The Field Test of The Fifty-Two 80 and remodeled RIBZ at Mt.Sougatake
初日 The first day
The Fifty-Two-80と改造版RIBZのフィールド・テストに何時もの僧ヶ岳に出かけた。出発時のバックパックの総重量は19Kg。夕方のJRで魚津に行き、東蔵行きにバスに乗車。東蔵着は16:40分くらい。なお、僧ヶ岳は標高1,855m。車がないので、バスで東蔵まで行き、地鉄の宇奈月駅か下立口駅まで歩く。したがって、標高差は1750mくらいを歩くことになる。かなりのトレーニングになる。安全な山ではあるが、有数の豪雪地帯なので、冬は登頂困難、春山では時々遭難者が出る。
I hiked to Mt. Sougatake for a field test of The Fifty-Two-80 and the remodeled RIBZ. My total pack weight was about 19 Kg. I went to JR Uozu station in the evening and got on a bus to go to Touzou. I arrived at the bus stop at 16:40. Mt. Sougatake is 1,855m above sea level. I always go to Tousou, hike, climb up, and climb down to the Oritateguchi Station. Therefore, I climb up about 1,750m, and climb down 1,750m. It is a good training course. Mt.Sougatake is a safe mountain, but it is very hard to reach the summit in winter, and several persons disappear in early spring, because, it belongs to an eminent heavy snowfall area.
女性が一人。放射線測定機をもっている。あちこち、測定しているという。車で送ろうかと言われたが、歩きたかったので遠慮した。暗くなるので、速めに歩く。バックパックは身体の動きによく追随するので歩きやすい。肩には斜め前方からの力がかかる。なかなか良い。キャンプ場を通り過ぎ、500メーター程度で川幅が広くなるので、そこでテント設営。17:30。水を4リッター作成。Sweet waterに切り替えたが、ポンピングが楽で、改めて驚く。夕食のメニューは、カレーライスにオニオンスープ、煮豆の真空パック。デザートにリンゴとお菓子パン。19:20食事終了。
I met a woman, who measured radiation here and there with a small measuring machine. She proposed a ride to me, but I said I wanted to walk. I walked quicker than usual, because it became dark, and because my movement was not restricted by the new backpack. I thought this backpack was easy to walk. I felt the power from the upper front on the shoulders. Not bad. I passed the campground, proceeded about 500 meters, and set up a tent near the river at 17:30. I purified 4 liters water in the dark. I had changed to Sweet Water. Its pumping was surprisingly easy. The dinner menu was curry and rice, gas flushing boiled beans, onion soup. And an apple and backed cakes as a dessert. I ate all at 19:20.
二日目 The second day
I woke up at 4:30. I ate JMT bread, cheese, rehydrate mango, with coffee. I stated to hike at 6:00. It began to bright in the sky. At 7:00, the power plant. I felt my backpack was lighter than usual. My total backpack weight was about 18kg, but my walking speed increased, because my new backpack did not disturb my physical movement. I arrive at the starting point of Mt.Sougatake trail at 8:00. I took a break; ate an energy bar and drank cocoa.
The chocolate bar was delicious (but the cake was bad).
8:20登山開始。9:30 1020m地点、小休止。10:40 伊折山、1370m地点。少し雪が増え始め、歩きにくくなる。天気は後2-3時間は保つが、何時、雨になるか不明。11:50 成谷山、1625m地点。パンとチーズで昼食。12:50 槍見の池で水を1リッター確保。池は凍っていたが、蹴って割る。Sweet Waterはポンピングが楽。
I started to climb at 8:20. At 9:30 1,020m above sea level. I took a break. At 10:40 Mt. Iori, 1,370m above sea level. The snow increased and it became hard to walk. The weather gradually began to worsen. but it would take for 2~3 hours until rain. At 11:50, Mt. Narutani, 1,625m above sea level. I ate JMT bread and cheese as lunch. At 12:50, Yariminoike pond, which was frozen. I broke the ice and purified 1 litter water. I changed to Sweet Water. The pumping was very easy.
14:05 僧ヶ岳山頂、1855m。雪は20-30センチと多くない。天気が良ければ駒ヶ岳を往復する予定だったが、天気は崩れてくるので、14:10下山開始。北斜面に足を踏み入れると、雪が50-60センチある。誰も歩いていない。急斜面を下りると、雪は30センチくらい。意外に脚は軽い。最近、10Kmランニングをやっているからかもしれない。
At 14:05 the peak of Mt Sougatake. 1,855m above sea level. The depth of snow was 20~30 centimeters. If it was fine, I was going to make a round trip to Mt. Komagatake, but the weather worsen. I began to descend at 14:10. .
The depth of snow in the north slope was 50-60 centimeters. Nobody had walked. When I wend down the steep slope, the depth of snow was around 30 centimeters. But, I felt my legs were unexpectedly light. This may be due to the recent 10km endurance running.
