Palisade Lakes to Bishop --- escape
6:00に起きて朝食。奥様はスープとパン。しばらくすると、気分がよくなり回復したという。このまま、同じ場所で一日休憩がよいとも思ったが、2つのPalisade Lakesの中間まで少し移動し、テントを張ろうと思った。8:30出発。少し先で、昨日の夫婦が、不味そうにオートミールを啜っていた。その後、トレールは少し登りになる。すると、奥様の吐き気が急速に悪化した。高山病は確実。このまま行くと危ない。このまま進むと、高い峠が3つ、Keasarge Passからのエスケープしかできない。動けなくなるとお仕舞い。体重を減らしていて危険なので、引き返して、高度を下げてテントを張ることにした。昨日、苦労して登ったトレールをゆっくりと下る。Palisade Lakesの玄関口から下りるだけで、気分が良くなった模様。100メーターほどでも効果はある。昨日、見たDeer Meadowのもっとも理想的なテント場を目指す。13:00にテント設営。たき火ができるので、ゴミをすべて燃やして軽量化する。夕方には奥様の高山病がかなり回復。食欲が出てきた。
We got up at 6:00. I ate usual breakfast, but my wife ate soup and bread. She said that she felt better and recovered in a few minutes. I thought that we would like to move a little further to the middle of two Palisade Lakes and to stay all day long. We started to hike at 8:30. The couple we met yesterday ate oatmeal as like it tasted badly. The trail become uphill afterwards. Then nausea of my wife turned worse rapidly. Her symptom must be the acute mountain sickness (AMS). I doubted that she was able to walk through, because there were three high passes further. There was only an escape from Keasarge Pass, but it would take 5 or 6 days from here with my wife's pace. I decided to do an escape route from Bishop Pass. We began to return slowly, and lowered the altitude. My wife's symptom lightened when we went down to the entrance of Palisade Lakes. The lowering 100 meters might had some effect. We were heading to the ideal campsite in Deer Meadow, where I found yesterday. I set up a tent at 13:00. Because there was the stone circle for an open-air fire, I burn all the garbage and lightened. My wife considerably recovered from AMS in the evening. She showed good appetite.
5:00過ぎに起きる。何時もの朝食。7:00出発。順調に下り、何時もの休憩場所でココア。9:15出発、9:55、分岐点を過ぎた所で休憩。12:07前回のキャンプ地で昼食とした。12:50出発、13:10 Bishop Pass分岐。登りだが、トレールは非常によい。14:40最初のテントサイト。2885メーター地点。14:50出発。傾斜は緩やかになる。15:46 10000フィート地点。急な登りになり、16:20フットブリッジ。エナジーバーを食べ、小休止。16:30 出発。17:40 Dusy Basinに到着。蚊が多かったので、高台にテント設営。川から水を汲んできて、テントの中で浄水器に通す。360度見渡せる綺麗な場所だった。蚊は蚊取り線香になれないのか、たちまち退散。奥様は相変わらず、クスクスを嫌がり、ポテトサラダなどを食べる。
We wake up at 5:00, ate bread, dry mango, and coffee. We started to hike at 7:00. We walked down smoothly, and took a break for cocoa at the usual place at 9:15. We also took a break near the junction of Kings River at 9:55
We ate lunch at the last campsite at 12:07. We started to hike at 12:50, the junction of Bishop Pass at 13:10.
The trail became uphill, but it was well maintained. We passed the first campsite at 14:40. It was located at 2,885 meters altitude. We started to hike at 14:50, the trail became gentle. We arrived at 10,000 feet area at 15:46. Suddenly, it began to climb. We took a short break at foot bridge 16:20. I ate an energy bar. At 16:30, we began to climb. We reached Dusy Basin at 17:40. I set up our tent on the higher place, because there were many mosquitoes. I got water from the river quickly, and purified it in our tent. Our campsite was an ideal place, it had 360 degrees view and less mosquitoes. I used an mosquito coil, then they disappeared immediately. My wife hated couscous as ever and eats potato salads much more.
