初日 1st day
13:20、豊橋駅。開明軒という洋食屋に入り、豚カツ飯、旨かったが、野菜がほとんど乗っていない。電車、バスを乗り継いで、16:50 伊良湖岬。道の駅で水を4リッター持ち、サイクリングロードへ。強風で寒い。日出の石門へ下りると、トイレと水あり。17:30 テント設営。ちょうど暗くなった。18:00 飯炊き開始。豚肉と野菜の中華丼を作る。旨かった。
At 13:20, JR Toyohashi Station. We entered the Western food restaurant called the Kaimeiken. I ate a pork cutlet on the rice. It was delicious, but a few of vegetables. At 16:50, Irakomisaki. I carried 4 liters water from the roadside station. We walked to a cycling road. It was cold, because of a strong wind. There was a restroom and water when I went down to the HinodenoIshimon(The rock gate for sunrise). At 17:30, I set up our tent. It became just dark. At 18:00, I started to cook. Dinner menu was Chinese taste of pork and vegetables on the rice. It was delicious.
2日目 2nd day
5:30 に起きて、パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒー。朝の風景を撮影。7:30出発。9:40内陸に入る。道路を歩く。以前に昼食を食べた食堂を探すが見当たらない。再び、海岸線のサイクリング・ロードに戻り、赤羽根の道の駅を目指す。場所が分からないので、釣りの人に聞くと、赤羽根港の向こう側という。以前は何もなかった。12:20赤羽根ロコ・ステーション着。大した店は入っていない。せっかくだからと、店に入り、柳川鍋を頼む。1300円と高く、中身は少なかった。他の店で夕食のおかずとして鰯の煮物、ポークソーセージを買う。ミカン袋詰め放題も一つ。売り物にならないミカンを山ほど入れてくれた。13:30出発、サイクリング・ロードを延々と歩き、一色で奥様にコンビニ往復してチーズとサラダを追加。一色の水洗トイレで水5リッター持ち、砂浜を1キロ程度進む。16:00、道が現れる高台にテント設営。車で固められてステイクがなかなか刺さらなかった。夕食はウィンナと野菜の炒めご飯、お豆さん、スープ、ミカン。
We waked at 5:30, ate bread, cheese, mango, with coffee. I took photos of the morning. At 7:30, we started to hike. At 9:40 We walked to the inland. The road walking for a hour. I looked for a restaurant, where we had eaten lunch before, but I could not find it. We went back to the cycling road of the shoreline again, and walked towards a roadside station of Akabane. When I asked a person of the fishing, he said it was a place with the other side of the Akabane Port. There was no station before. We arrived Akabone at 12:20. There was no great shop. We entered a restaurant, and ordered Yanagawa-nabe. It was very expensive with 1,300 yen, and there were little quantity. We bought a pack of boiled and seasoned of the sardine, pork sausage as a side dish of the supper in other shops. And also mandarin oranges full of plastic pack. We departed Akabane Station at 13:30, and went to the cycling road. My wife made a short round trip to the convenience store at Isshiki. We added cheese and salad to dinner menu. We went around 1 Km, and got 5 liters water at the restroom. At 16:00, we set up our tent at the small hill. The ground was hardened by car, difficult to use the stakes. The dinner is fried sausage and and dry vegetables with rice, boiled bean, soup, mandarin oranges.
3日目 3rd day
We wake up at 6:00, bread, cheese, mango with coffee. We started to hike at 7:30. At 10:00, we took a break and ate pancakes stuffed with bean jam and drunk hot cocoa. There was a table with chairs and a restroom nearby. At 12:00, we took bread, cheese and the mandarin oranges as lunch at the hidden place from the wind. There became little water. We reached small park, where we took drinkable water from a restroom at 13:40. We took a break and carried 5 liters water. I set up our tent in the small park at 15:40. There was water, but not to be able to drink even if I filtered it. I asked a person of the fishing, he responded fishing "flatfish". He said it is difficult to catch it in the morning or in the evening. We took coffee and a cake. Our dinner were the sardine on the rice, fried sausage, vegetables and rice, packed bean, and soup.
