内最低温度は4度くらい。5:20に起きる。パン、クリームチーズ、マンゴー、コーヒー。外はガスで山が見えない。昨日撮影しておいて良かった。6:40出発、7:20三叉路、強風とガス、電話は通じない。少し下りると大学のワンゲルチームが登っていく。女性は山女子風のきらきら衣装。あまり趣味が良いとは思えない。平岩近くで電話が通じる。Twitterへの投稿も可能。9:25第一展望台、9:50 新高塚小屋、11:04 高塚小屋。大勢が昼食中。縄文杉を過ぎた所で、淀川入口で会った女性二人と再会。さらに吉原さんとも再会。今度は縄文杉ガイド。11:45出発。13:20 大株歩道入口で小休止。14:40楠川分れ。大荷物を背負った大学生3名、疲れているようで、これから登るという。縄文杉を過ぎないとテントは張れないよと教えたが、大株歩道入口でテントを張れと言った方が良かった。15:40辻峠、一気に下り、楠川歩道に入る。林道に出て、歩道に下りてテント設営。18:00。ここは間違いで、非常に古い歩道の入口だった。赤テープなし。地図と完全に食い違っている。本当の歩道はここから100メーターほど上流。夕食はサラミの野菜炒めだが、甘くて参った。ポテトサラダとお豆さんとスープ。
The fourth day
I felt slightly cold, because the ground was not level, and wind was strong. The minimum temperature in the tent is around 4 degrees centigrade. I got up at 5:20. I ate bread, cream cheese, a mango, and coffee. I could not see the mountains, because of cloud. It was a good chance to take photos yesterday. I started to hike at 6:40. The mobile phone did not work at the three-way junction. There was a strong wind and cloud at 7:20. I met the members of the Wandervogel club of the university, who were climbing up Mt.Miyanoura. As for the girls, they wore showy clothes as the models in mountaineering magazine. I do not think that clothing is good taste. The cell phone worked at near Hiraiwa. I posted a photo to Twitter and Facebook. I reached the first observatory place at 9:25, new Takatsuka hut at 9:50, and Takatsuka hut at 11:04. Many person rested and had lunch. I met the two girls again near the ancient great ceder.
Furthermore, I meet Mr. Yoshihara again. He was guiding another group. I ate lunch, and started to hike at 11:45. I took a short break at Okabu trail junction at 13:20. The junction of Kusugawa trail at 14:40. Three university students who carried large backpacks seem to be tired. They were climbing up. I told them that there is no suitable campsite to the great ancient ceder. But I should teach them to set up tents at the junction of Okabu trail. 15:40 Tsuji pass. I entered the the Kusugawa trail. I climb down to the forest road and climbed down to the riverside. I set up a tent at 18:00. It was a very old trail, disappearing, but it was described in the map. There was no red tape. It was completely different from the map. The true trail was approximately 100 meters of upper reaches from here. The dinner menu is fried rice with vegetables, salami sausage, potato salad, a boild bean pack, and soup. The frieze dry cabbage was added with sugar . It tasted badly.
5:10起きる。パン、コーヒー、チーズ、マンゴー。パンがまだ半分、4-5日分残っている。米もあるし、今回は食料の持ちすぎ。6:30 出発。一度林道に出て、楠川歩道に入る。7:00三本杉。9:00楠川バス停。10:45に高速船トッピーがあり、鹿児島着12:30。鹿児島中央駅に行き、帰りの特急券の予約。ホテルに荷物を預けて、天文館界隈を散歩。パンが激安で旨いので、パン、ハム、野菜を買い、ホテルで巨大サンドイッチを作って夕食にした。駅近くのアミューズ館地下も野菜とお総菜あり。物価が超安い。鹿児島は大都会だった。住みたくなった。
The fifth day
I got up at 5:10. I ate bread, cheese, a mango, and coffee. I had enough bread for 4-5 days, and I had enough rice, too. I failed food planning this time. I started to hike at 6:30. I entered Kusugawa trail again. 7:00 Sambomsugi.( Three ceders ), 9:00 Kusugawa bus stop. The journey ended. There is a high speed ship toppy at 10:45. I arrived at Kagoshima 12:30. I went to Kagoshima-Chuo Station and reserved the limited express ticket of the next day. I left backpack at the hotel and walked around the streets near Tennmonkan ( astronomy building ) . I bought bread, ham, vegetables, because bread was delicious and very cheap. I made a huge sandwich at the hotel for dinner. There were vegetables and a side dish in the Amuse building basement close to the station, too. Prices are super low. Kagoshima was a big city. I wanted to live.
- 一日の食料は、JMTパン1/8(半分で4日分の朝食、行動食に該当する)
- マンゴー一袋。朝食に半分、行動食に半分。
- 夕食 ご飯0.8MSRカップ(200g)、乾燥野菜1パック、サラミかウインナかビーフジャーキー
- マッシュド・ポテト30-40gram(200gramパックは5日分以上ある)とマヨネーズ
- お豆さん1パック(代わりはエナジーバー1本か)
- スープ。
- トレッキング・ポールの石突きを折った。レキの古い部品に付け替え。
- DEGENのラジオ、FM AM切り替えスイッチが壊れ、これは買い換え。
- バックパックのシッパーのタグの紐がささくれだっている。これは瞬間接着剤で固める予定。
- Primus Eta PackLite燃焼効率が非常によく、燃料の消費は半減した。お陰で満タンのガスカートリッジを一つ持ち帰った。
- Robens Heros は設置が簡単、居住スペースも十分、結露なしとなかなか良い。風にも強いし、欠点は出入りの時に頭を下げないといけないこと、過剰なガイラインくらいか。
- フリーズドライのキャベツと白菜は失敗。素材は良いが、ブドウ糖が添加され、甘くて料理ができなかった。
- PENTAX K-5 + DA 18-135は偶にソフトウェアのエラーか、言うことを聞かなくなる。リセットすると元に戻るが、多少不安が残るカメラだ。
- スマートフォンの充電にはエネループ2本では足りない。アルカリ電池を2本持っていく方がよい。