5:50起きる。パン、マンゴー、コーヒーの朝食。テントが凍っていた。室温-2度、外は-4度。テント内部の霜をタオルで集めで捨てる。7:50 出発。30分ほど歩くと、何組もテントを張っていた。我々はDusy Basinの低い場所で泊まっていたらしい。Bishop Passはなかなか近づかない。少し傾斜が急になると、あちこちに雪が残っていた。目の前で女の人が見事にひっくり返った。「笑ったわね」ときつく言われ「笑っていない」とは答えたが、笑ったかもしれない。それから二名の女性も一緒になり、ワーワーとしゃべり出す。Jane, Carole, Betsy。見事な転倒技を見せたのはBetsy。South Lakeからの日帰りのハイカー。Bishopのモーテルのことやベーカリーショップ、大きなスーパーマーケットのことを聞いた。少なくとも、数日は滞在できそうだ。駄目ならLone Pineに移動すればよい。ここからBishop Pass まで30分以上かかった。岩だらけののっぺりとした峠。風当たりが強いので、少し下って、湖の見える景色の良い所で昼食。エナジーバーとパンを食べ、ココア。急角度で下る。歩き方からすると、高齢者が登ってきた。Bishopの住民、よく来るという。よいホテルはどこかと聞くと、Creekside Hotelが一番よいという(Creekside Inn)。South Lakeまでかなりかかった。
下りだが、距離はかなりある。13:20 Sadderock Lake、15:30 South Lakeに行き、駐車場着。ハイカーたちが大勢いた。どうだと聞かれたので、「ヒッチハイクをしないと」と答える。「マジック持っているか。行き先を書かないといけない」と言われた。下ればBishopしかないから要らないんだが。「俺が書いてやる」という人が現れた。そこで地図を取り出しすと、裏に大きく「Bishop」と書いてくれた。これできちんとしたヒッチハイクの道具が完成した。どうしてもきちんとしたヒッチハイクをしないといけない。20-30メーター離れた駐車場の出口でお仕事をすることにした。乗用車が2台ばかり下るが満員なので、乗せられない。手を振って挨拶。トラックが近づく。乗せてくれるのかと思ったら10マイルくらい先でやった方が良いよと言われた。ヒッチハイクの記念撮影をした後、遠くから呼ぶ声が聞こえた。乗せてくれるようだ。Ms.Christineで、South Lake 手前で追い抜いた。Day hiking の帰り。夫はGeologistでハイキングを覚えたという。ゆっくりとした慎重な運転。日本にも来たことがあるという。Bishopのどこでも良いというと、まず、町外れのTree Motelで下車。空いているが、町の中心まで遠いというので、もう一度、車に乗り、中心のELM Motelで下りる。インディアンが経営している。本当にインドの人。チェックインまで確認のため付き合ってくれた。一泊78ドルと安い。ただし、部屋に冷蔵庫がないし、無線LANもない。町を見ながら大滝さんに連絡。飲食店も聞くが、とりあえず、町外れのスーパーVONSに行く。何でもある。モーテルで野菜を煮て、分厚いステーキを食べた。
We got up at 5:50. We took usual breakfast: Bread, dry mango, and coffee. Our tent was frozen. The temperature was -2 degrees in the room, the outside are -4 degrees. We gathered the frost with a towel and throw away. We started to hike at 7:50. When we walked forward for approximately 30 minutes, we found several tents were set up. We realized that we set up our tent at the entrance of Dusy Basin. Bishop Pass was far. Several snow patches remained at the steep trail. Suddenly, a woman fell back on her back wonderfully in front of me. She said strongly " You! laughed me." I responded " Not laughed ", but I was sure whether I had laughed. Accidentally, we began to talk, since her friends also came. The woman who showed us skillful falling was Betsy. Her friend was Jane and Carole. They were day hikers from South Lake. I heard about the motels of Bishop and a bakery shop, and a big supermarket. I thought that we were able to stay for a few days at least. If we felt uneasiness, then we would move to Lone Pine. It took more than 30 minutes from here to Bishop Pass. The pass was even place with full of rocks. We climbed down a little, found a good place to see of the lakes, and ate an energy bar, bread, and cocoa. We started to climb down. Judging from his walking gait, an elderly man climbed up. When we met, I asked about the hotels in Bishop. He told us that Creekside Hotel(Creekside Inn) was the best.
It considerably took many hours to South Lake. I got water with a water purifier at the first pond. The Chinese American came for rest. He was talkative and macho. I talked about the AMS of my wife. He said "Did you try DIAMOX ?" I responded "No", He said "Do you know Viagra works for AMS, too. However, there is a side effect" with an expression of the joy. Of course it would be a joke. He asked me " Are you married?" I answered "Yes". Then he said "You are happy". I answered "But, I started to hike with 85 pounds backpack. Are you happy with 85 pounds?" He said "In my case, 70 pounds." I said "Then you are happier than me." He was thinking and said "Happiness might be relative." He was quite cheerful and intelligent. I failed to take the photograph. We took a break for approximately 30 minutes, then we started to hike.