4日目 4th day
6:00起床、通常の朝食。しかし、奥様の体調がひどく悪化。続行不能のため、近くの老人ホームまで行き、タクシーを呼ぶ。8:00 奥様が離脱。こちらは海辺に戻り、道の駅、潮見坂を目指す。9:40 道の駅を通過。高速道路が傍を走るようになり、うるさいので砂浜を歩く。適当に見当を付けて内陸に入る。少し場所を間違えたが、12:00 JR新居町に到着。慌てて移動してもつまらないので、アジアン・レストランに入る。入ってみるとインド料理店だった。客はそこそこ入っているが、中学生が4人もいる。ライスかナンはお代わり自由という。ナンにして、シーフードカレーを頼む。サラダもカレーもちょっとだけ。しかし、ナンは旨かったので、お代わりした。コーヒーを追加しても150円。中学生はナーン、ナーンと盛んにお代わりしている。コックは二人だけで、時間がかかる。昼だから、客も増えた。中学生はめげずにお代わりを連発。良い店だが、続くかどうか。中学生が食いつぶすかもしれない。すっかり時間を取られてしまった。JRに乗り、二駅目の舞阪に下りる。13:30。以前は真面目にすべて歩いたが、あほくさい区間なので飛ばすが吉。さて、おかずを買わないといけない。ガスの配達の人にスーパーを聞いた。徒歩、2、3分で大きなスーパーあり。生野菜の真空パックと豚肉の細切れ、餃子、お豆さんを買う。水3リッター持って海岸に出る。しばらく砂浜を歩き、サイクリング・ロードに戻る。中田島砂丘まで10Km程度。暗くなるまでに歩けるので、2リッターを捨てて、ペースを上げる。17:20中田島砂丘の手前の運動公園の外れにテント設営。すぐ傍に水道があった。道は固くて張れず、林の中。夕食のメニューは中華飯と餃子、スープなど。
We wake up at 6:00, normal breakfast. However, the physical condition of my wife awfully turned worse. She was not able to hike. Then we went to the nursing home nearby, and call a taxi. My wife left at 8:00. I went back to the sea shore, and walked to the Shiomizaka roadside station. I passed away at 9:40. The expressway comes to run alongside and became noisy. I went into the the sandy beach. One hour or so, I entered the inland. It was not a place I guessed, but I arrived JR Araimachi station at 12:00. I entered the Asian restaurant, because I needed no hurry. It was an Indian restaurant. There were four junior high students. The rice or the naan is free to do another helping. I ordered naan and seafood curry. The amount of salad and curry was a little. However, I asked another serving of the naan because it was delicious. I added coffee. it cost only 150 yen. The junior high students had requested another serving of naan and another. There were only two cooks. They were slow to cook. Because it was noon, the visitors increased. The junior high students called another naan with loud voice.
It was a good restaurant, but I don't know whether this restaurant continues. The junior high students may eat all. I spent much time. I went to JR Maisaka station on train at 13:30. Several years before, I walked all the way seriously, but in this time, I had skipped this section, because it is a bore section. By the way, I should buy side dishes. I asked location of supermarket to a person of the fuel gas delivery. There was a big supermarket in foot, two or three minutes. I bought a pack of vegetables, pork, gyoza, boiled bean. I carried 3 liters water and went to the seashore. I walked on the sandy beach for a while and returned to a cycling road.
It was around 10km to Nakatajima dune, where there was large park and restroom. I thought I could walk before dark, I cast away 2 liters and put up a pace. I set up my tent near the large exercise park at 17:20. There was a water near my tent site. The trail was too hard to set up a tent, then I moved into the forest. The dinner was cooked vegetables and port with Chinese taste, gyoza, soup, etc.
