
NOBO JMT 2018 (1) --- to the trailhead


from LAX to Lone Pine


I usually move from LAX to Union station by bus. It costs $0.5 as a senior, but it needs a transferring. Then it takes 2 or 3 hours.  I rode the FlyAway ( highway bus ) this time, which runs from LAX to Union station directory. The fee is $10. It takes around 1 hour. It was comfortable.


The hotel is located near Union Station. It is only 5 minutes walking distance. American hotel is wide as compared to Japanese hotel.  But this hotel provides free breakfast with fruits. Therefore, I usually select this hotel in Los Angeles. There are Chinese restaurants near his hotel, but I don't know a delicious restaurant. Chinese cuisine in America usually tastes dense and salty. I went to Ninja Market in Japan town and bought ordinary food for dinner.


The typical breakfast of motels in America consists of sweet bread, waffles, and coffee. We cannot seldom eat fruits.  The breakfast of this hotel contains fresh fruits, but they were not cut. Many American do not east fruits. I am a Japanese, I  brought a knife, cut, and ate plenty of fruits. I brought pieces of bread to my room for lunch.

The parts of breakfast, I ate.  Bagle tasted delicious.

MetroLinkとバスでLone Pineに移動する。MetroLinkは鉄道で、Lancasterまで行く。これは2時間も乗って、シニア割引で5.75ドルと激安。さらにESTA Busに乗り継ぐ。これはシニア割引で23ドル(割引がたったの2ドル)。

I move from Union Station to Lone Pine by MetroLink and buss. Metrolink is a train, bound to Lancaster. The fee is only $5.75 as a senior. The fee of ESTA bus from Lancaster to Lone Pine is $23( the discount is only $2 as a senior ).

Uinon Station of Los Angeles 



ESTA bus run over 100 km / h speed. But it takes 3 hours. The landscape is simple, therefore, country music and rock ''n'' roll is very suitable. 

Lone Pineの定宿。朝食なし、エアコンの音うるさい。耳栓必要。一応、サービスは良い方。
The usual motel in Lone Pine, the air conditioner is noisy, earplugs are needed, but service is good.  

Lone Pineで時差調整。大きなスーパーがあるので、野菜、果物、ハム、パンなどを買えば、自分でいくらでもサンドイッチは作れる。

I must adjust to Jet-lag at Lone Pine. I can make sandwiches with vegetable, ham, sausage, and bread. Because there is a supermarket.

Self-made breakfast

しかし、今回は、アメリカ人ハイカーの間で有名なAlabama Hills Cafeを取材しなければと、ちょっとだけ、義務感に駆られて訪問してみた。
But, I must cover Alabama Hills Cafe which is very famous among American hikers this time. Then, I visited here.

Alabama Hills Cafe、一応は喫茶店

皆さんは巨大サンドイッチを食べていたが、時差の関係で食欲がなかったので、軽い物はないかと聞いたが、「うちは何でもでかいんだ Everything is big」と即座に否定された。そこで、黒板のメニューの1番目に書いてあったのにした。もちろん、意味なんか分からない。出てくると、ステーキの上にちょっと野菜が乗っている健康的な食べ物だった。Alabama Hills Cafeの常識か。最低、これくらいは食べないと入ってはいけない。

Many people were eating huge sandwiches, but I have no appetite, because of the jet-lag. I asked the smaller one. "Everything is big here", I was denied instantly. Then I ordered the first menu, written on the blackboard. Of course, I did not know what it meant. Now, I realized that my ordered menu was a healthy steak covered with vegetables. If you visit here, you should eat at least this amount of food.

Open Faced Steak Sandwich

Lone Pineの南4kmくらいのVistor Center, ここでOvernight hiking の Permitをもらう。
The visitor center, located in the 4 km south of Lone Pine. You should get the overnight hiking here.



Toward trailhead

昨年と同様、KurtさんのシャトルでHorseshoe Meadowへ。個人タクシーみたいなもの。75ドル。所要時間1時間。9時着。

I went to Horseshoe Meadow by the shuttle of Mr. Kurt as the last summer. It was like a personal taxi, cost $75, took 1 hour. arrived there at 9:00 a.m.


I pitched my tent alone, enjoyed coffee and muffin. The fee for camping was $6. I picked up a paper and put the envelope with money into the box. I had nothing to do. I read my Kindle in the shadow of a tree. I felt a little discomfort because I am at the 3,000-meter height above sea level. I napped for an hour by 3:00 p.m.


A group of campers came. I moved my tent to a far place.  The dinner was sausages and bread. I boiled the sausages because it was salty. I spend one day here for altitude acclimatization. I will hike tomorrow.