We walked down the trail. There was considerable distance to South Lake. At 13:20, Sadderock Lake. We reached South Lake at 15:30. There were a lot of hikers at the parking aria. I was asked "How do you doing? ". I responded "We need a ride." He asked "Do you have a magic?" I said no, then he took out a magic and offered me. Another guy said "I will write for you." So, I took out map, and he wrote "BISHOP" in the backside of the map by a magic. Now, the tool of the proper hitchhike style was completed. I must do good job by all means. I moved to the exit of parking aria, about 20-30 meters away. Two cars went down, but they did not picked up us because they are full. I wave my hand. A truck approached, and the driver said that you should do it about 10 miles ahead then there were many cars. The truck passed by. When my wife took a ceremonial photograph of my hitchhike style, I heard a voice to call for from far away. It was Ms.Christine, who gave us a ride. We met her at South Lake. She was returning from day hike. Her husband was geologist and taught her hiking. She drive carefully. She had an experience in Japan. I said to her anywhere in Bishop was OK. At first, we get off at Tree Motel at the suburbs of the town. It was vacant, but we want motels close to the center of the town, so we got into her car again. She introduced us ELM Motel in the center of the town. An Indian runs it. I thought it might be an American Indian, but it was really an Indian person. She went together for confirmation until our check-in. The rate was cheap with one night 78 dollars. But there was no refrigerator, no telephone, and no wireless LAN, too. I contacted Mr. Otaki walking at the town. He recommended several restaurants, but we went to super market VONS located at the north of the town, first of all. We boiled vegetables, and baked a thick beef steak at the motel.
設備はないが、静かなモーテルなので、ずっと宿泊しようと思ったら、予約が詰まっていて駄目だった。すぐ傍にRodeway Innがあったので、予約する。ずっと空いていた。朝食付き。我々は高齢者割引が効き、72ドル。お昼はJacksでサンドイッチのランチを食べる。期待していたほどではなかった。夜はVONSでチキンの丸焼きを買っておかずにする。米、野菜も買う。なかなか立派なディナーになった。
ELM motel was quiet and comfortable, although there were not enough facilities. We wanted to stay longer, but a reservation was clogged up and we could not stay more than two days. There was Rodeway Inn within the close distance, so we make a reservation. The rate was 72 dollars, as for us, elderly person discount worked. We ate sandwich as a lunch at Jacks Cafe. It was not tasteful as expected. We bought rice, vegetables, and a roasted chicken at VONS for dinner. It became very excellent dinner.
Rodeway Innに引っ越しの日。午後でないとチェックインはできないので、フロントに荷物を預けて散歩。Dennysでランチ。完全にアメリカンの昼食。Wilderness CenterでPCTの本と花の本を買う。VONSで買い物。夕食のメニューはカレーライスとした。これも成功。非常に旨かった。
It is a day of the moving to Rodeway Inn. We leave our baggages in the front, because the check-in should be done in the afternoon. We ate lunch in Dennys. It was a completely American lunch. I bought a book of PCT and a book of the flowers at the Wilderness Center. We also did shopping in VONS. The dinner menu was curry, rice, and vegetables. It was very delicious.
Rodeway Innでやっとネット接続に成功した。電波が弱いのか、時々切れる。朝食はアメリカにしては充実していた。まあ、お菓子パン、バナナ、シリアル、ミルク、コーヒー程度だけど。相変わらずパンを半ダースばかり食べる。ランチは自作のハムサンド。夜は残ったカレールーを利用した野菜の煮物、餃子、ステーキ、ご飯、ブドウなど。
At last I succeeded in connecting to WiFi in Rodeway Inn. But, it sometimes disconnected, an electric wave might be weak. The breakfast was enough. There were sweet rolls, bananas, serial, milk, coffee, and juice. I ate about a half-dozen breads. We made ham sandwiches for the lunch. The dinner menu was boiled and seasoned of vegetables using curry roux left at night, gyoza, steak, rice, and grape.
I fully ate breakfast and took a walk until the north end of the town. There was only small stores and an car campsites. We returned to the Inn and and made ham sandwiches for the lunch. We went to the mountain climbing outfitter. The Vasque boots were seemed very good for my wife. We purchased then and threw away the old boots. The old person with mustache was a retired teacher, and helping shop for approximately one hour. The woman had been an English teacher at Kumamoto in Japan. The dinner menu was omelette with rice and fried vegetables. We succeeded too. It was very delicious.
朝食をタップリ食べ、昼食のサンドイッチの材料を用意してVONSのバス停まで。ハイカーが5人ぱかり。二人はMt. Whitneyから来たという。雪が凍っていてシューズで怖い目にあったという。オーストラリアの男性、女性。CRESTバスでLancasterに行き、METROLINKに乗り換え、Los Angels に行った。
I fully ate breakfast, and we prepared the materials of the sandwich of lunch. We went to the bus stop in front of VONS. Five hikers waited. Two people are talking about Mt.Whitney, where he had a scary experience because snow was frozen and he wore shoes. An Australian man, and a woman also intended to go to Los Angeles. We went to Lancaster by CREST bus and transferred to METROLINK and went to Los Angels.
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