5日目 5th day
I sweat much and felt cold in the midnight. I take off one of T-shirt. I had no change of clothes. I carried two T-shirts and a long sleeves shirt. I wake up at 5:30, bread, cheese, a mango, with coffee. I also ate the pancake of Yamazaki. At 7:30, I started to hike. The groups of youths were gathering in the exercise park. At 9:15 Tenryugawa River. I found a building, in which there may be the bath at 10:20. There was a bath. I decided to relax. The building was named Ryuyookan, it's direct translation is "dragon-ocean building". The fee of the bath was 350 yen. I ate a recommended sea eel bowl at the restaurant. It cost 980 yen, not a great food. I started to hike at 11:45. At 12:50, Samejima living environment maintenance forest. There was a restroom and water. I entered the city of Fukuda at 13:45. It was slightly early, but I got 3 liters water at a baseball field. I lose my way and went into the center of city, because I followed cycling road. I found the supermarket , which I had found before business hours last time. At 14:20, I walked into the seashore. I found a way in the pine wood, and noticed someone was living. I entered inland at around 3 kilo meters before Zaibentengawa River. I set up my tent at 16:20 on the hill, where I was able to look down at the exercise park. There was a flush lavatory at the river, I should have had advanced more, but it was a quiet good place. The tip of Baumkuchen was very delicious. Because there was freeze dry packs of the curry, I gathered up 2 packs and threw dehydrated vegetables and sausages. In other words, I made sausage and vegetables curry over rice. It was unexpectedly delicious.
6日目 6th day
I woke up at 5:30. It was a strong wind, but I was warm and slept well. However, temperature was 3 degrees.
Bread, cheese, mango, several tips of Baumkuchen, coffee. I stated to hike at 7:30. At 8:15,I supplied water at a restroom near the river. A man was living at the another restroom near here. It must be the same person I witnessed five years ago. He passed my by bicycle. There was a hot spring and a restaurant at Kikukawa river. I arrived here at 10:45. I ordered the fried oyster lunch set, it cost 980 yen. It was cheap, economical, and delicious. At 12:00, I started to hike. I went near to the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant. Then, I entered inland and went for a national highway 150 line. The buildings were changed from five years ago. There were a lot of suburbs stores. I went to Ion shopping center. It was very wide. I felt I was in U.S.A. I bought beef, a pack of vegetables, the fried potato and got 3 liters water. I walked the national highway for a while and went to the seashore. The shore was changed, too. Five years ago, I had to do ups and downs because there were dunes everywhere. Now, I walked strait on the gravel path. I went to the path end and set up my tent at 16:30. I was in time for sunset. I took a photograph in a hurry. A 17:10, cooking start. Dinner menu is beef and vegetables with Chinese taste, fried potato, etc. The dessert was a pineapple.
7日目 7th day
5:15起きる。パン、チーズ、パイナップル、コーヒー。6:33出発、7:40 海洋センター。バスは出て行った所。ネットのバス時刻表は古かったようだ。一時間待って、浜岡営業所でJR菊川行きに乗り換え、夕方には自宅に戻った。
I woke at 5:15. Bread, cheese, a pineapple, coffee. I started to hike at 6:33, The journey ended at 7:40, but the bus had just left. The bus time schedule of the Web seemed to be old. I waited for one hour, rode to Hamaoka Office and transfered to JR Kikukawa station. I came back to my home in the evening.
Hilleberg Nallo 3 暖かくて快適だった。強風時は後ろ3カ所を地面に直接べくダウンすると風も吹き込まない。
Exped Downmat 7 Pump 暖かくて寝心地がよい。標準マットレス。
Sleeping bag Marmot Helium EQ 暖かくて気持ちがよい。標準スリーピングバッグ。
バックパックは改造JanSport Carson 80。腰の左右が固く固定されすぎるので、歩きにくさを感じた。後半は慣れてしまったが。The Fifty two 80を経験したため。
カメラはPentax K-5とDA18-135mmとした。このズームは無音でフォーカススピードが速い。他のズームはダメダメ。K-7は色彩がどぎつくてパスしたが、K-5は自然な色になったと思う。ちなみに重さは1.16Kg、Olympus E-5と12-60mmの重さが1.54Kg。トラブルがなければPentaxに変えるかもしれない。慣れないので、少し戸惑ったが、十分使えそうである。写真を見た感想はどうだろうか。