15:07遂に雨が降り始める。バックパックにレインカバーを付け、雨具を着る。宇奈月ルートと合流地点で、登頂をあきらめた人の足跡を見つけた。雪はまだまだある。15:50 烏帽子尾根の分かれ道。ショルダーベルトの当たる肩が痛くなる。バックレングスを21にしてみる。(これは間違いだった。今はバックレングスを19にしている)
It began to rain 15:07 at last. I attach the rain cover to the backpack and wear a rain suit. I found the footprint of the person who gave up the climbing from Unazuki route. There was the snow still more.
At15:50, the junction to Eboshi Ridge. I felt a pain at the shoulder belt. Then, I adjusted the back length to 21 ( Later, I found I was wrong. Now, my back length set to 19 ).
At 17:00, I arrived the forest road. I deposited my backpack, and went to take the water 4 liters. It became dark. I wore a head lamp. I set up a tent in the usual place at 17:30. I had walked for 11 hours. It was a hard day. The menu of dinner is the fried rice with vegetables and sausage, the gas flushing cooked beans, two kinds of soup."Nyumen" of the freeze dry was unexpectedly delicious. The wind and rain was sometimes strong at night.
三日目 The third day
風雨は時々強い。5時に起きて、パン、チーズ、マンゴー、コーヒー。バックパックのウェストベルトの水色のベルトを締めてみる(これは間違いだった)。6:50 出発。7:40 烏帽子山、雨がひどい。落ち葉が濡れていて、雪も少しあり、非常に歩きにくい。8:30 休憩、1160メーター地点、エナジーバー。10:00鋲ヶ岳で休憩。ココア。歩きにくくて疲れた。鋲ヶ岳から南へ下りる道は完全に塞がっていた。嘉例沢キャンプ場への道を下る。10:25 キャンプ場で休憩。建物もトイレもすべて閉鎖されていた。魚津市はなぜこんな物を作るのだろう。まだ、2時間半の林道歩きがある。雨は時々ひどい。13:10下立口駅に到着。ハイキング終了。
The wind and rain were sometimes strong. I woke up at 5:00. I ate JMT bread, cheese, rehydrate mango, with coffee. I tighten the light blue belt of the waist belt of the backpack (This was a mistake, this belt must be loosen). I started to hike at 6:50. At 7:40, Mount Eboshi. It rained terrible. There was snow and wet dead leaves. I must walk very carefully. At 8:30, I took a break, 1,160 meters above sea level, I ate an energy bar. At 10:00, I took a break in Mt. Byogatake, drunk cocoa. I was tired, because it was hard to walk. The north trail from Mt. Byogatake disappeared in the bush. Then, I climb down to the Kareisawa campground. I took a break at the campground at 10:25. The huts and the restrooms were completely closed. I cannot understand why Uozu city made such a campground. There is still the forest road, two and a half hours walking. It rained sometimes terrible. I arrived Oritateguchi Station at 13:10. The hiking end.
The brief review of field test
The Fifty-Two 80 backpack
It was a considerably good backpack as I had expected. It follows well to the body movements, and the most of the pack weight hang over the upper coccyx. I failed in adjustment this time, but if it was adjusted properly, you shoulders hardly feel weight. This pack might be more suitable for the Japanese mountains than the Osprey and the Gregory backpacks. A brief Japanese adjustment manual might be needed. More details, please see my site.
The remodeled RIBZ
The remodeled RIBZ was very easy to use. It was a great success. I made a rude tentative inner case with tent mat for SLR camera, but I must make more refined inner case. By the way, I used E-620+14-54mm zoom system in this time, but even a huge SLR camera can be entered. More details, please see my site.
5000円近いノースフェイスのテックアンダーウェアが一夏で破れた。頭に来てしまむらを買った。VILLANDブランド。これはなかなか良かった。価格は980円。成分はポリエステル88% ポリウレタン12%。着心地は非常によいし、仕立てもよい。FIBER HEATの表示あるが、暖かいか否かはよく分からない。普通だろう。しかし、超おすすめ。
RIBZ frontpack: The first impression and re-modeling
RIBZフロントパックもField Testのため輸入代理店より提供を受けた。オリンパスの巨大一眼レフは入らないが、小型一眼レフなら、収納可能。ただ、直接、常に身につけると圧迫感がある。そこで、通常はバックパックに取り付け、サイドトリップの時にはナイロンショルダーベルトに変更するように改造した。詳しくはサイトを見ていただきたい。
I was offered the RIBZ front pack from the import agency for field test, too. The pack is small for the huge single-lens reflex Olympus camera, but it is large enough for a small SLR camera. I felt stiffness when I carried this pack. Therefore, I remodeled the RIBZ, which is usually attached to a backpack. When it's betls are changed to the shoulder belts, it is usable independently at the side trip. Please see my site .
The Fifty-Two 80, the first impression
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